The lefts Hitler Syndrome


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
They say we have the hitler syndrome, but it's the progressive libtarts as usual...
Fanning the Flames: Sarah Silverman Dresses as Hitler to Mock... Guess Who?
And we wonder why people are ready to riot over Trump.
Tiffany Gabbay


Ah, right, we get it. Because you're "Jewish" you think it's perfectly fine to compare GOP presidential contender Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, and to impersonate the fuhrer himself while attempting to pass it off as intelligent humor.

Alleged comedienne Sarah Silverman, dressed as Hitler, appeared on Thursday's late night show with Conan O’Brien in a failed attempt to capitalize on the media's obsession with equating the GOP frontrunner with the most evil man in history.

I have news for Sarah Silverman: it isn't fine to compare any lawmaker or presidential candidateoperatingwithin our U.S. political system to Adolf Hitler. You aren't funny. You are not even original. And the fact that you are Jewish does not give you a free pass.

As a rule, I tend not to skewer comedians (or alleged comedians). They are often political, and often unfunny. And that's fine. I don't have to agree with them. The greater issue here is the psychosis currently gripping media, celebrity, and even fellow conservatives when it comes to the topic of Donald Trump.

This is dangerous ground on which to tread and reminds me of the knee-jerk reactions leftists had in crying "Racist!" anytime a person opposed Barack Obama on the basis of substance. So now Trump can be smeared as Hitler in much the same way, and anyone who supports him can be shamed as a person who "would have helped Hitler carry out the Holocaust."

And this is part of what led to the riotous protests at the Trump rally in Chicago.

The fact that you or anyone else gets 'tired of' hearing such comparisons or your only reaction is 'you are saying he is exactly like Hitler in every way and would do exactly what Hitler did immediately blah blah blah does not negate the comparisons.

Like everything else in life the comparisons run along a spectrum. If someone exhibits even the slightest resemblance to a past figure they are fair game for parody, and no comparison is meant to go from zero to 100 miles per hour. But many can only see either/or, us/them, black/white, good/evil.

The world is multifaceted and complex and the fact that you or other people don't understand that is sad but irrelevant really.

In the end it is good to have a list of the worst humans that have ever lived, and as soon as you see even one or two or their traits being manifested in someone currently seeking power, then it is wise to raise the red flag and say "uh, we've seen this thing, even if it's a little thing, before. Let's keep an eye on this, it may be nothing but...".
They say we have the hitler syndrome, but it's the progressive libtarts as usual...
Fanning the Flames: Sarah Silverman Dresses as Hitler to Mock... Guess Who?
And we wonder why people are ready to riot over Trump.
Tiffany Gabbay


Ah, right, we get it. Because you're "Jewish" you think it's perfectly fine to compare GOP presidential contender Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, and to impersonate the fuhrer himself while attempting to pass it off as intelligent humor.

Alleged comedienne Sarah Silverman, dressed as Hitler, appeared on Thursday's late night show with Conan O’Brien in a failed attempt to capitalize on the media's obsession with equating the GOP frontrunner with the most evil man in history.

I have news for Sarah Silverman: it isn't fine to compare any lawmaker or presidential candidateoperatingwithin our U.S. political system to Adolf Hitler. You aren't funny. You are not even original. And the fact that you are Jewish does not give you a free pass.

As a rule, I tend not to skewer comedians (or alleged comedians). They are often political, and often unfunny. And that's fine. I don't have to agree with them. The greater issue here is the psychosis currently gripping media, celebrity, and even fellow conservatives when it comes to the topic of Donald Trump.

This is dangerous ground on which to tread and reminds me of the knee-jerk reactions leftists had in crying "Racist!" anytime a person opposed Barack Obama on the basis of substance. So now Trump can be smeared as Hitler in much the same way, and anyone who supports him can be shamed as a person who "would have helped Hitler carry out the Holocaust."

And this is part of what led to the riotous protests at the Trump rally in Chicago.

Disgusting Jewess belongs in a concentration camp shining my boots. :)
The fact that you or anyone else gets 'tired of' hearing such comparisons or your only reaction is 'you are saying he is exactly like Hitler in every way and would do exactly what Hitler did immediately blah blah blah does not negate the comparisons.

Like everything else in life the comparisons run along a spectrum. If someone exhibits even the slightest resemblance to a past figure they are fair game for parody, and no comparison is meant to go from zero to 100 miles per hour. But many can only see either/or, us/them, black/white, good/evil.

The world is multifaceted and complex and the fact that you or other people don't understand that is sad but irrelevant really.

In the end it is good to have a list of the worst humans that have ever lived, and as soon as you see even one or two or their traits being manifested in someone currently seeking power, then it is wise to raise the red flag and say "uh, we've seen this thing, even if it's a little thing, before. Let's keep an eye on this, it may be nothing but...".
Hi mutt, where ya been...

"The world is multifaceted and complex and the fact that you or other people don't understand that is sad but irrelevant really."

You talk a long winded bullshit mutt, but some of what you say goes for hildabeast and commie sanders...
The fact that you or anyone else gets 'tired of' hearing such comparisons or your only reaction is 'you are saying he is exactly like Hitler in every way and would do exactly what Hitler did immediately blah blah blah does not negate the comparisons.

Like everything else in life the comparisons run along a spectrum. If someone exhibits even the slightest resemblance to a past figure they are fair game for parody, and no comparison is meant to go from zero to 100 miles per hour. But many can only see either/or, us/them, black/white, good/evil.

The world is multifaceted and complex and the fact that you or other people don't understand that is sad but irrelevant really.

In the end it is good to have a list of the worst humans that have ever lived, and as soon as you see even one or two or their traits being manifested in someone currently seeking power, then it is wise to raise the red flag and say "uh, we've seen this thing, even if it's a little thing, before. Let's keep an eye on this, it may be nothing but...".
Hi mutt, where ya been...

"The world is multifaceted and complex and the fact that you or other people don't understand that is sad but irrelevant really."

You talk a long winded bullshit mutt, but some of what you say goes for hildabeast and commie sanders...

You are like 7 years old? Maybe 8? Mommy letting you use the puter for a while?

You're just another angry that can't reason. Your world is run by emotion. BOO!
The fact that you or anyone else gets 'tired of' hearing such comparisons or your only reaction is 'you are saying he is exactly like Hitler in every way and would do exactly what Hitler did immediately blah blah blah does not negate the comparisons.

Like everything else in life the comparisons run along a spectrum. If someone exhibits even the slightest resemblance to a past figure they are fair game for parody, and no comparison is meant to go from zero to 100 miles per hour. But many can only see either/or, us/them, black/white, good/evil.

The world is multifaceted and complex and the fact that you or other people don't understand that is sad but irrelevant really.

In the end it is good to have a list of the worst humans that have ever lived, and as soon as you see even one or two or their traits being manifested in someone currently seeking power, then it is wise to raise the red flag and say "uh, we've seen this thing, even if it's a little thing, before. Let's keep an eye on this, it may be nothing but...".
Hi mutt, where ya been...

"The world is multifaceted and complex and the fact that you or other people don't understand that is sad but irrelevant really."

You talk a long winded bullshit mutt, but some of what you say goes for hildabeast and commie sanders...

You are like 7 years old? Maybe 8? Mommy letting you use the puter for a while?

You're just another angry that can't reason. Your world is run by emotion. BOO!
Don't try to equate me to your life mutt...:blahblah:
April 9, 2016
The New Fascists: Kamala Harris
By Tom Trinko

Kamala Harris, the Attorney General of California, is an example of the new jackbooted fascists pretending to be responsible public officials.

Democrat politicians like Harris and Jerry Brown demonstrate their disgust with the Constitution by placing their own political beliefs above the will of the people, when Brown refused to defend Californians votes for Prop 8, and free speech, when Harris tries to criminalize speech she doesn’t like.

While some will reject such strong language, there is really no other way to describe an attorney general who uses the full power of her office to attack a reporter who is discomforting one of Harris’s donors.

When confronted with irrefutable evidence that Planned Parenthood was profiting by selling the human organs of aborted babies, and modifying the abortion procedure without the consent of the mother in order to improve profits, Harris conducted a raid on the apartment of David Daleiden, the brave investigative journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood’s profiting from the modern equivalent of lampshades made from human skin.

Apparently women’s health being placed second to PP profits does not bother Harris any more than the idea that money is being made selling the body parts of unborn children does.

Liberals revealed their fascist leanings by being enthused over Harris’s attack on the press. For one of the core beliefs of fascists is that the press cannot be free. If the truth is out there, then the evil of fascism will turn people against it.

Can you imagine the medias response if a Republican attorney general raided the home of a liberal investigative journalist who showed that the NRA was selling guns to terrorists? Yet the MSM is either silent or supportive of Harris’s fascist misuse of government power.

Of course, there is also a defining silence about how Harris’s own website proclaims her support for Planned Parenthood and how she’s received many donations from PP and affiliated groups and individuals.

Once again, imagine if the hypothetical Republican attorney general mentioned above was a big supporter of the NRA, and had received many donations from the NRA, how the media would be screaming about conflict of interest and persecution of the press.

But because modern liberals are fascists at heart who believe that anything is okay so long as it furthers their cause and increases their power, Harris can get away with her police-state tactics.

Although she is black, Harris apparently has no problem with the fact that Planned Parenthood is practicing what Jesse Jackson called “genocide” against blacks. She is supportive of the fact that PP “clinics” are primarily in minority areas and that black women are five times as likely to kill their unborn daughters than white women.

A non-racist who supports a woman’s right to kill her unborn child would say that abortion should stay legal but that society should address the root causes of the much higher black and Hispanic abortion rates. Yet Harris has said nothing.

Another example of Harris’s enthusiasm for persecuting free speech she doesn’t like is her legal attack on anyone who disagrees with the left’s bizarre belief in the thoroughly discredited concept of man-caused climate change.


Read more: Articles: The New Fascists: Kamala Harris
They say we have the hitler syndrome, but it's the progressive libtarts as usual...
Fanning the Flames: Sarah Silverman Dresses as Hitler to Mock... Guess Who?
And we wonder why people are ready to riot over Trump.
Tiffany Gabbay


Ah, right, we get it. Because you're "Jewish" you think it's perfectly fine to compare GOP presidential contender Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, and to impersonate the fuhrer himself while attempting to pass it off as intelligent humor.

Alleged comedienne Sarah Silverman, dressed as Hitler, appeared on Thursday's late night show with Conan O’Brien in a failed attempt to capitalize on the media's obsession with equating the GOP frontrunner with the most evil man in history.

I have news for Sarah Silverman: it isn't fine to compare any lawmaker or presidential candidateoperatingwithin our U.S. political system to Adolf Hitler. You aren't funny. You are not even original. And the fact that you are Jewish does not give you a free pass.

As a rule, I tend not to skewer comedians (or alleged comedians). They are often political, and often unfunny. And that's fine. I don't have to agree with them. The greater issue here is the psychosis currently gripping media, celebrity, and even fellow conservatives when it comes to the topic of Donald Trump.

This is dangerous ground on which to tread and reminds me of the knee-jerk reactions leftists had in crying "Racist!" anytime a person opposed Barack Obama on the basis of substance. So now Trump can be smeared as Hitler in much the same way, and anyone who supports him can be shamed as a person who "would have helped Hitler carry out the Holocaust."

And this is part of what led to the riotous protests at the Trump rally in Chicago.

hitler was a rightwing goy just like you, she is mocking, in effect you and your rightwing goyim buddy's and the crazy trump goy who has some of the same traits as your hitler

Singing Lo Yisa Goy: My experience at the #DumpTrump #DumpAIPAC rally

Singing Lo Yisa Goy: My experience at the #DumpTrump #DumpAIPAC rally · Jewschool
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They say we have the hitler syndrome, but it's the progressive libtarts as usual...
Fanning the Flames: Sarah Silverman Dresses as Hitler to Mock... Guess Who?
And we wonder why people are ready to riot over Trump.
Tiffany Gabbay


Ah, right, we get it. Because you're "Jewish" you think it's perfectly fine to compare GOP presidential contender Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, and to impersonate the fuhrer himself while attempting to pass it off as intelligent humor.

Alleged comedienne Sarah Silverman, dressed as Hitler, appeared on Thursday's late night show with Conan O’Brien in a failed attempt to capitalize on the media's obsession with equating the GOP frontrunner with the most evil man in history.

I have news for Sarah Silverman: it isn't fine to compare any lawmaker or presidential candidateoperatingwithin our U.S. political system to Adolf Hitler. You aren't funny. You are not even original. And the fact that you are Jewish does not give you a free pass.

As a rule, I tend not to skewer comedians (or alleged comedians). They are often political, and often unfunny. And that's fine. I don't have to agree with them. The greater issue here is the psychosis currently gripping media, celebrity, and even fellow conservatives when it comes to the topic of Donald Trump.

This is dangerous ground on which to tread and reminds me of the knee-jerk reactions leftists had in crying "Racist!" anytime a person opposed Barack Obama on the basis of substance. So now Trump can be smeared as Hitler in much the same way, and anyone who supports him can be shamed as a person who "would have helped Hitler carry out the Holocaust."

And this is part of what led to the riotous protests at the Trump rally in Chicago.

Disgusting Jewess belongs in a concentration camp shining my boots. :)

You belong to Storm Front

The right doesn't use Hitler to demonize people because they think that, honestly, Hitler had some pretty good ideas
Typical response from old school libtarts like you and cuuno...
He opposed diversity and multiculturalism, hated gays, hated the disabled...

And those are all platforms held by the GOP. Do you deny any of that?
They say we have the hitler syndrome, but it's the progressive libtarts as usual...
Fanning the Flames: Sarah Silverman Dresses as Hitler to Mock... Guess Who?
And we wonder why people are ready to riot over Trump.
Tiffany Gabbay


Ah, right, we get it. Because you're "Jewish" you think it's perfectly fine to compare GOP presidential contender Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, and to impersonate the fuhrer himself while attempting to pass it off as intelligent humor.

Alleged comedienne Sarah Silverman, dressed as Hitler, appeared on Thursday's late night show with Conan O’Brien in a failed attempt to capitalize on the media's obsession with equating the GOP frontrunner with the most evil man in history.

I have news for Sarah Silverman: it isn't fine to compare any lawmaker or presidential candidateoperatingwithin our U.S. political system to Adolf Hitler. You aren't funny. You are not even original. And the fact that you are Jewish does not give you a free pass.

As a rule, I tend not to skewer comedians (or alleged comedians). They are often political, and often unfunny. And that's fine. I don't have to agree with them. The greater issue here is the psychosis currently gripping media, celebrity, and even fellow conservatives when it comes to the topic of Donald Trump.

This is dangerous ground on which to tread and reminds me of the knee-jerk reactions leftists had in crying "Racist!" anytime a person opposed Barack Obama on the basis of substance. So now Trump can be smeared as Hitler in much the same way, and anyone who supports him can be shamed as a person who "would have helped Hitler carry out the Holocaust."

And this is part of what led to the riotous protests at the Trump rally in Chicago.

If Trump didn't make comparisons from himself to Hitler so obvious, nobody would make them...You don't see the left calling Cruz or Kaisich Hitler do you? Nor did you hear them calling Romney, McCain or even Bush Hitler. (at least to my knowledge) There is a reason for that. Trump has blatantly xenophobic rhetoric that he seemingly backs up with nothing that can even attempt to be based upon reason or logic. He also is a prettty obvious nationalist and wants to put America under an isolationist know what all of that really sounds guessed it...Hitler!

An opinion is not the truth. It is an Opinion. To say you think he is like Hitler is nothing but hot air, but the left will tell it over and over and over again until people will think their opinion is the truth.

Yet they say we are the ones supporting another Hitler. When they are the ones spouting the lies over and over and over again. In fact, they have no proof because it is only an opinion.

Take the incident of Trump would send women to prison for having an abortion. This was a Chris Mathews HACK ATTACK trying to get a GOTCHA moment...............Mathews kept interrupting Trump trying to answer the question, after posing a HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION..............That question was IF ABORTION WAS BANNED...............Trump tried to say well if it's banned then obviously there would be some sort of punishment............Mathews kept blabbing trying to put words in Trumps mouth that he never stated. Trump answered twice that the HYPOTHETICAL punishment is not yet determined. Mathews stated would you put them in Prison.......Trump stated that it is not determined........The whole back and forth being BS was Hypothetical.........

Later all the media went postal on it saying Trump would put them in prison......yet Mathews is the only one saying that..........

Who's pushing the LIE...............and who keeps repeating it.............Then look at the meme above and see is really acting like Hitler.

An opinion is not the truth. It is an Opinion. To say you think he is like Hitler is nothing but hot air, but the left will tell it over and over and over again until people will think their opinion is the truth.

Yet they say we are the ones supporting another Hitler. When they are the ones spouting the lies over and over and over again. In fact, they have no proof because it is only an opinion.

Take the incident of Trump would send women to prison for having an abortion. This was a Chris Mathews HACK ATTACK trying to get a GOTCHA moment...............Mathews kept interrupting Trump trying to answer the question, after posing a HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION..............That question was IF ABORTION WAS BANNED...............Trump tried to say well if it's banned then obviously there would be some sort of punishment............Mathews kept blabbing trying to put words in Trumps mouth that he never stated. Trump answered twice that the HYPOTHETICAL punishment is not yet determined. Mathews stated would you put them in Prison.......Trump stated that it is not determined........The whole back and forth being BS was Hypothetical.........

Later all the media went postal on it saying Trump would put them in prison......yet Mathews is the only one saying that..........

Who's pushing the LIE...............and who keeps repeating it.............Then look at the meme above and see is really acting like Hitler.
Like that awful "gotcha" question when Palin was asked wha she read.
The fact that you or anyone else gets 'tired of' hearing such comparisons or your only reaction is 'you are saying he is exactly like Hitler in every way and would do exactly what Hitler did immediately blah blah blah does not negate the comparisons.

Like everything else in life the comparisons run along a spectrum. If someone exhibits even the slightest resemblance to a past figure they are fair game for parody, and no comparison is meant to go from zero to 100 miles per hour. But many can only see either/or, us/them, black/white, good/evil.

The world is multifaceted and complex and the fact that you or other people don't understand that is sad but irrelevant really.

In the end it is good to have a list of the worst humans that have ever lived, and as soon as you see even one or two or their traits being manifested in someone currently seeking power, then it is wise to raise the red flag and say "uh, we've seen this thing, even if it's a little thing, before. Let's keep an eye on this, it may be nothing but...".

There are no "comparisons," douche bag. All turds like you prove with these comparisons is that there is no bar so low that you won't slither under it. You know you can't win on the issues. The American public is soundly against your agenda, so you revert to the old tried and true leftwing tactic of personal attacks.

An opinion is not the truth. It is an Opinion. To say you think he is like Hitler is nothing but hot air, but the left will tell it over and over and over again until people will think their opinion is the truth.

Yet they say we are the ones supporting another Hitler. When they are the ones spouting the lies over and over and over again. In fact, they have no proof because it is only an opinion.

Take the incident of Trump would send women to prison for having an abortion. This was a Chris Mathews HACK ATTACK trying to get a GOTCHA moment...............Mathews kept interrupting Trump trying to answer the question, after posing a HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION..............That question was IF ABORTION WAS BANNED...............Trump tried to say well if it's banned then obviously there would be some sort of punishment............Mathews kept blabbing trying to put words in Trumps mouth that he never stated. Trump answered twice that the HYPOTHETICAL punishment is not yet determined. Mathews stated would you put them in Prison.......Trump stated that it is not determined........The whole back and forth being BS was Hypothetical.........

Later all the media went postal on it saying Trump would put them in prison......yet Mathews is the only one saying that..........

Who's pushing the LIE...............and who keeps repeating it.............Then look at the meme above and see is really acting like Hitler.
Like that awful "gotcha" question when Palin was asked wha she read.

Would the douche bag who asked that ever ask Clinton the same thing?

We all know the answer.

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