The left's rejection of science

My God you Trumpettes are an ignorant, uninformed, uneducated bunch of dupes.
Says the ignorant fool who supports progressives rejecting science... :eusa_doh:
According to Genderfluid Support, there are at least 112 different genders, including “Abimegender” defined as “a gender that is profound, deep, and infinite; meant to resemble when one mirror is reflecting into another mirror creating an infinite paradox.”
Really, RealDuped? 112 different genders? Science can prove their are only 2. It is astounding how willfully ignorant you are in exchange for a few government table scraps.

Glenn Beck’s guide on how to blow a progressive’s mind
My God you Trumpettes are an ignorant, uninformed, uneducated bunch of dupes.
Says the ignorant fool who supports progressives rejecting science... :eusa_doh:
According to Genderfluid Support, there are at least 112 different genders, including “Abimegender” defined as “a gender that is profound, deep, and infinite; meant to resemble when one mirror is reflecting into another mirror creating an infinite paradox.”
Really, RealDuped? 112 different genders? Science can prove their are only 2. It is astounding how willfully ignorant you are in exchange for a few government table scraps.

Glenn Beck’s guide on how to blow a progressive’s mind
Actually there are more than two physically.

I understand that those with out a brain can't comprehend that a person's brain process may not match their physical attributes.
There is nothing more regressive than progressives. They are trying to take society back to the dark ages by rejecting science, biology, logic, reason, etc.

Ben Shapiro: Society is rejecting objective truth as a ‘white, patriarchal norm’
Wow, the ignorant Trump lover is claiming they are for science.

You den the science of global arming, you deny the science of psychology. You people are so fucking stupid it makes me sick.
dick = male
pussy = female.
is = is.
My god, you need help...Jesus...

You attack Evolution
You attack the green house effect

You make shit up that doesn't even make sense and fight to defund the research but have the nerve to point fingers at the left? lol

You're anti-science and anti-civilization..Truly a backwards piece of shit on the level of the isis.

Well, gosh, it's awfully upsetting to hear how much you disapprove of all of the things you THINK we're doing.

Of course, you're wrong, so it's actually not upsetting at all. It's funny.
Biology deniers? Lol,,,

You attack all of life science and evolution and you have the nerve? lol, lol, lol

Only in Leftist Snowflake Land, where "I disagree" counts as a violent attack and oppression, is it "attacking science" to make a reasonable request for evidence, or to refuse to consider something "settled science" because a group of people whose funding depends on that theory unsurprisingly agreed with it.

Get your panties out of their ruffle, lackwit. No one's "attacking evolution" by saying it's a theory, and should be taught as a theory, until such time as you can prove empirically that it's more.

Likewise, no one's "attacking" climate change by saying we're unwilling to beat our entire society back to the horse-and-buggy days without more evidence that a) mankind is primarily at fault, and b) that doing so will actually make things better.

Running around screeching like your hair is on fire merely because someone asks for evidence is as anti-scientific as a person can get.
Life begins at conception? So you can take the zygote out of the women and it will live on its own ?

Life is not defined that way. There are any number of lifeforms, and developmental stages of lifeforms, which nature has designed to exist inside a host. Doesn't make them "unalive".

See, that would be some of that "science" you wouldn't recognize if it crawled up your pant leg.
Nowhere is the radicalization of the left more prevalent than in their rejection of science (whether it is biology, climate, etc,). There is a new story almost daily about the left completely rejecting scientific fact in favor of embracing their feelings about a subject.

Wendy Davis continued that left-wing trend recently when she called life as beginning at the moment of conception, “absurd”. It's nice to see the Twitter responses reflect that fact that Americans still do understand and accept science.

View attachment 124027

Wendy Davis claims life doesn’t start at conception — then Ben Shapiro gives her quick history lesson
That proves it folks, Tweets represent millions upon millions of people without anyone but Patirot knowing it...
Life begins at conception? So you can take the zygote out of the women and it will live on its own ?
Do you understand the difference between the phrases "life begins" and "life is self-sustainable"? No? What a shame.

If it's not sustainable then it hasn't begun. You draw the arbitrary line at conception , but why not before ? EVERY SPERM IS SACRED!

Really? Tell me which science book, journal, or study you find that in.

And the answer to your last two "I know nothing about biology, but I think I'm a fucking GENIUS!" remarks is the same: because WE didn't draw that "arbitrary line", ass napkin. Nature did.
Worse are the GOP wanting to abolish the EPA because living in filth is cheap so that makes it good for corporations.

Says the lefty that supports massive population growth with all it's impact on the environment, while claiming to give a damn about the environment.

The left supports population growth? Out of whose ass did you pull that one.

I asked a question. I have not got any real answers, so I had to infer from the "responses" I got.

The left supports the high level of legal immigration we get, and oppose fighting against illegal immigration and deporting illegals.

Immigration is what is driving our population growth now. Without it, we would be experiencing population DECREASE, with all the obvious environmental benefits.

So, you want to address that? None of your fellow lefties have.
Once again you are lying. We oppose the STUPID FUCKING WALL>

But hey, being the asshole you are, claim it means we do not fight illegal immigration.
My God, what a total ass you are.

As for legal immigration You & your orange POS hero want only white, rich immigration. Emphasis on the "White", We don't think race should be an issue. So fuck you once gain.

Both parties have been completely weak on fighting illegal immigration. Trump is the only POSSIBLE exception and the results on that are not yet in.

Your racial spin aside, you tacitly admit that you want high legal immigration too.

So, my point stands.

The left supports the high level of legal immigration we get, and oppose fighting against illegal immigration and deporting illegals.

Immigration is what is driving our population growth now. Without it, we would be experiencing population DECREASE, with all the obvious environmental benefits.
How about democrats killing babies ? Toys r us claim that’s one reason for closing! Hmmm population control is the left! There are really stupid humans who allowed this! I damn all of you baby killers
If you look at something like penis/vagina, that does not indicate DNA gender, because a hormone imbalance caused by illness, food, etc., can easily cause that.
So to be clear...a penis or vagina doesn’t indicate your biological gender but thinking about what gender you would like to be does? :itsok:

Can you physically tell much about when puberty starts by just looking physically?
I never said anything about thinking, but clearly something 13 years after the physical equipment develops, hormones can be quite different.
Can you physically tell much about when puberty starts by just looking physically?
Uh...yes (dumb ass). Acne. Pubic hair. Underarm hair. Hips widen.
I never said anything about thinking, but clearly something 13 years after the physical equipment develops, hormones can be quite different.
The ignorance of the left in all of its glory. Hormones do not dictate gender, dumb ass. Chromosomes dictate gender. And chromosomes don’t change. Ever.
Can you physically tell much about when puberty starts by just looking physically?
Uh...yes (dumb ass). Acne. Pubic hair. Underarm hair. Hips widen.
I never said anything about thinking, but clearly something 13 years after the physical equipment develops, hormones can be quite different.
The ignorance of the left in all of its glory. Hormones do not dictate gender, dumb ass. Chromosomes dictate gender. And chromosomes don’t change. Ever.

Wrong, things like acne, underarm hair, and pubic hair are not gender specific.
We were talking about being able to tell which gender when puberty starts.
And hip widening is not universal or gender specific.

Chromosomes dictate nothing.
Hormones dictate everything, and hormones can change due to environmental things like pesticides, illness, or other sources of hormones.
Can you physically tell much about when puberty starts by just looking physically?
Uh...yes (dumb ass). Acne. Pubic hair. Underarm hair. Hips widen.
Wrong, things like acne, underarm hair, and pubic hair are not gender specific.
Of course they are not "gender specific". But that wasn't your question. You never mentioned the term "gender". You said "can you physically tell much about when puberty starts by just looking physically". Word-for-word. See? No mention of gender. Your question was about puberty.
I never said anything about thinking, but clearly something 13 years after the physical equipment develops, hormones can be quite different.
The ignorance of the left in all of its glory. Hormones do not dictate gender, dumb ass. Chromosomes dictate gender. And chromosomes don’t change. Ever.
Chromosomes dictate nothing. just can't make this stuff up. Here is a progressive egregiously denying science with the mind-numbing statement "chromosomes dictate nothing". Wow.
Females have an XX pair of sex chromosomes, and males, an XY pair. A baby’s gender is determined by the sperm cell that fertilizes a woman’s egg. Sperm carry one sex chromosome, either a Y (male) or X (female).
How embarrassing for you. This is basic science taught to middle school students.

How a Baby's Gender is Determined | XX Gender XY | Gender Baby
The ignorance of the left in all of its glory. Hormones do not dictate gender, dumb ass. Chromosomes dictate gender. And chromosomes don’t change. Ever.
Chromosomes dictate nothing.
Chromosomes dictate nothing. Hormones dictate everything.
How embarrassing for you...
Females have an XX pair of sex chromosomes, and males, an XY pair. A baby’s gender is determined by the sperm cell that fertilizes a woman’s egg. Sperm carry one sex chromosome, either a Y (male) or X (female).
Chromosomes dictate your gender, stupid. Hormones have absolutely nothing to do with it. In any capacity.

How a Baby's Gender is Determined | XX Gender XY | Gender Baby

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