The Koch brothers agenda

What people need is an education. Charity is simply a more devious form of enslavement. Nothing beats independence. Some people just need a hand getting that independence.

In Liberal bastion on NYC we spent $18,000 per student and of the 6 of 10 who don't drop out of HS, only 1 in 3 can function in college.


I thought you Liberals read every newspaper.It was in the Post and News (I dont read the Times)
NYC High School Grads Not Ready for College | The Buckingham Post
The Kochs are longtime libertarians who believe in drastically lower personal and corporate taxes, minimal social services for the needy, and much less oversight of industry—especially environmental regulation. These views dovetail with the brothers’ corporate interests. In a study released this spring, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst’s Political Economy Research Institute named Koch Industries one of the top ten air polluters in the United States. And Greenpeace issued a report identifying the company as a “kingpin of climate science denial.” The report showed that, from 2005 to 2008, the Kochs vastly outdid ExxonMobil in giving money to organizations fighting legislation related to climate change, underwriting a huge network of foundations, think tanks, and political front groups. Indeed, the brothers have funded opposition campaigns against so many Obama Administration policies—from health-care reform to the economic-stimulus program—that, in political circles, their ideological network is known as the Kochtopus.

The Billionaire Koch Brothers’ War Against Obama : The New Yorker

Thank God for the Koch brothers. It's too bad that aren't a hundred more like them. How could anyone, who isn't a useless bloodsucking tic on the ass of society, possibly object to wealthy patriotic Americans using their money to promote freedom and capitalism, the values this country was founded on?
The Koch brothers are practically running the Republican Party right now, which is appropriate since billionaires are the Republicans only constituency.
Koch Industries was fined $35 million for an alleged 300 pipeline spills in six states from 1990 to 1997, adding up to 3 million gallons of oil. The US Government had originally proposed fining Koch $71 million to $214 million in penalties for violations of the Clean Water Act by those spills.[27]

Koch's Sterling butane pipeline had a leak in Lively, Texas, on August 24, 1996. Two teenagers on the way to report the leak drove into the unseen butane cloud, and were killed when the gas exploded and burned. The National Transportation Safety Board concluded that severe external pipeline corrosion was the cause of the failure, and recommended to Koch to improve corrosion evaluation procedures. Although Koch distributed pamphlets about safety around the pipelines, they failed to maintain an up-to-date mailing list. Only 5 out of 45 residences in the area of the accident had received pamphlets. The families of the dead had not.[28][29]

Koch Industries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In March 1999, Koch Petroleum Group, a Koch Industries subsidiary, pled guilty to charges that it had negligently dumped hundreds of thousands of gallons of aviation fuel into wetlands near the Mississippi River from its refinery in Rosemount, Minnesota, and that it had also illegally dumped a million gallons of high-ammonia wastewater onto the ground and into the Mississippi River. Koch Petroleum paid the Dakota County Park System a $6 million fine and $2 million in remediation costs, and was ordered to serve three years of probation.[31]

In 1999, a federal jury found that Koch Industries had stolen oil from government and American Indian lands, had lied about its purchases more than 24,000 times, and was fined $553,504.[32]

In January 2000, a Koch Industries subsidiary, Koch Pipeline, agreed to a $35 million settlement with the U.S. Justice Department and the State of Texas. This settlement, including a $30 million civil fine, was incurred for the firm's three hundred oil spills in Texas and five other states going back to 1990.[33][34][35] The spills resulted in more than three million gallons of crude oil leaking into ponds, lakes, streams and coastal waters.[36]

In 2001, the company reached two settlements with the government. In April, the company reached a $20 million settlement in exchange for admitting to covering up environmental violations at its refinery in Corpus Christi, Texas.[37][38] That May, Koch Industries paid $25 million to the federal government to settle a federal lawsuit that found the company had improperly taken more oil than it had paid for from federal and Indian land.[39][40]

In June 2003, the US Commerce Department fined Koch Industries subsidiary Flint Hill Resources a $200,000 civil penalty. The fine settled charges that the company exported crude petroleum from the US to Canada without proper US government authorization. The Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security said from July 1997 to March 1999, Koch Petroleum (later called Flint Hill Resources) committed 40 violations of Export Administration Regulations.[41]

In 2006, Koch Industries’ subsidiary Flint Hill Resources was fined nearly $16,000 by the EPA for 10 separate violations of the Clean Air Act at its Alaska oil refinery facilities, and required to spend another $60,000 on safety equipment needed to help prevent future violations.[42]

In 2007, Koch Nitrogen's plant in Enid, Oklahoma, was listed as the third highest company releasing toxic chemicals in Oklahoma, according to the EPA, ranking behind Perma-Fix Environmental Services in Tulsa and Weyerhaeuser Co. in Valliant.[43] The facility produces about 10% of the US national production of anhydrous ammonia, as well as urea and UAN.[44]

In 2010, Koch Industries was ranked 10th on the list of top US corporate air polluters, the “Toxic 100 Air Polluters,” by the Political Economic Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.[45]

Koch Industries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I hope the Koch Brothers kick Soros' Ass. I'm completely sick of him and his Democrat puppets destroying our Nation. Go Koch Brothers!!
The Koch brothers are practically running the Republican Party right now, which is appropriate since billionaires are the Republicans only constituency.

Holy crap! Im a billionaire now!??!?! Sweet! Where is my money Chris? Tell me and ill let you be my gopher.
"The gala marked the social ascent of Koch, who, at the age of seventy, has become one of the city’s most prominent philanthropists. In 2008, he donated a hundred million dollars to modernize Lincoln Center’s New York State Theatre building, which now bears his name. He has given twenty million to the American Museum of Natural History, whose dinosaur wing is named for him. This spring, after noticing the decrepit state of the fountains outside the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Koch pledged at least ten million dollars for their renovation. He is a trustee of the museum, perhaps the most coveted social prize in the city, and serves on the board of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, where, after he donated more than forty million dollars, an endowed chair and a research center were named for him."

Thanks for promoting these guys I hadn't heard much about them, as with these gentlemen, we libertarians are big on charity and have a lot more faith in those organizations than big inefficient government bureacracies.

What people need is an education. Charity is simply a more devious form of enslavement. Nothing beats independence. Some people just need a hand getting that independence.

you're right... ask John Gotti.
The Kochs are longtime libertarians who believe in drastically lower personal and corporate taxes, minimal social services for the needy, and much less oversight of industry—especially environmental regulation. These views dovetail with the brothers’ corporate interests. In a study released this spring, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst’s Political Economy Research Institute named Koch Industries one of the top ten air polluters in the United States. And Greenpeace issued a report identifying the company as a “kingpin of climate science denial.” The report showed that, from 2005 to 2008, the Kochs vastly outdid ExxonMobil in giving money to organizations fighting legislation related to climate change, underwriting a huge network of foundations, think tanks, and political front groups. Indeed, the brothers have funded opposition campaigns against so many Obama Administration policies—from health-care reform to the economic-stimulus program—that, in political circles, their ideological network is known as the Kochtopus.

The Billionaire Koch Brothers’ War Against Obama : The New Yorker
uh huh;

Koch Brothers Receive Praise From Obama Administration
1:31 PM, Mar 1, 2011

Specifically, it’s with Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency that Koch Industries has been playing nice. In Texas last fall, for instance, the Koch-owned Flint Hills Resources helped forge an agreement between the EPA and the Texas Commission on Environmental Equality in a regulation dispute. The move got the company praise from the EPA, calling the agreement a “model for other companies.” The Corpus Christi Caller-Times was all cheers for the Kochs:

The agreement involving Flint Hills, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Environmental Protection Agency has far-reaching impact beyond the two local refineries that make the company one of Corpus Christi’s most significant employers. The company was the first to reach an agreement to trade in its state-issued permits for permits that will meet federal requirements. The agreement breaks new ground for industry statewide on an issue that also has statewide if not national political implications.

The EPA under President Obama has also praised Koch subsidiaries Georgia-Pacific and Invista for their cooperation with the agency. Georgia-Pacific even won an award from the EPA in 2009. Leftists may complain that these right-wing bogeymen are unfairly challenging federal environmental regulations so they can “keep pumping out pollution for free,” but it seems the Obama administration has a lot of positive things to say about the brothers Koch.

more at-
Koch Brothers Receive Praise From Obama Administration | The Weekly Standard

Why Koch Industries Is Speaking Out
Crony capitalism and bloated government prevent entrepreneurs from producing the products and services that make people's lives better.

For example, because of government mandates, our refining business is essentially obligated to be in the ethanol business. We believe that ethanol—and every other product in the marketplace—should be required to compete on its own merits, without mandates, subsidies or protective tariffs. Such policies only increase the prices of those products, taxes and the cost of many other goods and services.

Our elected officials would do well to remember that the most prosperous countries are those that allow consumers—not governments—to direct the use of resources. Allowing the government to pick winners and losers hurts almost everyone, especially our poorest citizens.

Recent studies show that the poorest 10% of the population living in countries with the greatest economic freedom have 10 times the per capita income of the poorest citizens in countries with the least economic freedom. In other words, society as a whole benefits from greater economic freedom.


On July 25, 2000, Clinton’s EPA sent a letter to Charles Koch congratulating his company on plans to reduce emissions at the Pine Bend and Corpus Christi refineries. “I appreciate that Koch took the initiative to work with EPA to develop an agreement that would advance the common interests of Koch, EPA, and the general public,” wrote Office of Regulatory Enforcement director Eric V. Schaeffer. “The Koch representatives were outstanding in their cooperation throughout the negotiation process.” None other than Janet Reno said she was “pleased” with the agreement. Koch’s cooperation, said then-EPA administrator Carol Browner (now President Obama’s climate czar), was “unprecedented.”

Koch made Herculean efforts to get ahead of the regulatory curve. The engineers lessened the amount of excess gas burned at Koch refineries—a practice known as flaring. “We’ve reduced the flaring at our refineries to almost nil,” Dave Robertson, the company’s president and chief operating officer, told me. In August 2003 the EPA selected Koch subsidiary John Zink Company for its prestigious National Environmental Performance Track program. Koch employees traveled frequently to Washington for consultation with government officials. “I think we have a constructive relationship with EPA,” said Jim Mahoney.

Koch’s efforts continue to elicit notice. Since Obama’s inauguration, Koch companies have been recognized more than 280 times by local, state, and federal agencies for safety and environmental stewardship. In 2009 Invista voluntarily agreed to a huge settlement with EPA. “Invista is making a clean start in a settlement that achieves significant environmental benefits,” an EPA administrator said at the time. In October 2009 the EPA gave its SmartWay Excellence Award to Georgia-Pacific for reducing pollution in the freight industry. In October 2010 Flint Hills Resources agreed to a deal with the federal government over permitting rights at its Texas refinery. “The process we have agreed to with Flint Hills Resources is an excellent one,” said EPA regional administrator Al Armendariz in a press release, “and we look forward to working with the company to complete the work to transition their permits.”

those bastards!!!!!!!
Last edited:
uh huh;

Koch Brothers Receive Praise From Obama Administration
1:31 PM, Mar 1, 2011

Specifically, it’s with Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency that Koch Industries has been playing nice. In Texas last fall, for instance, the Koch-owned Flint Hills Resources helped forge an agreement between the EPA and the Texas Commission on Environmental Equality in a regulation dispute. The move got the company praise from the EPA, calling the agreement a “model for other companies.” The Corpus Christi Caller-Times was all cheers for the Kochs:

The agreement involving Flint Hills, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Environmental Protection Agency has far-reaching impact beyond the two local refineries that make the company one of Corpus Christi’s most significant employers. The company was the first to reach an agreement to trade in its state-issued permits for permits that will meet federal requirements. The agreement breaks new ground for industry statewide on an issue that also has statewide if not national political implications.

The EPA under President Obama has also praised Koch subsidiaries Georgia-Pacific and Invista for their cooperation with the agency. Georgia-Pacific even won an award from the EPA in 2009. Leftists may complain that these right-wing bogeymen are unfairly challenging federal environmental regulations so they can “keep pumping out pollution for free,” but it seems the Obama administration has a lot of positive things to say about the brothers Koch.

more at-
Koch Brothers Receive Praise From Obama Administration | The Weekly Standard

Oops. :lol:
"Charity is a devious form of enslavement"

Dumbest quote in message board history?

Oh and I'd do some research on the % of kids born to mothers on welfare who end up on welfare themselves, kind of kills the path to independence argument.

We'd need to do a poll. I think the competition would be between that one from rdean and truthmatters claim that personal responsibility is 'outdated'.


I can honestly say that's the 1st time in my life I've heard someone talk about charity in a negative way.

Well Ebenezer Scrooge, but fictional characters don't count, I think there's a real person posting the stuff that gets put on the screen under rdean's name.

Recent research suggests that rdean is not actually a 'real person'.
We'd need to do a poll. I think the competition would be between that one from rdean and truthmatters claim that personal responsibility is 'outdated'.


I can honestly say that's the 1st time in my life I've heard someone talk about charity in a negative way.

Well Ebenezer Scrooge, but fictional characters don't count, I think there's a real person posting the stuff that gets put on the screen under rdean's name.

Recent research suggests that rdean is not actually a 'real person'.

well as long as that research was peer reviewed;)

I can honestly say that's the 1st time in my life I've heard someone talk about charity in a negative way.

Well Ebenezer Scrooge, but fictional characters don't count, I think there's a real person posting the stuff that gets put on the screen under rdean's name.

Recent research suggests that rdean is not actually a 'real person'.

well as long as that research was peer reviewed;)

It was.... by liberals. :eusa_shhh::eusa_angel:
Good. We desperately need them to counter that asshole Soros. That idiot owns an entire Political Party in this country. The Democrats bow to their Master Soros. So I wish the Koch Brothers the best of luck opposing Soros. Go get em! :)

:clap2::clap2: Go Koch Bro's!!!! Go America!!!! Screw Soros.
"The gala marked the social ascent of Koch, who, at the age of seventy, has become one of the city’s most prominent philanthropists. In 2008, he donated a hundred million dollars to modernize Lincoln Center’s New York State Theatre building, which now bears his name. He has given twenty million to the American Museum of Natural History, whose dinosaur wing is named for him. This spring, after noticing the decrepit state of the fountains outside the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Koch pledged at least ten million dollars for their renovation. He is a trustee of the museum, perhaps the most coveted social prize in the city, and serves on the board of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, where, after he donated more than forty million dollars, an endowed chair and a research center were named for him."

Thanks for promoting these guys I hadn't heard much about them, as with these gentlemen, we libertarians are big on charity and have a lot more faith in those organizations than big inefficient government bureacracies.

What people need is an education. Charity is simply a more devious form of enslavement. Nothing beats independence. Some people just need a hand getting that independence.

"Charity is a devious form of enslavement"

Dumbest quote in message board history?

Oh and I'd do some research on the % of kids born to mothers on welfare who end up on welfare themselves, kind of kills the path to independence argument.

Nahhh.. Just for this week...

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