The Left hates the Middle Class

Do you think the government should set a maximum wage for CEO's? (but not Hollywood stars or Sports stars, never them!)
Screen actors union. Good point. Actors used to get taken advantage of. Athletes too. Also unionized

Oh yeah, poor actors are withering away with there measly hundreds of millions. Not like the greedy CEO's with their tens of millions.

You fascists are so smart!
If the actor/athlete makes that much how much does the owner or CEO make? Martin scorsleasy or Quinton tarrintino
how much?
More? How much does Stan Lee make vs. Robert Downey Jr?

You're jealous.
I don't fking care. It is you that does.
Do we all agree a shrinking middle class is bad? I believe it is why economic growth is so slow. A strong middle class is what made us such a strong country.
Bullshit. Most CEOs came via ivy league silver spoons. Fortune 500.

They are the elite.
you really hate the rich people eh?
Every 2 years we have this conversation. Not you specifically but you rwnjs. Piss off.

You really hate the middle class? That's why you haven't given us a raise while CEO pay went up 300%

Are you greedy or stupid?
yep you do. it's called biting the hand that feeds you and you can't attack fast enough. I merely what's mine based on market value. not so much yourself. you watch what others make and get jealous.
Don't cry about the widening gap between rich and poor then. It's one of the reasons the gap is widening.
you see me crying bubba? I'm laughing at you whining away about the rich and the poor. not I fool.
Whenever a rwnj starts a thread figure out what the real message is.

The left hates the middle class? We will see in the next 3 years the right hates the middle class.

We aren't running things you are. Tell us when the middle class starts doing better. So far you've done jack shit
Let's all hope he delivers. I don't have much faith in his ideas, but would rather be wrong.
well first he needs congress to be congress. and stop with all the russia hoax bullshit. See, again, both parties deviating from the needs of middle class americans investigating a hoax. I tell you.

I think congress will find any reason to do nothing. But it is his party. If he can't get them to do something it doesn't say much about his leadership.
it really isn't his party. he ran as a GOP, he got mistreated the entire election process by them. I'd say that is a complex situation.
Mr. Perot, "ran as independent"; he did not, "free ride" on the republican party.
trump is brighter.
His hair is certainly, "brighter".
They are the ultimate employees making what they are worth. The owner can't go get another lebron

Yeah, it's not a double standard cuz they support the leftist elite....

You literally have no brain.
Whatever. They came from nothing and haven't forgot where they came from.

Charles Barkley is a republican

Charles Barkley is a brilliant man with a knowledge of economics that is extraordinary.

Many CEO's also came from nothing.

You are just a hack applying a double standard.
Bullshit. Most CEOs came via ivy league silver spoons. Fortune 500.

They are the elite.
you really hate the rich people eh?
not as much as the right, "hates the poor".
They are the ultimate employees making what they are worth. The owner can't go get another lebron

Yeah, it's not a double standard cuz they support the leftist elite....

You literally have no brain.
Whatever. They came from nothing and haven't forgot where they came from.

Charles Barkley is a republican

Charles Barkley is a brilliant man with a knowledge of economics that is extraordinary.

Many CEO's also came from nothing.

You are just a hack applying a double standard.
My bro got a masters from msu. Could of he fortune 500 makes 1.5 million a year. Yes sure he's worth that much.

But since you're ok with it I'd take it too if I were him.

He came from nothing. Very rare he would ever become CEO.
in english
what do you not understand? ask questions.

With the death of unions so goes the middle class. Who is killing the unions? The rich hate the middle class.

The Unions are long gone. The only thing left is the Public Employee unions, which are not unions at all, just the entrenched bureaucracy feeding their greedy maw at the expense of the productive sector.

Unions and Corporations are two forms of voluntary collectivism in a market economy. Most people grasp that monopolies are damaging to the public and to the economy. What the left doesn't seem to grasp is that this is true regardless of whether the monopoly is among corporations or among unions. Either way the public gets fucked by a trust that uses monopoly power to set prices that the market will not and cannot support.

Real unions died 40 years ago. The committed by pricing American workers out of the market, assuming their monopoly would protect them from the market. But the monopoly of the AFL/CIO only had their monopoly in America, escaping the price gouging of them meant jobs going out of the country. The unions broke, leaving us with predatory corporations that have no natural balance, a very bad thing for America, all based on the unbridled greed of the Monopoly that was the unions.

Still the middle thrived, until Obama got in office. The real decline in middle class wages started in 2007, which is understandable since that was the start of a recession. What is NOT understandable is that they NEVER rebounded until Trump took office. Now they are finally headed back up. Had Mafia Boss Hillary won, they would still be dropping.

Wages were headed up a bit before Trump. I've not seen any evidence yet that has continued. The middle class has been screwed for decades.

For most workers, real wages have barely budged for decades
It is why the left is advocating for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and health care for the poor; unlike the right wing.
it's not good for the economy.

the market needs to have fifteen dollar an hour jobs available, not make 8 dollar an hour jobs fifteen dollar an hour jobs.

I really wish you dumb shits could learn the difference.
nonsense. moving the goal posts is a function of government.

a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage makes sense, when social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison.
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A, green jobs are where it's at. B, Hillary couldn't do it on her own. The middle class has been fucking itself since 2010. And fucked themselves in 2000 and 2004 too. A democratic president can't do it alone. So I'm glad Republicans own it all now. Prove your way works and creates a strong happy middle class

We will certainly see now. I definitely don't want to hear more excuses since they control everything.
I'm glad the GOP can't get done what it wants to get done.
Yeah....stuff like keeping you safe.......thank God Democrats are here to make sure you aren't.
All the right wing knows how to do, is cut taxes for the rich and cut benefits for the poor.

They don't know how to win wars on crime, drugs, or terror.
what about the middle class, or don't you give a shit about them?
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and health care for the poor, lifts many boats, including middle class boats.
What I like about all Republican rule is they got no more excuses. I said it was bush hastert and delay that fucked us and I say Trump Ryan and McConnell will too. Trickle down don't work. You'll see
what is trickle down mean exactly. explain.
In practical terms, it means, bailout the rich and then, let it trickle down.
Do we all agree a shrinking middle class is bad? I believe it is why economic growth is so slow. A strong middle class is what made us such a strong country.
Solving simple poverty can do much more.

Consider what "full employment of capital resources" could mean to Any private sector.

Capital must merely circulate to engender a positive multiplier effect.
What I like about all Republican rule is they got no more excuses. I said it was bush hastert and delay that fucked us and I say Trump Ryan and McConnell will too. Trickle down don't work. You'll see
what is trickle down mean exactly. explain.
In practical terms, it means, bailout the rich and then, let it trickle down.

When the rich have more, more trickles down to everyone else. I think we have seen that doesn't happen.
Do we all agree a shrinking middle class is bad? I believe it is why economic growth is so slow. A strong middle class is what made us such a strong country.
Solving simple poverty can do much more.

Consider what "full employment of capital resources" could mean to Any private sector.

Capital must merely circulate to engender a positive multiplier effect.

I'm not sure poverty can be solved. We
Need less of a blur between middle class and poverty. Middle class should be easy to attain with hard work.
Yeah, it's not a double standard cuz they support the leftist elite....

You literally have no brain.
Whatever. They came from nothing and haven't forgot where they came from.

Charles Barkley is a republican

Charles Barkley is a brilliant man with a knowledge of economics that is extraordinary.

Many CEO's also came from nothing.

You are just a hack applying a double standard.
My bro got a masters from msu. Could of he fortune 500 makes 1.5 million a year. Yes sure he's worth that much.

But since you're ok with it I'd take it too if I were him.

He came from nothing. Very rare he would ever become CEO.
in english
what do you not understand? ask questions.
The left wants the middle class to be paid more. The rich can afford it and the solution to poverty is a big middle class. No excuse if it's easy to get out of poverty. The wealth gap is a problem. Government could solve this if free market capitalism wont

The right think that's unfair. They shouldn't have to pay more even if their greed is ruining our economy.

So the right can't claim to care about the middle class. If it disappears tough.
Do we all agree a shrinking middle class is bad? I believe it is why economic growth is so slow. A strong middle class is what made us such a strong country.
Solving simple poverty can do much more.

Consider what "full employment of capital resources" could mean to Any private sector.

Capital must merely circulate to engender a positive multiplier effect.

I'm not sure poverty can be solved. We
Need less of a blur between middle class and poverty. Middle class should be easy to attain with hard work.
And my arguments can change depending on the economy. When our economy was being flooded by illegals that was keeping wages down and corporate profits up. Another reason the gap between rich and poor got bigger. Now if unemployment is going down then wages go up because corporations can't find enough good help then let free market capitalism reign.
The middle class doesn't have much of a political voice anymore. Used to be through unions.
unions abused the system. if you can't acknowledged that then you are far from understanding what happened. I'll tell you what, right now Chicago public school union is trying to destroy the state.

I think they needed changes, but they are still needed. Without middle class workers have little power or political voice.
I have no issue with unions as long as someone who doesn't want to belong isn't forced to pay dues. It ain't right.

Also shouldn't reap the benefits without joining. But we need clear benefits to inspire joining.
how about a "re-purposing" of unions. Unions having recourse to "well regulated and well Organized labor" should be able to "out compete" unorganized labor.
or not. I challenge any union guy against an individual laborer. I bet the single laborer far exceeds the union guy. I'm just saying, there is no union job that promotes excellence. where a individual laborer has only his talent to sell.
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so hitlery had no plan for the middle class. The group of people the libs love to put on a pedestal and then fk with policy. yep. Especially energy jobs. Shit Hitlery told it right to the coal miners face. just wow. yeah,
A, green jobs are where it's at. B, Hillary couldn't do it on her own. The middle class has been fucking itself since 2010. And fucked themselves in 2000 and 2004 too. A democratic president can't do it alone. So I'm glad Republicans own it all now. Prove your way works and creates a strong happy middle class

We will certainly see now. I definitely don't want to hear more excuses since they control everything.
I'm glad the GOP can't get done what it wants to get done.
Yeah....stuff like keeping you safe.......thank God Democrats are here to make sure you aren't.
All the right wing knows how to do, is cut taxes for the rich and cut benefits for the poor.

They don't know how to win wars on crime, drugs, or terror.
[CEOs over value themselves and under value the workers


What about LeBron James who charges $300 for a single seat to watch him play while pocketing hundreds of millions, then telling us how tough he has it "cuz he be black."

That's different though, I mean they are celebrities, and you leftists LOVE celebrities, because they aren't greedy or anything with their humble hundred million dollar homes, not like the greedy CEO's with their million dollar mansions.

You fascists sure are smart.

The rich owner of the team chooses to pay him that much.
the rich owner merely wants to win, and it is LeBron's market value. It's what successful owners do. It's why CEOs make as much as they do. Owners wish to win.
Remember that racist Sterling owner of the clippers? He had a profitable formula. Lose. Get good draft picks. Start winning. Don't pay players what they are worth. Lose them to trade. Start losing again. Get good draft picks, start winning again, repeat.

American Power: Liberal #Democrat Donald Sterling Caught on Tape Screaming Ugly Racist Epithets - UPDATED!!

Saturday, April 26, 2014
Liberal #Democrat Donald Sterling Caught on Tape Screaming Ugly Racist Epithets - UPDATED!!
UPDATE: Racist Donald Sterling is not a Democrat but a registered RINO.

This post is linked by Michael Hiltzik, at the Los Angeles Times, "Donald Sterling is a Republican, not a Democrat -- but does it matter?"

I have a response here, "Desperate Leftists: Beverly Hills Liberal Donald Sterling Is 'Registered Republican' OMG! TAKE THAT!! BLARGH!! OMG!!!":

The truth is that the racist Clippers owner is a classic, typically far-left liberal from L.A.'s typically progressive westside.

Desperate leftists can take that to the bank the idiot losers.

A Google search with the name Donald Sterling and racial discrimination found nearly 12,000 results. Not one of them even remotely had Sterling doing anything to further racial goodwill. The checklist of reported Sterling racial escapades include a Justice Department housing discrimination lawsuit and forced settlement, slurs and gaffes against Hispanics and African-Americans, and that includes two high profile Clipper players, the shooing of minorities away from his pricey Beverly Hills condos and rentals, and an overblown and failed promise to build a Homeless shelter on L.A.s skid row. Then there's the allegations and lawsuit by former Clipper General Manager Elgin Baylor that Sterling runs his operations like a Southern plantation.

The NAACP airbrushed this away and simply said that Sterling has been a gem in giving oodles of tickets away to needy inner city kids and ladling out some cash to charities and sports camps for them. How any of this ranks as a take the lead, storm the barriers battle against racial injustice is a mystery....

The issue is not what, whether or even if Sterling did anything to further the cause of racial justice and civil rights. He hasn't. The issue is what the NAACP is doing to further it.
Whatever. They came from nothing and haven't forgot where they came from.

Charles Barkley is a republican

Charles Barkley is a brilliant man with a knowledge of economics that is extraordinary.

Many CEO's also came from nothing.

You are just a hack applying a double standard.
My bro got a masters from msu. Could of he fortune 500 makes 1.5 million a year. Yes sure he's worth that much.

But since you're ok with it I'd take it too if I were him.

He came from nothing. Very rare he would ever become CEO.
in english
what do you not understand? ask questions.
The left wants the middle class to be paid more. The rich can afford it and the solution to poverty is a big middle class. No excuse if it's easy to get out of poverty. The wealth gap is a problem. Government could solve this if free market capitalism wont

The right think that's unfair. They shouldn't have to pay more even if their greed is ruining our economy.

So the right can't claim to care about the middle class. If it disappears tough.
The Middle-Class makes more than $15 hr.
well first he needs congress to be congress. and stop with all the russia hoax bullshit. See, again, both parties deviating from the needs of middle class americans investigating a hoax. I tell you.

I think congress will find any reason to do nothing. But it is his party. If he can't get them to do something it doesn't say much about his leadership.
it really isn't his party. he ran as a GOP, he got mistreated the entire election process by them. I'd say that is a complex situation.
Mr. Perot, "ran as independent"; he did not, "free ride" on the republican party.
trump is brighter.

Wasn't trump in the reform party?
was he?

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