The Left Says they Don't want your Guns...Hello Illinilois.


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013

Illinois on Jan. 10 banned the possession and sale of more than 170 semi-automatic firearms and magazines over certain capacities. A week later, lawsuits started to be filed challenging the constitutionality of the law. Cases are still pending in the district, appeals courts and now the U.S. Supreme Court.

Amy Barrett looking to stop it. Felony if not regestered by Jan 1

Illinois on Jan. 10 banned the possession and sale of more than 170 semi-automatic firearms and magazines over certain capacities. A week later, lawsuits started to be filed challenging the constitutionality of the law. Cases are still pending in the district, appeals courts and now the U.S. Supreme Court.

Amy Barrett looking to stop it. Felony if not regestered by Jan 1
We really don't want most people's guns.

Yours? I'm thinking maybe the world would be safer with them separated from you.
It's not the fault of the guns in America, it's too many Americans wanting to use them to commit murder with a gun.

The problem isn't being addressed on this forum, even though there are dozens of misguided attempts to blame the guns.

For the foreseeable future there's nothing can be done about America's problem.

Beware of the Christmas season when Christians come out in force and gun murder crimes peak.
Beware of the Christmas season when Christians come out in force and gun murder crimes peak.



Illinois on Jan. 10 banned the possession and sale of more than 170 semi-automatic firearms and magazines over certain capacities. A week later, lawsuits started to be filed challenging the constitutionality of the law. Cases are still pending in the district, appeals courts and now the U.S. Supreme Court.

Amy Barrett looking to stop it. Felony if not regestered by Jan 1
This has nothing to do with the left.
No need to lie. So far you’ve gone after the two people who challenged you on the left wanting to take away peoples right. You have shown your true intentions
Nope. I am a bit concerned about people who are willing to lie about things like that being heavily armed though.
The Dem / Socialist gun grabbers are not having much success with their silly “assault weapon” registration program.

There are lots of historical comparisons with Illinois Dems / Socialists and authoritarian fascists such as Lenin and Stalin and their practices of gun confiscation and an unarmed population. History is littered with examples such as National Socialist Germany, China, Cuba and elsewhere.

We really don't want most people's guns.

Yours? I'm thinking maybe the world would be safer with them separated from you.
Bullshit Moon Bat. The ones they want to ban/restrict are the most popular firearms in the US.

Why are you stupid Moon Bats so afraid of AR-15s? They are very seldom used in a crime. Shotguns are used in a lot more crimes than semi auto rifles. Cheap, often stolen handguns are the firearms of choice for the great majority of gun crimes in the US.
Right off the top.....Gun Deaths.....not gun murder, which is how they rope in Alaska. Gun deaths include suicides, so right off the bat your map is a fucking lie.....

And they all have blue,democrat party run cities running up their murder rates, you dumb ass.....
WTF is the difference?

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