The Land before Time..


Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2021
The Land before Time.... Can time exist without land ( a physical universe ). If there was a universe composed of pure thought and energy beings forming a collective singularity; would time exist for them ?
The Land before Time.... Can time exist without land ( a physical universe ). If there was a universe composed of pure thought and energy beings forming a collective singularity; would time exist for them ?
It would have totally different laws of physics. Anything in this universe that has zero mass is obligated to move at the speed of light according to the theory of relativity.
It would have totally different laws of physics. Anything in this universe that has zero mass is obligated to move at the speed of light according to the theory of relativity.
Wrong as usual. There would be no physics without time.

Also, you imply that there can be a universe with zero mass. That's ridiculous, too. We had to have time first, i.e. difference between night and day, as creation science states.
Wrong as usual. There would be no physics without time.

Also, you imply that there can be a universe with zero mass. That's ridiculous, too. We had to have time first, i.e. difference between night and day, as creation science states.
Tell that to Stan. You misunderstood the OP and my reply.
No idea.
What's an "energy being"?
What's "pure thought"?
Does magnetism play a role?
Doesn't a "collective singularity" like, repel racists or something?
Tell that to Stan. You misunderstood the OP and my reply.
What do you want me to ask/talk to Stann about?

I think it was the other thread he mentioned nature. How does experience "nature?" Does it mean sleeping in the woods? Getting outside our comfort zones? Keeping our 4,000 years of progress happening?

His land before time is far beyond what my land before time is, but yet your land has "different laws of physics and anything with zero mass can move with the speed of light because of TOR."

Just who do you think created the laws of physics? Don't these natural laws exist because the universe has a creator who is logical and has imposed order on his created universe?

No idea.
What's an "energy being"?
What's "pure thought"?
Does magnetism play a role?
Doesn't a "collective singularity" like, repel racists or something?
A spirit, God, It was most concentrated in the center, no everyone was included.
What do you want me to ask/talk to Stann about?

I think it was the other thread he mentioned nature. How does experience "nature?" Does it mean sleeping in the woods? Getting outside our comfort zones? Keeping our 4,000 years of progress happening?

His land before time is far beyond what my land before time is, but yet your land has "different laws of physics and anything with zero mass can move with the speed of light because of TOR."

Just who do you think created the laws of physics? Don't these natural laws exist because the universe has a creator who is logical and has imposed order on his created universe?
Christ said it himself, " My father's kingdom is not of the world. " He couldn't say it any other way, even if he was able to talk about parallel universes, no one in his kind would understand what he was talking about.
Christ said it himself, " My father's kingdom is not of this world." He couldn't say it in any other way, even if he was able to comprehend and talk about parallel universes, no one in his time would understand what he was talking about.
A spirit, God, It was most concentrated in the center, no everyone was included.
singularity {from Google / Oxford Dictionaries}:
  1. 2.
    a point at which a function takes an infinite value, especially in space-time when matter is infinitely dense, as at the center of a black hole.
Pretty darn "collective" already, no?
“What is ‘singularity’? Is it individualistic or collective? Is it a spiritual attainment or a pinnacle of global society? Is it realistic?”

Singularity has nothing to do with any of what you said there.
singularity {from Google / Oxford Dictionaries}:

Pretty darn "collective" already, no?

I'm trying to tell you, people have always thought they are the body they inhabit, they are not. We are not separate from God, we are part of God, " spirits " are allowed to live out lives as individuals in this physical world. They can cross the barrier between the universes. These bodies would just me another form of animal on this planet if we did not inhabit them.
I feel it should go without saying, but it would take far more than just your say so to convince me, along with many others hopefully. Since you mention it, for example, how do you see a stillborn baby being "allowed to live out" its life as an individual "in this physical world"? All I hear is wishful thinking. Our biological parents have sex, we get born, taxes and other shit happen. Some good for us, some bad. Then we die. That's life. The sooner we accept that basic reality the better, imho.
I feel it should go without saying, but it would take far more than just your say so to convince me, along with many others hopefully. Since you mention it, for example, how do you see a stillborn baby being "allowed to live out" its life as an individual "in this physical world"? All I hear is wishful thinking. Our biological parents have sex, we get born, taxes and other shit happen. Some good for us, some bad. Then we die. That's life. The sooner we accept that basic reality the better, imho.
Thanks but no thanks. I'm not going there again. But as it says in your Bible, God breathed life into the form and it became man. The process is repeated with each and every life. A spirit cannot enter a form that until that first breath. You cannot arbitrarily change the nature of life, even if you do not understand it. Believe whatever you wish, You've heard my words and will recall my words in time. Best wishes.
Wrong as usual. There would be no physics without time.

Also, you imply that there can be a universe with zero mass. That's ridiculous, too. We had to have time first, i.e. difference between night and day, as creation science states.

Well, imagine the universe like a bicycle inner tube where the material goes around in a circle, at one point in the inner tube there's a very tiny hole, not even big enough for an atom to fit through.

All the energy gets ejected from this hole in a split second, it then flies around the circle and it all reaches the hole at exactly the same point billions and billions of years later, to continue the process again.

Would all this energy have matter at this "Big Bang" point? There'd be no atoms, as far as I can tell, maybe there'd be no mass, time would be distorted.

Just a possibility, and the exact science behind it might be very difficult to comprehend even for the best scientists.
I feel it should go without saying, but it would take far more than just your say so to convince me, along with many others hopefully. Since you mention it, for example, how do you see a stillborn baby being "allowed to live out" its life as an individual "in this physical world"? All I hear is wishful thinking. Our biological parents have sex, we get born, taxes and other shit happen. Some good for us, some bad. Then we die. That's life. The sooner we accept that basic reality the better, imho.
I'm not asking you to accept anything. I just put it out there for you to ponder. It's always good to believe in facts, or at least what you think of as facts. I have mine, you have yours.
singularity {from Google / Oxford Dictionaries}:

Pretty darn "collective" already, no?

From Webster's dictionary: singularity- noun, the state or quality okay being very distinctive or unusual.
singularity {from Google / Oxford Dictionaries}:

Pretty darn "collective" already, no?

" God " is all of us. There's a crucial balance that has to be maintained, 2/3rds. of us ( God ) must remain in the Universe of Light while 1/3 Rd. Is allowed to visit this world. Once earth has more than 10 billion people there will not be enough souls to illuminate the bodies and your soulless Antichrist will be born. Plagues, wars, climate disasters such as floods and fires, crop failures all are necessary now. Because man wouldn't allow the natural order of things.
" God " is all of us. There's a crucial balance that has to be maintained, 2/3rds. of us ( God ) must remain in the Universe of Light while 1/3 Rd. Is allowed to visit this world. Once earth has more than 10 billion people there will not be enough souls to illuminate the bodies and your soulless Antichrist will be born. Plagues, wars, climate disasters such as floods and fires, crop failures all are necessary now. Because man wouldn't allow the natural order of things.
Christ said love thy neighbor as thyself. He knew we are all one. And only a madman would harm himself.
From Webster's dictionary: singularity- noun, the state or quality okay being very distinctive or unusual.
I figured you'd appreciate the "PHYSICS•MATHEMATICS" definition, but okay. How does "collective" fit with "being very distinctive or unusual" in your mind? Like fingernails on a chalk board in mine.

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