The Lawbreaker Joe Biden Has A Lawsuit Moved to Discovery


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
So, in 2018 President Trump signed into law the Taylor Force Act. Biden, again violating his oath, appears to have deliberately violated the Act.

And a Federal Judge has moved a lawsuit against Biden to discovery.

Most corrupt president ever. It's almost like the left makes so much noise over Trump to distract from the fact that Joe Biden should be doing hard time (and cock) in prison.
Biden has repeatedly violated his oath of office, dozens of such instances of Biden doing so.

And Biden is the subject of this thread.
You people keep bloviating about this kind of crap, Biden is corrupt. Biden crime family. He violated his oath of office.bla,bla bla, but you really have nothing to hang a hat on. NOTHING! No evidence. It is all codswallop to detract from Trumps real crimes that have been documented in 91 criminal counts
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So, in 2018 President Trump signed into law the Taylor Force Act. Biden, again violating his oath, appears to have deliberately violated the Act.

And a Federal Judge has moved a lawsuit against Biden to discovery.

Complete and utter bullshit! He did not fund terror

The US will restore more than $200m (£145m) in aid to Palestinians, reversing massive funding cuts under the Trump administration that left humanitarian groups scrambling to keep people from plunging into poverty.
The Palestinians are not Hamas

[We] plan to restart US economic, development, and humanitarian assistance for the Palestinian people,” the secretary of state, Antony Blinken, said in a statement
What the fuck is wrong with you people!!??
The aid includes $75m in economic and development funds for the occupied West Bank and Gaza, which will provide food and clean water to Palestinians and help small businesses. A further $150m will be provided to the United Nations relief and works agency for Palestine refugees in the near east (UNRWA), a UN body that supports more than 5 million Palestinian refugees across the region.

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