...The Least Racist Society On Earth

"After Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was denied service at a Washington, D.C., restaurant, Representative Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) encouraged her supporters to harass administration officials:

“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere. We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents.”
After taking about burning down the GOP, no-longer-conservative Jennifer Rubin said President Trump’s supporters must be leveled:

“We have to level them because if there are survivors — if there are people who weather this storm, they will do it again — will take this as confirmation that, ‘Hey, it just pays to ride the wave — look at me, I’ve made it through.’ “
Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.) encouraged supporters to get up in the face of Republican members of Congress:

Booker, who has been mentioned as a possible 2020 presidential election candidate, was speaking Wednesday at the National Conference on Ending Homelessness in Washington, D.C.
He concluded his address by encouraging people not to be passive, and to instead “go to the Hill today.”
“Please, get up in the face of some congresspeople,” he said.
Senator Tim Kaine (D-Va.) called on liberals to fight in the streets against Trump and his supporters. Kaine’s son was arrested in antifa protests."
That would be right here in the good ol' USof A.

Every other nation on Earth ended slavery in their respective jurisdictions without having to have a war.

Every other nation on Earth didn't have Democrats either.
Slavery existed for 200 years before the Democratic Party was formed.

It was an institution of our southern states regardless of political affiliation
Slavery was one of the reasons the Democrat Party was created.....to stop abolition.
You just made that one up
Senate Democrats Video: Loretta Lynch Calls for Blood and Death in the Streets
Loretta Lynch calling for open sedition against the government and agitating for violence to accomplish the goals of the left. The Senate Democrats posted this to their Facebook page earlier.

How long ago did Democrats plan Portland and Kenosha?????
Kamala Harris: Riots won’t stop and neither should they

Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) told everyone to beware: the riots of the last three months are not going to stop now or after Election Day. Moreover, they should not. She could be the de facto leader of the free world after the election:

I don't think there is a 'least' racist society I have lived in many countries and every one of them has their cultural biases and race hatred.

There is a difference, however. In some societies, racism and prejudice are allowed in polite society. Their racism is considered 'right and proper' and not something that someone should be ashamed of.

In other societies, racism is not socially accepted and when it is shown, it is only shown when the person is assured of anonymity or when they feel they are amongst like-minded individuals.

In those societies, racism cannot withstand the light of day.
What about bigotry?

That would be right here in the good ol' USof A.

And every Democrat supporter who denies it is a liar: they know the truth.

PJMedia has the truth, but let me give my short answer first: the Democrat Party would never win a national election without a huge foot up from the black community. Toward that end, they advance racist grievance propaganda 24-7.

1. "Why Racial Tensions Are So High in the Least Racist Society on Earth
View attachment 381922

2. ... the Black Lives Matter narrative about “systemic racism” in the United States is completely contrary to reality. It is propaganda constructed in order to exacerbate racial division and has about as much truth to it as the Nazis’ narrative about how Jews conspired to sabotage Germany’s World War I war effort.

3. ... Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society and War on Poverty replaced segregation in the South with nationwide programs that were even worse for the poor, as they took away incentives to work and created a permanently unemployed underclass in which an ever-larger group of people essentially became wards of the state.
That may have been the idea all along.

4. ...Barack Obama. Throughout his tenure, Obama stoked racial tensions rather than calming them. When he took office, the Justice Department was pursuing a case against the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation in Philadelphia. Obama’s attorney general, Eric Holder, abruptly dropped the case in May 2009 and refused to cooperate with further investigations, giving the impression that the Black Panthers were getting away with voter intimidation because of their race.

5. Obama’s response to several widely publicized incidents also exacerbated racial tensions. On July 16, 2009, black intellectual Henry Louis Gates found himself locked out of his Massachusetts home and began trying to force his way in. An officer arrived to investigate a possible break-in; Gates began berating him and was arrested for disorderly conduct. Obama claimed that the police “acted stupidly” and noted the “long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by police disproportionately,” although there was no indication of racial bias in the case. He invited Gates and the police officer to the White House for a “beer summit,” which the media hailed as a manifestation of his determination to heal racial divisions, when in fact it was just the opposite: he was taking a case of misunderstanding and disorderly conduct and portraying it as a racial incident requiring presidential reconciliation."

Many were prepared to accept the lies by government schooling.

They were trained to hate America, and to see evil where none exists.

And.....it has worked.


This is the least racist society in this miserable world.

Where else do the media cry crocodile tears 24/7 for a supposedly mistreated minority group?

Where else do politicians literally kneel in contrition to that group?

Where else do politicians urge undocumented immigrants from every country in the world to come here?

Where else does the government give money to apologize for something that happened more than 150 years ago?

Where else do people get undeserved awards just to make them feel good about themselves?

Where else are people canceled if they refuse to regurgitate the party line in regard to the beauty of diversity?

You betcha this is the least racist society in the world!
Corporate America is now firmly behind BLM.

It is now a legitimate movement with only our retarded Conservatives still opposing black rights
There is no suck thing as black rights you stupid phuck.
They have a right to be treated like anyone else
And they are treated like everyone else.
Wish it was so, but it is not
Our Justice System does not treat Black Defendants the same as white.
Corporate America is now firmly behind BLM.

It is now a legitimate movement with only our retarded Conservatives still opposing black rights
There is no suck thing as black rights you stupid phuck.
They have a right to be treated like anyone else
And they are treated like everyone else.
Wish it was so, but it is not
Our Justice System does not treat Black Defendants the same as white.
45 shot this past weekend and 5 killed in Chicago alone. Shhhh, don't say it too loud.

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