The Left and hysteria


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Why is it that when the nation is confronted by a threat, the press and government overreact?

So you get a virus with projections of 2 million dead and then proceed to close the entire economy. Obviously, this was an overreaction, especially considering that previous research points to about a million people dying because of various factors revolving around an economy with 20% unemployment, such as suicide and drug and alcohol abuse and heart disease, etc.

Then we have one rogue cop with a long history of abuse to various people, but he kills a black man on film and the entire country not only assumes it was based upon racism, it is assumed that looting city after city should be the standard reaction.

Now you have 70 year old barbers in Michigan being arrested for cutting hair and you have the state giving standing down orders as cities burn.

As an old saying goes, "If you are cruel to the nice you will be nice to the cruel"

No wiser words have been spoken.
There is “hysteria” on both sides.
Yes, the left overreacted on the George Floyd murder by nationwide protests instead of local protest in city where it occurred, and only those police MEN who abuse their authority should be punished.
However, that type of police abuse has been going on for a long time, especially against minorities & especially blacks, so peaceful demonstrations are justified to remind authorities that reform is necessary.

Those looters and political agitators should be dealth with separately in a harsh way.
Why is it that when the nation is confronted by a threat, the press and government overreact?

So you get a virus with projections of 2 million dead and then proceed to close the entire economy. Obviously, this was an overreaction, especially considering that previous research points to about a million people dying because of various factors revolving around an economy with 20% unemployment, such as suicide and drug and alcohol abuse and heart disease, etc.

Then we have one rogue cop with a long history of abuse to various people, but he kills a black man on film and the entire country not only assumes it was based upon racism, it is assumed that looting city after city should be the standard reaction.

Now you have 70 year old barbers in Michigan being arrested for cutting hair and you have the state giving standing down orders as cities burn.

As an old saying goes, "If you are cruel to the nice you will be nice to the cruel"

No wiser words have been spoken.

" As an old saying goes, "If you are cruel to the nice you will be nice to the cruel"

why don't you ask Trump the KING of INSULTS and CRUELTY that question?
Why is it that when the nation is confronted by a threat, the press and government overreact?

So you get a virus with projections of 2 million dead and then proceed to close the entire economy. Obviously, this was an overreaction, especially considering that previous research points to about a million people dying because of various factors revolving around an economy with 20% unemployment, such as suicide and drug and alcohol abuse and heart disease, etc.

Then we have one rogue cop with a long history of abuse to various people, but he kills a black man on film and the entire country not only assumes it was based upon racism, it is assumed that looting city after city should be the standard reaction.

Now you have 70 year old barbers in Michigan being arrested for cutting hair and you have the state giving standing down orders as cities burn.

As an old saying goes, "If you are cruel to the nice you will be nice to the cruel"

No wiser words have been spoken.

Why does any one of us continue to be shocked and/or surprised by the anti-civilization mobs elected to office, spouting lies 24/7 on television, on social media, in our institutions of higher learning or "teaching" our children in public schools? America is under siege—has been under siege for decades, both from within and without, but by radical cultural "warriors" in particular who are embedded deep within every facet of American society, politics and culture. These people, call them SJWs, postmodernists, cultural Marxists or whatever, all stand united behind one goal: undoing all that is America, from American values and religion, to the mass murder and mutilation of children and opening the floodgates of both limitless immigration and release of convicts onto our streets. These people are against the survival of the human race itself and obviously will stop at nothing to see all of us join the Dodo bird. The time for these people shocking and surprising us with their anti-human behavior needs to pass and pass now.
Why is it that when the nation is confronted by a threat, the press and government overreact?

So you get a virus with projections of 2 million dead and then proceed to close the entire economy. Obviously, this was an overreaction, especially considering that previous research points to about a million people dying because of various factors revolving around an economy with 20% unemployment, such as suicide and drug and alcohol abuse and heart disease, etc.

Then we have one rogue cop with a long history of abuse to various people, but he kills a black man on film and the entire country not only assumes it was based upon racism, it is assumed that looting city after city should be the standard reaction.

Now you have 70 year old barbers in Michigan being arrested for cutting hair and you have the state giving standing down orders as cities burn.

As an old saying goes, "If you are cruel to the nice you will be nice to the cruel"

No wiser words have been spoken.

" As an old saying goes, "If you are cruel to the nice you will be nice to the cruel"

why don't you ask Trump the KING of INSULTS and CRUELTY that question?
Once we get past all of the Prog kings and queens.

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