The left finally admitting that abortion means killing children


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2021
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This sums it up pretty good because most people do realize how the lefti flips everything they do or say onto the right msm has mastered it so much so they canā€™t even tell how they are eating themselves up alive lmdao! Thatā€™s how out of it most of them are.

Itā€™s insane just like they are.

They arenā€™t even able to realize abortion is not health care it has nothing to do with your health youā€™ve been sold bull shit in such a way it all sounds good to the deaf ears it falls upon.

This sums it up pretty good because most people do realize how the lefti flips everything they do or say onto the right msm has mastered it so much so they canā€™t even tell how they are eating themselves up alive lmdao! Thatā€™s how out of it most of them are.

Itā€™s insane just like they are.

They arenā€™t even able to realize abortion is not health care it has nothing to do with your health youā€™ve been sold bull shit in such a way it all sounds good to the deaf ears it falls upon.
They know they're killing children, and they don't care.
Out of the mouth of Pissadent Potatohead.

CHOOSE....TO ABORT......A......CHILD. He knows. the Left knows.

I generally don't judge people, but I fear this man is preparing a place in Hell for himself. He will have a LOT to answer for at the moment of his death. This so-called Catholic in a position to help, actively lobbying for the murder of little babies in the womb. It's hard to get more depraved than that.
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