The least patriotic states in America, no surprise California, New York, New Jersey last

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Who would of guessed?

48 California
49 New York
50 New Jersey

2019’s Most Patriotic States in America

WalletHub compared the states across 13 key indicators of patriotism. Our datStorieanges from share of enlisted military population to share of adults who voted in the 2016 presidential election to AmeriCorps volunteers per capita. Read on for our findings, expert commentary and a full description of our methodology.

Here are the top 10 most patriotic states in the U.S., according to WalletHub:

1. New Hampshire

2. Wyoming

3. Vermont

4. Utah

5. Idaho

6. Wisconsin

7. Alaska

8. South Carolina

9. Missouri

10. Minnesota

Sorry, but that is just a stupid attempt to get some clicks for their website.

Their methodology is stupid.

People in states where the outcome of the election is not in doubt tend to stay home more, this does not make them any less patriotic.

How does joining the Peace Corp make you patriotic?

Where active duty military people live is 100% up to the military and has no bearing on the state as those people will move every few years.

How did they calculate Volunteer Rate and what counts as "volunteering"?
Who would of guessed?

48 California
49 New York
50 New Jersey

2019’s Most Patriotic States in America

WalletHub compared the states across 13 key indicators of patriotism. Our datStorieanges from share of enlisted military population to share of adults who voted in the 2016 presidential election to AmeriCorps volunteers per capita. Read on for our findings, expert commentary and a full description of our methodology.

Here are the top 10 most patriotic states in the U.S., according to WalletHub:

1. New Hampshire

2. Wyoming

3. Vermont

4. Utah

5. Idaho

6. Wisconsin

7. Alaska

8. South Carolina

9. Missouri

10. Minnesota

Correct me if I'm wrong but that might be more of an indication of states where 18 year olds have no options except the military....or want to get the heck out to see some other place.
Who would of guessed?

48 California
49 New York
50 New Jersey

2019’s Most Patriotic States in America

WalletHub compared the states across 13 key indicators of patriotism. Our datStorieanges from share of enlisted military population to share of adults who voted in the 2016 presidential election to AmeriCorps volunteers per capita. Read on for our findings, expert commentary and a full description of our methodology.

Here are the top 10 most patriotic states in the U.S., according to WalletHub:

1. New Hampshire

2. Wyoming

3. Vermont

4. Utah

5. Idaho

6. Wisconsin

7. Alaska

8. South Carolina

9. Missouri

10. Minnesota

I was just in Atlantic City, NJ, and got out of the rain in the Korean War Memorial. Very patriotic.
People in states where the outcome of the election is not in doubt tend to stay home more, this does not make them any less patriotic.
i agree with the rest but I think you could make a damn good argument that voting is a direct sign of patriotism. It is the single most important civic duty you have and if you ignore that saying you are patriotic is a rather vapid claim.
People in states where the outcome of the election is not in doubt tend to stay home more, this does not make them any less patriotic.
i agree with the rest but I think you could make a damn good argument that voting is a direct sign of patriotism. It is the single most important civic duty you have and if you ignore that saying you are patriotic is a rather vapid claim.

I agree it is, but one can also understand why a Repub in Cali or a Dem in Utah might pass on voting for POTUS. Then there is the fact that we are consistently given two pieces of shit to choose from as the main two choices, which also could cause people to stay home. After while picking the lesser of two evils gets to be a useless gesture. I would put more weight on voting in primaries than the General election.
Who would of guessed?

48 California
49 New York
50 New Jersey

2019’s Most Patriotic States in America

WalletHub compared the states across 13 key indicators of patriotism. Our datStorieanges from share of enlisted military population to share of adults who voted in the 2016 presidential election to AmeriCorps volunteers per capita. Read on for our findings, expert commentary and a full description of our methodology.

Here are the top 10 most patriotic states in the U.S., according to WalletHub:

1. New Hampshire

2. Wyoming

3. Vermont

4. Utah

5. Idaho

6. Wisconsin

7. Alaska

8. South Carolina

9. Missouri

10. Minnesota

Correct me if I'm wrong but that might be more of an indication of states where 18 year olds have no options except the military....or want to get the heck out to see some other place.

Yes, you are wrong.

You didn't read how it was determined, dumbass! You assumed!
Patriotism is a loaded gun. Like I was about to shoot somebody, America! What about Korea, authors invent 5000 words, that legally means 8 feet of land.
People in states where the outcome of the election is not in doubt tend to stay home more, this does not make them any less patriotic.
i agree with the rest but I think you could make a damn good argument that voting is a direct sign of patriotism. It is the single most important civic duty you have and if you ignore that saying you are patriotic is a rather vapid claim.

I agree it is, but one can also understand why a Repub in Cali or a Dem in Utah might pass on voting for POTUS. Then there is the fact that we are consistently given two pieces of shit to choose from as the main two choices, which also could cause people to stay home. After while picking the lesser of two evils gets to be a useless gesture. I would put more weight on voting in primaries than the General election.
Ha, yes more people need to vote in the primaries - it would go a LONG way to improving the duopoly we have.

However, the fact that more people are demoralized and stay home in those states is kind of the point - they have lost their patriotism or they would not have given up on the civic duty that is voting. It is the duty part that matters. I have been fighting the idea that you have to vote for one of the two shit candidates the major parties picked for a long time - we have more than 2 options and it is about time that those people that feel left out start using the vote there as well.
Who would of guessed?

48 California
49 New York
50 New Jersey

2019’s Most Patriotic States in America

WalletHub compared the states across 13 key indicators of patriotism. Our datStorieanges from share of enlisted military population to share of adults who voted in the 2016 presidential election to AmeriCorps volunteers per capita. Read on for our findings, expert commentary and a full description of our methodology.

Here are the top 10 most patriotic states in the U.S., according to WalletHub:

1. New Hampshire

2. Wyoming

3. Vermont

4. Utah

5. Idaho

6. Wisconsin

7. Alaska

8. South Carolina

9. Missouri

10. Minnesota

I was just in Atlantic City, NJ, and got out of the rain in the Korean War Memorial. Very patriotic.

I wouldn’t say Jersey is unpatriotic, just that it’s generally shitty town to anyone not from that crap hole.
Correct me if I'm wrong but that might be more of an indication of states where 18 year olds have no options except the military....or want to get the heck out to see some other place.
You're wrong.

There are no states where 18 year olds have no other options.

But I also disagree with some of the metrics of the survey.

Americorps? Really?
Who would of guessed?

48 California
49 New York
50 New Jersey

2019’s Most Patriotic States in America

WalletHub compared the states across 13 key indicators of patriotism. Our datStorieanges from share of enlisted military population to share of adults who voted in the 2016 presidential election to AmeriCorps volunteers per capita. Read on for our findings, expert commentary and a full description of our methodology.

Here are the top 10 most patriotic states in the U.S., according to WalletHub:

1. New Hampshire

2. Wyoming

3. Vermont

4. Utah

5. Idaho

6. Wisconsin

7. Alaska

8. South Carolina

9. Missouri

10. Minnesota

Correct me if I'm wrong but that might be more of an indication of states where 18 year olds have no options except the military....or want to get the heck out to see some other place.

Yes, you are wrong.

You didn't read how it was determined, dumbass! You assumed!
Well reason to get snarky? Had your coffee yet, Chief?
New Hampshire, live free or die by God!! Surrounded by big government high tax states NH has no state income tax, no sales tax, and small government.
People in states where the outcome of the election is not in doubt tend to stay home more, this does not make them any less patriotic.
i agree with the rest but I think you could make a damn good argument that voting is a direct sign of patriotism. It is the single most important civic duty you have and if you ignore that saying you are patriotic is a rather vapid claim.

It didn't surprise me Maine was number one in voting I sure see a lot of posters in political forums from that low population state and come to think of it I never read a political poster from Hawaii...

People in states where the outcome of the election is not in doubt tend to stay home more, this does not make them any less patriotic.
i agree with the rest but I think you could make a damn good argument that voting is a direct sign of patriotism. It is the single most important civic duty you have and if you ignore that saying you are patriotic is a rather vapid claim.

It didn't surprise me Maine was number one in voting I sure see a lot of posters in political forums from that low population state and come to think of it I never read a political poster from Hawaii...

I know I would be to busy on the beach in Hawaii to remember what a computer even is let alone post on a board. And voting? Can you do that from the sand?
Who would of guessed?

48 California
49 New York
50 New Jersey

2019’s Most Patriotic States in America

WalletHub compared the states across 13 key indicators of patriotism. Our datStorieanges from share of enlisted military population to share of adults who voted in the 2016 presidential election to AmeriCorps volunteers per capita. Read on for our findings, expert commentary and a full description of our methodology.

Here are the top 10 most patriotic states in the U.S., according to WalletHub:

1. New Hampshire

2. Wyoming

3. Vermont

4. Utah

5. Idaho

6. Wisconsin

7. Alaska

8. South Carolina

9. Missouri

10. Minnesota

Correct me if I'm wrong but that might be more of an indication of states where 18 year olds have no options except the military....or want to get the heck out to see some other place.

Yes, you are wrong.

You didn't read how it was determined, dumbass! You assumed!
Well reason to get snarky? Had your coffee yet, Chief?

Yes, there is a reason to "get snarky". You are a dumbass!
Sorry, but that is just a stupid attempt to get some clicks for their website.

Their methodology is stupid.

People in states where the outcome of the election is not in doubt tend to stay home more, this does not make them any less patriotic.

How does joining the Peace Corp make you patriotic?

Where active duty military people live is 100% up to the military and has no bearing on the state as those people will move every few years.

How did they calculate Volunteer Rate and what counts as "volunteering"?

They didn't just use one, they used 13 indicators and it's obvious with California supporting kneelers / piss on the American flag libtards they would be at the bottom.

Who would of guessed?

48 California
49 New York
50 New Jersey

2019’s Most Patriotic States in America

WalletHub compared the states across 13 key indicators of patriotism. Our datStorieanges from share of enlisted military population to share of adults who voted in the 2016 presidential election to AmeriCorps volunteers per capita. Read on for our findings, expert commentary and a full description of our methodology.

Here are the top 10 most patriotic states in the U.S., according to WalletHub:

1. New Hampshire

2. Wyoming

3. Vermont

4. Utah

5. Idaho

6. Wisconsin

7. Alaska

8. South Carolina

9. Missouri

10. Minnesota

I was just in Atlantic City, NJ, and got out of the rain in the Korean War Memorial. Very patriotic.

I wouldn’t say Jersey is unpatriotic, just that it’s generally shitty town to anyone not from that crap hole.

I agree most people forget New Jersey is even a state.

Who would of guessed?

48 California
49 New York
50 New Jersey

2019’s Most Patriotic States in America

WalletHub compared the states across 13 key indicators of patriotism. Our datStorieanges from share of enlisted military population to share of adults who voted in the 2016 presidential election to AmeriCorps volunteers per capita. Read on for our findings, expert commentary and a full description of our methodology.

Here are the top 10 most patriotic states in the U.S., according to WalletHub:

1. New Hampshire

2. Wyoming

3. Vermont

4. Utah

5. Idaho

6. Wisconsin

7. Alaska

8. South Carolina

9. Missouri

10. Minnesota

Correct me if I'm wrong but that might be more of an indication of states where 18 year olds have no options except the military....or want to get the heck out to see some other place.
Our county is tremendously proud of having one of the highest rates of volunteers for the Civil War of anywhere. We are also poor and rural. We keep our mouths shut, though, about the fact that a lot of young men joined to provide those at home with a small paycheck. (Not my gr-gr grandfather though. He was too old to be drafted, had five young kids at home from 2 to 15, a farm to run, and he still went. Something going on there, for sure--more of an escape attempt, if you ask me. He died of typhus for his sins.)
I got a Question for You Yankee!!! It Goes Like This from the Volunteer State! … If The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are Co-Substantial... And... co-essential with the Father according to the Godhead, the Self-same co-essential with us according to the Manhood; like us in all things, sin apart; before the ages begotten of the Father as to the Godhead, but in the last days, the Self-same, for us and for our salvation (born) of Mary the Virgin Theotokos as to the Manhood; One and the Same Christ, Son, Lord, Only-begotten; acknowledged in Two Natures unconfusedly, unchangeably, indivisibly, inseparably; the difference of the Natures being in no way removed because of the Union, but rather the properties of each Nature being preserved, and (both) concurring into One Person and One Hypostasis; not as though He were parted or divided into Two Persons, but One and the Self-same Son and Only-begotten God, Word, Lord, Jesus Christ; even as from the beginning the prophets have taught concerning Him, and as the Lord Jesus Christ Himself hath taught us, and as the Symbol of the Fathers hath handed down to us.[4]
Then how come you are confusing State Natures! I'm going Union , hello mr president.

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