The Israeli Palestinian Conflict: 10 Myths Preventing Peace

Wow, one day, that's about as long as a century. The U.N. vote was very legitimate. Every country on Earth voted either for or against it, and the majority ruled. In any case, instead of arguing ancient history, we should be planning how to make peace in the here and now.
I just told you what would make peace right now.

BTW, the UN vote had issues they wanted to resolve, that's why they asked Zionists to wait.

But the Zionists didn't do that, did they? Why?

Because those "issues" they wanted to resolve, had to do with the Palestinian problem.

Do you know what the Palestinian problem was back in 1948, it was how could the arab muslims exist without the Jewish and Christian slaves to do all the work for them. Then there was the problem of inter breeding that was offset by the rape of Jewish girls bringing new genes into the mix. This is even more of a problem today as the gene pool is diminishing faster than ever
Wrong the Jews declared independence at the same date and time the mandate ended, not before. But you are showing your NAZI ANTI SENITIC JEW HATRED again by using the term Zionists because you believe it is not racist.
Do those two dates look the same to you?
Great Britain announced that it would terminate the Mandate on 15 May 1948

Israel declared its independence on 14 May 1948.
Do you have some hatred against intelligence?

Want to try again dildo as the evidence says

Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The British had notified the U.N. of their intent to terminate the mandate not later than 1 August 1948,[54][55] However, early in 1948, the United Kingdom announced its firm intention to end its mandate in Palestine on 14 May. In response, President Harry S. Truman made a statement on 25 March proposing UN trusteeship rather than partition, stating that "unfortunately, it has become clear that the partition plan cannot be carried out at this time by peaceful means... unless emergency action is taken, there will be no public authority in Palestine on that date capable of preserving law and order. Violence and bloodshed will descend upon the Holy Land. Large-scale fighting among the people of that country will be the inevitable result.

And for Israel it says

The Israeli Declaration of Independence (Hebrew: הכרזת העצמאות*, Hakhrazat HaAtzma'ut or Hebrew: מגילת העצמאות* Megilat HaAtzma'ut), was made on 14 May 1948 (5 Iyar 5708), the British Mandate terminating soon afterwards at midnight Palestine time

The Jews timed the declaration to coincide with the end of the British mandate purposely
Wrong the Jews declared independence at the same date and time the mandate ended, not before. But you are showing your NAZI ANTI SENITIC JEW HATRED again by using the term Zionists because you believe it is not racist.
Do those two dates look the same to you?
Great Britain announced that it would terminate the Mandate on 15 May 1948

Israel declared its independence on 14 May 1948.
Do you have some hatred against intelligence?
It's entirely possible that you are both right, from one perspective or another.

The Declaration was, indeed, made on 14 May 1948, late in the afternoon, Tel Aviv time.

The Declaration went into effect at 00:01 (12:01 am) on 15 May 1948 (more like one nanosecond after midnight)

An excerpt from the Declaration:

"...WE DECLARE that, with effect from the moment of the termination of the Mandate being tonight, the eve of Sabbath, the 6th Iyar, 5708 (15th May, 1948), until the establishment of the elected, regular authorities of the State in accordance with the Constitution which shall be adopted by the Elected Constituent Assembly not later than the 1st October 1948, the People's Council shall act as a Provisional Council of State, and its executive organ, the People's Administration, shall be the Provisional Government of the Jewish State, to be called "Israel"...

Declaration of Establishment of State of Israel (website = Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs)


Post-dated for the split-second that the British Mandate expired.

Points to both posters, in this case, I believe.
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Try again as you are wrong, just as you have been told many times before this is not an official UN document. It is a map for the Sub Committee 2 of the ad hoc committee for the Palestinian question produced in 1950. It is based on ANTI SEMITIC data from the British mandate that was shown to be wrong. The year this map is based on was before the UN even came into existence so it cant be an official UN anything
Oh really?

Here's the link to the map, which you can get from this page.

Which happens to be the official UN website.

Irrelevant as this does not prove the source is official. you have been told this before
Wrong the Jews declared independence at the same date and time the mandate ended, not before. But you are showing your NAZI ANTI SENITIC JEW HATRED again by using the term Zionists because you believe it is not racist.
Do those two dates look the same to you?
Great Britain announced that it would terminate the Mandate on 15 May 1948

Israel declared its independence on 14 May 1948.
Do you have some hatred against intelligence?
It's entirely possible that you are both right, from one perspective or another.

The Declaration was, indeed, made on 14 May 1948, late in the afternoon, Tel Aviv time.

The Declaration went into effect at 00:01 (12:01 am) on 15 May 1948 (more like one nanosecond after midnight)

An excerpt from the Declaration:

"...WE DECLARE that, with effect from the moment of the termination of the Mandate being tonight, the eve of Sabbath, the 6th Iyar, 5708 (15th May, 1948), until the establishment of the elected, regular authorities of the State in accordance with the Constitution which shall be adopted by the Elected Constituent Assembly not later than the 1st October 1948, the People's Council shall act as a Provisional Council of State, and its executive organ, the People's Administration, shall be the Provisional Government of the Jewish State, to be called "Israel"...

Declaration of Establishment of State of Israel (website = Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs)


Post-dated for the split-second that the British Mandate expired.

Points to both posters, in this case, I believe.

I don't think a few hours of a single day is a major infraction, probably done in order to prevent a power vaccuum and anarchy.
History and evidence show that you are wrong as in 2005 there was no blockqade of occupation of gaza and the ISLAMONAZIS increased the rate and severity of illegal rocket attacks on Israel. The blockade did not come into place for 2 years after the Palestinians got what they demanded, and still kept on attacking Israeli children.

So why didn't peace occur in 2005 and 2006 when there was no blockade or occupation ?
Are you on crack?

In 2006, the occupation had been around for 39 years.

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ended the occupation of Gaza in 2005.
History and evidence show that you are wrong as in 2005 there was no blockqade of occupation of gaza and the ISLAMONAZIS increased the rate and severity of illegal rocket attacks on Israel. The blockade did not come into place for 2 years after the Palestinians got what they demanded, and still kept on attacking Israeli children.

So why didn't peace occur in 2005 and 2006 when there was no blockade or occupation ?
Are you on crack?

In 2006, the occupation had been around for 39 years.

Not in gaza and Israel complied with Palestinian demands to remove all Jews from gaza as part of the oslo accords. These also included the halting of all belligerence, violence and terrorism by the Palestinians and commitment to peace talks and agreement on mutually agreed borders.

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ended the occupation of Gaza in 2005.
But did not end the occupation of the West Bank.

The West Bank and Gaza are one.

And the basic fact is that the Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza are one people, however separated they are by walls and fences and check-points. Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from one part of that people’s land cannot turn that people into aggressors when they resist the illegal occupation of the rest.
Gaza's rockets are legal resistance; Israel's missiles are illegal aggression.

An occupational force, cannot claim self defense.

The assassin who is being repulsed by his intended victim may not slay him and then, in turn, plead self defense.
Again, going back to the '67 borders is not going to happen.

Also, Abbas has said that right of return needs to be part of the deal.

Even if Israel were to go back to the '67 borders, there needs to be a peace treaty prior to leaving the territories.
Take a look at military occupations in the past...
Military occupations of the past did not last 50 years.

You have no right denying Palestinian's their freedom.
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All 10 myths, are just bullshit Israeli talking points and propaganda.

What is preventing peace, is the occupation and illegal/immoral blockade of Gaza.

End those and peace will occur.

History and evidence show that you are wrong as in 2005 there was no blockqade of occupation of gaza and the ISLAMONAZIS increased the rate and severity of illegal rocket attacks on Israel. The blockade did not come into place for 2 years after the Palestinians got what they demanded, and still kept on attacking Israeli children.

So why didn't peace occur in 2005 and 2006 when there was no blockade or occupation ?

False question.

[ame=]Laila El-Haddad, Journalist, Author, Gaza Mom-The Autograph-09-21-2011 - YouTube[/ame]
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ended the occupation of Gaza in 2005.
But did not end the occupation of the West Bank.

The West Bank and Gaza are one.

And the basic fact is that the Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza are one people, however separated they are by walls and fences and check-points. Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from one part of that people’s land cannot turn that people into aggressors when they resist the illegal occupation of the rest.
Gaza's rockets are legal resistance; Israel's missiles are illegal aggression.

An occupational force, cannot claim self defense.

The assassin who is being repulsed by his intended victim may not slay him and then, in turn, plead self defense.

So Hamas can launch rockets but Israel can't??

:lol: :lol: :lol:

There is no FUCK YOU emoticon big enough to respond to that


That has been an ongoing source of irritation to me ever since, after 9/11, I learned that a significant minority of Muslims (+/- 300,000,000 of them) the world over, want to make Islam dominant over all religions, governments, institutions and peoples using any means necessary, including violence.

So, for more than ten years, how could so many (far too many) news anchors and correspondents and writers and columnists and pundits and analysts and experts continue referring to the wars and conflicts around the world involving Islamic terrorism as being bad or not so bad because al Qaeda was or wasn't affiliated with said attack?

The media has MIS-LED the American (mostly Liberal) citizenry that Al Qaeda was the only name to know in Islamic terrorism. I always knew they didn't 'get it' but I think they are starting to get wise to it, finally.

ALL of Islam is the danger.

Moderate Muslims are irrelevant in the face of the aggression of the Islamists just as moderate Russians were irrelevant as Stalin tyrannized the Soviet Union, killing millions in the process. Moderate Chinese were irrelevant in stopping Mao's Cultural revolution, which also killed millions.

And we know just how irrelevant the moderate Germans were when it came to stopping Hitler.

Moderate Muslims are irrelevant to stop the jihadists.
They are as they all follow the same religion and culture.
You're such an idiot!

I'm beginning to wonder maybe you're the "myth"?

Not according to the available evidence from non partisan sources.
Oh shut-up!

Do you understand that you are letting your hatred of the Jews cloud your judgement
Why would I hate jews?

NOTE TO READERS: This is not the first time Billo has answered the accusation of hating jews with this EXACT response;

Why would I hate jews?

i think it's his safe response so he doesn't have to actually betray his true feelings.

He answers a question with a question without answering the original question and he usually gets away with this non-answer.

Don't let him hide in the shadows.

Answer the question, Billo.

Why do you hate Jews?
i think it's his safe response so he doesn't have to actually betray his true feelings.

He answers a question with a question without answering the original question and he usually gets away with this non-answer.

Don't let him hide in the shadows.

Answer the question, Billo.

Why do you hate Jews?
I'm not the one making the claim, he is. If that is what he thinks, it's not unreasonable to ask "why"? Isn't it logical to assume someone has a "reason" for thinking "something"? Well, what is that reason?

If you're going to accuse someone of being something, I think you are at least obligated to say why? Because if you don't, you're nothing more than a POS making baseless accusations.

Why do you think I hate jews?

If you can't say why you think that, then you obviously think things for no reason whatsoever.

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