The Jewish Progressive Agenda According to Bernie Sanders


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019

In the 2016 Democratic primaries, Bernie Sanders presented himself as an American who happened to be Jewish. Now, in a radical shift, Sanders identifies as “a proud Jewish American.” The progressive politician went from speaking in a universalist voice to defining himself as a 3rd category Jew, i.e., a person who identifies politically as a Jew (as opposed to identifying religiously:1st category, or ancestrally: 2nd category). In his new capacity as a proud Jew, Sanders has declared all out war on Anti-Semitism on behalf of his people and in the name of what he describes as ‘multicultural progressive values’.
Sanders is an insult to the real Jews in this world: The ones who are involved in a struggle for their very right to exist. He's a Marxist first, then a Jew only when it comes to pandering for votes.

His Jew Card should be revoked.

In the 2016 Democratic primaries, Bernie Sanders presented himself as an American who happened to be Jewish. Now, in a radical shift, Sanders identifies as “a proud Jewish American.” The progressive politician went from speaking in a universalist voice to defining himself as a 3rd category Jew, i.e., a person who identifies politically as a Jew (as opposed to identifying religiously:1st category, or ancestrally: 2nd category). In his new capacity as a proud Jew, Sanders has declared all out war on Anti-Semitism on behalf of his people and in the name of what he describes as ‘multicultural progressive values’.

You do understand that Judaism has no political agenda. Torah doesn't take a political position.

In the 2016 Democratic primaries, Bernie Sanders presented himself as an American who happened to be Jewish. Now, in a radical shift, Sanders identifies as “a proud Jewish American.” The progressive politician went from speaking in a universalist voice to defining himself as a 3rd category Jew, i.e., a person who identifies politically as a Jew (as opposed to identifying religiously:1st category, or ancestrally: 2nd category). In his new capacity as a proud Jew, Sanders has declared all out war on Anti-Semitism on behalf of his people and in the name of what he describes as ‘multicultural progressive values’.

You do understand that Judaism has no political agenda. Torah doesn't take a political position.

Probably off topic, but my wife has one of those Wonder Bible electronic Bibles that she plays a chapter of, every night before we go to sleep.

Last night was Judges 20, where they dealt with the Benjamites. It's pretty amazing how those Israelites were such fierce warriors back then, we're talking four hundred thousand men armed with swords.

I seriously doubt that they would have tolerated comrade Bernie's idolatry of socialism.
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In the 2016 Democratic primaries, Bernie Sanders presented himself as an American who happened to be Jewish. Now, in a radical shift, Sanders identifies as “a proud Jewish American.” The progressive politician went from speaking in a universalist voice to defining himself as a 3rd category Jew, i.e., a person who identifies politically as a Jew (as opposed to identifying religiously:1st category, or ancestrally: 2nd category). In his new capacity as a proud Jew, Sanders has declared all out war on Anti-Semitism on behalf of his people and in the name of what he describes as ‘multicultural progressive values’.
Bernie Sanders is just another soulless politician who will do or say anything that he thinks might get him a few more votes. He likes to tell the story of how he worked in a Kibbutz in Israel as a young man to get some creds as a Jew, but the truth is he went there because he was a socialist and a Kibbutz is a commune, not because he was Jewish. Sanders has long seen illegal immigration from Latin America as a threat to the welfare of American workers, but he will not speak a word about it now for fear of losing some votes. The truth is Sanders is just a pathetic old man who is now selling out all his values and beliefs in his quest for the nomination.

In the 2016 Democratic primaries, Bernie Sanders presented himself as an American who happened to be Jewish. Now, in a radical shift, Sanders identifies as “a proud Jewish American.” The progressive politician went from speaking in a universalist voice to defining himself as a 3rd category Jew, i.e., a person who identifies politically as a Jew (as opposed to identifying religiously:1st category, or ancestrally: 2nd category). In his new capacity as a proud Jew, Sanders has declared all out war on Anti-Semitism on behalf of his people and in the name of what he describes as ‘multicultural progressive values’.

You do understand that Judaism has no political agenda. Torah doesn't take a political position.

Probably off topic, but my wife has one of those Wonder Bible electronic Bibles that she plays a chapter of, every night before we go to sleep.

Last night was Judges 20, where they dealt with the Benjamites. It's pretty amazing how those Israelites were such fierce warriors back then, we're talking four hundred thousand men armed with swords.

I seriously doubt that they would have put up with comrade Bernie's idolatry of socialism.

Jews are pretty fierce warriors today.


When they need to be.

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