The left is imploding before our eyes.

And it's a pleasure. I haven't been as satisfied in a long while. All it took was a man... no, an emperor with balls, how could we not have seen it?

The left has gone completely insane and dug the perfect grave for itself. The Russia narrative was complete fraud from the get go and yet they decided to run with it as they didn't have any real arguments. Yes, even the far leftists here on this forum. The chickens have come home to roost. All that remains is enjoying the situation, CNN is fake news!

This is just more partisan nonsense. Yes, there are plenty of those on the left who are partisan, and plenty on the right and they "implode" on a regular basis. But then there are others on the left and right who aren't partisan hacks. Can you imagine what that would be like?

Difference of ideas isnt the issue. The radical fringe is now in control of the party. The sane have been relegated to minority status.

ie republicans.

No, dems currently.
So, if the Russians did not steal and disseminate the DNC and Podesta emails, WHO DID?

The Trump Team?

RNC operatives?

Could have been anyone hooked up to internet? Wiki, Anonymous, Assange, Chinese? Podesta logged in for whomever, they copied all his dirt. WikiLeaks catalogged and published it a bit at a time. Are they Russian?

Could have been a leaker. Seth Rich, DNC insider, NSA whistleblower, an upset Burrny upset worker? An honorable Dim?

They would not go seize the equipment per BO so too bad. All bleach-bitted by now.

Veritas put out some truthful videos confiming DNC voter fraud and starting riots. Are they Russian too? Beast caught on camera collapsing, Russian? Dragged up stairs.........Russian pic?........physically unfit to serve. Criminally also of course.

<ahem> our guys.... you know.... AMERICAN INTEL.......... are saying & proving it is RUSSIA. even pooty poot has said it's so called 'patriots' doing it. why won't trump at least even agree to that? where is all his proof to say otherwise?

omfucking god.

Yeah, we KNOW the russians have been meddling. obummer gave them a pass? Why?

a pass? you mean sanctions, expelling diplomats, closing down their compounds & planting intel cyber bombs?

Describe those "sanctions" in detail please.

well now why don't you say there aren't. that's right--- obama is the friendly to russia. here.... this might help a little.

Why Obama's Russia sanctions are so devastating
Could have been anyone hooked up to internet? Wiki, Anonymous, Assange, Chinese? Podesta logged in for whomever, they copied all his dirt. WikiLeaks catalogged and published it a bit at a time. Are they Russian?

Could have been a leaker. Seth Rich, DNC insider, NSA whistleblower, an upset Burrny upset worker? An honorable Dim?

They would not go seize the equipment per BO so too bad. All bleach-bitted by now.

Veritas put out some truthful videos confiming DNC voter fraud and starting riots. Are they Russian too? Beast caught on camera collapsing, Russian? Dragged up stairs.........Russian pic?........physically unfit to serve. Criminally also of course.

<ahem> our guys.... you know.... AMERICAN INTEL.......... are saying & proving it is RUSSIA. even pooty poot has said it's so called 'patriots' doing it. why won't trump at least even agree to that? where is all his proof to say otherwise?

omfucking god.

Yeah, we KNOW the russians have been meddling. obummer gave them a pass? Why?

a pass? you mean sanctions, expelling diplomats, closing down their compounds & planting intel cyber bombs?

Describe those "sanctions" in detail please.

well now why don't you say there aren't. that's right--- obama is the friendly to russia. here.... this might help a little.

Why Obama's Russia sanctions are so devastating

Lots of hyperbole with no fact to back up those claims. Especially when one considers this little tid bit. I wonder what he was referring to here?

On the contrary. Notwithstanding the control of the Republican Party over the three branches of government, that party has seen its day. The face and voice of the Republican Party is minority president Donald Trump who has so coarsened political debate and reduced it to a reality TV show that in Europe no leader bothers to listen to the American president these days, see him as a joke, a laugh-a-minute, and certainly harbor no idea that the lying braggart is the leader of the free world.

Well if the had Dems had not stopped representing the conservatives and moderates of this nation they might not have continued to lose elections all across the country, ever since 2010.
We all are not far left socialists like they are.
Even Hillary Clinton was able to get millions more votes than minority president Donald Trump.
On the contrary. Notwithstanding the control of the Republican Party over the three branches of government, that party has seen its day. The face and voice of the Republican Party is minority president Donald Trump who has so coarsened political debate and reduced it to a reality TV show that in Europe no leader bothers to listen to the American president these days, see him as a joke, a laugh-a-minute, and certainly harbor no idea that the lying braggart is the leader of the free world.

Well if the had Dems had not stopped representing the conservatives and moderates of this nation they might not have continued to lose elections all across the country, ever since 2010.
We all are not far left socialists like they are.
Even Hillary Clinton was able to get millions more votes than minority president Donald Trump.

Big whoop. She lost the election. That's all that matters. Just because a lot of ignorant and stupid people voted for her doesn't make her a good candidate. It just means that people are stupid and ignorant.
<ahem> our guys.... you know.... AMERICAN INTEL.......... are saying & proving it is RUSSIA. even pooty poot has said it's so called 'patriots' doing it. why won't trump at least even agree to that? where is all his proof to say otherwise?

omfucking god.

Yeah, we KNOW the russians have been meddling. obummer gave them a pass? Why?

a pass? you mean sanctions, expelling diplomats, closing down their compounds & planting intel cyber bombs?

Describe those "sanctions" in detail please.

well now why don't you say there aren't. that's right--- obama is the friendly to russia. here.... this might help a little.

Why Obama's Russia sanctions are so devastating

Lots of hyperbole with no fact to back up those claims. Especially when one considers this little tid bit. I wonder what he was referring to here?

The amount of projection involved in the Russia case makes it even dumber indeed. They weren't thinking at all when rolling out the failed narrative. I think these people subconsciously knew they were in the wrong, which is why they did it. They are not called self-haters for no reason.
On the contrary. Notwithstanding the control of the Republican Party over the three branches of government, that party has seen its day. The face and voice of the Republican Party is minority president Donald Trump who has so coarsened political debate and reduced it to a reality TV show that in Europe no leader bothers to listen to the American president these days, see him as a joke, a laugh-a-minute, and certainly harbor no idea that the lying braggart is the leader of the free world.

Well if the had Dems had not stopped representing the conservatives and moderates of this nation they might not have continued to lose elections all across the country, ever since 2010.
We all are not far left socialists like they are.
Even Hillary Clinton was able to get millions more votes than minority president Donald Trump.

Big whoop. She lost the election. That's all that matters. Just because a lot of ignorant and stupid people voted for her doesn't make her a good candidate. It just means that people are stupid and ignorant.
Just because Republican Party supporters are all well-informed and intelligent voters is no reason to call Democrats names.
The investigation of the Russian connection with the fat senile old orange clown is presently in it's earliest phases. Mueller is a superb investigator, and when he moves, he will shake this admin to it's foundations. The amount of smoke we are seeing at present indicates there is some pretty serious fire there. And the tweets of the clown confirm that.
Problem is all the smoke is coming out of leftist ass. Your foundation has been shaken and being torn down, let's not overlook that particular detail.
So, if the Russians did not steal and disseminate the DNC and Podesta emails, WHO DID?

The Trump Team?

RNC operatives?
My guess is disillusioned DNC workers that supported Sanders. Like Seth Rich. Assange said long ago and repeated it that it wasn't "the Russians".

Plus all during the leaks we heard it was all about nothing. I recall the jeering and taunts from the lefties here. Now it's all been conveniently forgotten.
On the contrary. Notwithstanding the control of the Republican Party over the three branches of government, that party has seen its day. The face and voice of the Republican Party is minority president Donald Trump who has so coarsened political debate and reduced it to a reality TV show that in Europe no leader bothers to listen to the American president these days, see him as a joke, a laugh-a-minute, and certainly harbor no idea that the lying braggart is the leader of the free world.

Well if the had Dems had not stopped representing the conservatives and moderates of this nation they might not have continued to lose elections all across the country, ever since 2010.
We all are not far left socialists like they are.
Even Hillary Clinton was able to get millions more votes than minority president Donald Trump.

Big whoop. She lost the election. That's all that matters. Just because a lot of ignorant and stupid people voted for her doesn't make her a good candidate. It just means that people are stupid and ignorant.
Just because Republican Party supporters are all well-informed and intelligent voters is no reason to call Democrats names.

It's not? When Dems call everyone who disagree with them all sorts of horrible names it is all of a sudden against the rules for the repubs to counter with like verbiage? Do tell!:laugh::laugh:

And, I'm a Dem. So is trump for that matter. If you weren't so eager to believe the BS being shoveled down your throat you would see that he is a moderate Democrat. Just like me.
So, if the Russians did not steal and disseminate the DNC and Podesta emails, WHO DID?

The Trump Team?

RNC operatives?
My guess is disillusioned DNC workers that supported Sanders. Like Seth Rich. Assange said long ago and repeated it that it wasn't "the Russians".

Plus all during the leaks we heard it was all about nothing. I recall the jeering and taunts from the lefties here. Now it's all been conveniently forgotten.

There were different events. Podesta (Campaign Manager LOL!) coughed up his password to an online query.
The DNC was leaked or hacked. Not proven either way.

WikiLeaks catalogged and published 100s' of thousands of emails.

Search WikiLeaks

She lost. It did not help Beast to have "Truth" exposed.
Last edited:
The Left has already imploded. They are like that big tall tower after the dynamite has detonated in that brief instant that the foundation has been blown out but before the whole thing starts crashing down. Just kinda hanging there in the air still thinking it is a building.
So, if the Russians did not steal and disseminate the DNC and Podesta emails, WHO DID?

The Trump Team?

RNC operatives?
My guess is disillusioned DNC workers that supported Sanders. Like Seth Rich. Assange said long ago and repeated it that it wasn't "the Russians".

Plus all during the leaks we heard it was all about nothing. I recall the jeering and taunts from the lefties here. Now it's all been conveniently forgotten.

There were different events. Podesta (Campaign Manager LOL!) coughed up his password to an online query.
The DNC was leaked or hacked. Not proven either way.

WikiLeaks catalogged and published 100s' of thousands of emails.

Search WikiLeaks

She lost. It did not help Beast to have "Truth" exposed.
WHAT was this ''truth'' that was exposed?
So, if the Russians did not steal and disseminate the DNC and Podesta emails, WHO DID?

The Trump Team?

RNC operatives?
My guess is disillusioned DNC workers that supported Sanders. Like Seth Rich. Assange said long ago and repeated it that it wasn't "the Russians".

Plus all during the leaks we heard it was all about nothing. I recall the jeering and taunts from the lefties here. Now it's all been conveniently forgotten.
how would these stolen emails and the timing of their releases from the DNC or Podesta by DNC workers helped anyone but Donald Trump?
So, if the Russians did not steal and disseminate the DNC and Podesta emails, WHO DID?

The Trump Team?

RNC operatives?
My guess is disillusioned DNC workers that supported Sanders. Like Seth Rich. Assange said long ago and repeated it that it wasn't "the Russians".

Plus all during the leaks we heard it was all about nothing. I recall the jeering and taunts from the lefties here. Now it's all been conveniently forgotten.
how would these stolen emails and the timing of their releases from the DNC or Podesta by DNC workers helped anyone but Donald Trump?
You are assuming that was the purpose when derailing Hillary might have been the goal. But again, no bombshell was revealed. We all knew the left was helping Hillary, including the debates, Bernie was a sacrificial lamb for Hillary's coronation, etc. And there's no evidence it swung the election, her supporters certainly weren't changing the vote.
So, if the Russians did not steal and disseminate the DNC and Podesta emails, WHO DID?

The Trump Team?

RNC operatives?
My guess is disillusioned DNC workers that supported Sanders. Like Seth Rich. Assange said long ago and repeated it that it wasn't "the Russians".

Plus all during the leaks we heard it was all about nothing. I recall the jeering and taunts from the lefties here. Now it's all been conveniently forgotten.
how would these stolen emails and the timing of their releases from the DNC or Podesta by DNC workers helped anyone but Donald Trump?
You are assuming that was the purpose when derailing Hillary might have been the goal. But again, no bombshell was revealed. We all knew the left was helping Hillary, including the debates, Bernie was a sacrificial lamb for Hillary's coronation, etc. And there's no evidence it swung the election, her supporters certainly weren't changing the vote.
the purpose was to help donald trump, their releases were timed to help example: podesta emails were released on the day the access hollywood grabbing pussy tape came out.... Donald Trump mentioned the wikileaks 164 times in the 30 days before the election, using RT news, russia today's lies of the day, about each supposed scandalous email that were all lies.... as I've told you before, trump would not have used them in every rally and anytime he spoke if he didn't think it would help him....he's not stupid, he riled his audience with them, and he pushed Bernie people away from Hillary with his talking points gotten from the russians and wikileaks....
The investigation of the Russian connection with the fat senile old orange clown is presently in it's earliest phases. Mueller is a superb investigator, and when he moves, he will shake this admin to it's foundations. The amount of smoke we are seeing at present indicates there is some pretty serious fire there. And the tweets of the clown confirm that.

There's no smoke. There's no nothing. There's no "there" there. The fake news was even caught admitting it.
On the contrary. Notwithstanding the control of the Republican Party over the three branches of government, that party has seen its day. The face and voice of the Republican Party is minority president Donald Trump who has so coarsened political debate and reduced it to a reality TV show that in Europe no leader bothers to listen to the American president these days, see him as a joke, a laugh-a-minute, and certainly harbor no idea that the lying braggart is the leader of the free world.
Russia Russia Russia LOL
So, if the Russians did not steal and disseminate the DNC and Podesta emails, WHO DID?

The Trump Team?

RNC operatives?
My guess is disillusioned DNC workers that supported Sanders. Like Seth Rich. Assange said long ago and repeated it that it wasn't "the Russians".

Plus all during the leaks we heard it was all about nothing. I recall the jeering and taunts from the lefties here. Now it's all been conveniently forgotten.
how would these stolen emails and the timing of their releases from the DNC or Podesta by DNC workers helped anyone but Donald Trump?

Who cares?

If Trump's staff had dirt on them like Hilary, and one of them was dumb enough to broadcast his password, you would be rejoicing to the Heavens. But there wasn't and they weren't. So cry little snowflake, cry.

I find it hilarious that you fail to address the simple fact that Hilary and the DNC are crooked as shit and rigged the Democrat's Primary. They got dirt on Bernie, and in the process they smeared mud on themselves.

Like the old story about the Hawaiian Foo Bird goes: "If the Foo shits, wear it".
On the contrary. Notwithstanding the control of the Republican Party over the three branches of government, that party has seen its day. The face and voice of the Republican Party is minority president Donald Trump who has so coarsened political debate and reduced it to a reality TV show that in Europe no leader bothers to listen to the American president these days, see him as a joke, a laugh-a-minute, and certainly harbor no idea that the lying braggart is the leader of the free world.
Russia Russia Russia LOL

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