Charter Member
EVERY TIME I watch ANYTHING, where they feature a debate from the left and the right, I'm left shaking my head wondering where in the HELL did this MORON come from.
It ALWAYS is the left's position comes from somewhere out around Orion's Belt, and the right's position comes from TRUTH!
Look at it... the left thinks mickey moore TELLS THE TRUTH!! The left CONSORTS WITH and CODDLES the ENEMY!! The left CHAMPIONS and DEFENDS any and all of the worlds PERVERSIONS... HOMOSEXUALITY, GODLESSNESS, and LYING. The examples are staggering.
I'm at a COMPLETE LOSE to figure out one, where the hell did these people come from, and two, WHAT EVER *MADE* THEM THE WAY THEY ARE??!!
I think liberals should be CUT OUT AND SEPERATED from the MORAL MAJORITY of this country, and given a land of their own to ruin. Let them revel in their own self made pit of decadent behavior. Let them ruin and be over run by whatever pathetic force threatens them, because they have no back bone or military.
Just get them the hell out of America. They're ruining our country.
It ALWAYS is the left's position comes from somewhere out around Orion's Belt, and the right's position comes from TRUTH!
Look at it... the left thinks mickey moore TELLS THE TRUTH!! The left CONSORTS WITH and CODDLES the ENEMY!! The left CHAMPIONS and DEFENDS any and all of the worlds PERVERSIONS... HOMOSEXUALITY, GODLESSNESS, and LYING. The examples are staggering.
I'm at a COMPLETE LOSE to figure out one, where the hell did these people come from, and two, WHAT EVER *MADE* THEM THE WAY THEY ARE??!!
I think liberals should be CUT OUT AND SEPERATED from the MORAL MAJORITY of this country, and given a land of their own to ruin. Let them revel in their own self made pit of decadent behavior. Let them ruin and be over run by whatever pathetic force threatens them, because they have no back bone or military.
Just get them the hell out of America. They're ruining our country.