The Israeli Palestinian Conflict: 10 Myths Preventing Peace

The land was taken by force by Zionists.

The UN merely blessed that fact, and called it legal.
And that would make it legal. Even under the corrupt process that led up to it.

However it was not moral, and not right. But yes. Legal.

What ISN'T legal is the continued occupation, settlement and blockade.

If Israel will not conform to the UN then they should not benefit from its favourable rulings.
If the occupation continues, then ALL of Israel should be deemed to be forfeit.
Sure, the first thing out of his mouth was that in 1947 the UN voted to give land to the Jews and the Palestinians.


The UN didn't have any land.

Wrong again Tinmore!
The UN vote for future plan when the British Mandate would be over, therefore the vote is completely legitimate - The British agreed as well, Anything else?

So? The mandate did not have any land either.

The LoN did as they acquired the land as reparations from the Ottoman empire after WW1. The arab muslims had not owned or controlled the land for more than 1,000 years so had no LEGAL CLAIM to any of the land. The LoN gave part of the Land to two Hashemite princes who lived in Saudi Arabia as part of the deal struck before WW1 started. The U.N. took over the role of the LoN in 1945, and all of its land ownership.

You really should stop reading that ISLAMONAZI rubbish you have been told is the truth.
You Muslims don't get it.
You speak as though Muslims are one entity, with one voice and one mind set.

You are fundamentally mistaken.
Have you considered the possibility that it is YOU who are mistaken?

We sometimes look back at historical characters and wonder if the Nazis, or other obviously REALLY bad guys, actually realized at the time, that they were the bad guys.
And just like now, Israel doesn't consider themselves the bad guys.

You DO understand, don't you, that in this equation Muslims are the bad guys, right?
Do you understand, in this equation, you are wrong?
The LoN did as they acquired the land as reparations from the Ottoman empire after WW1. The arab muslims had not owned or controlled the land for more than 1,000 years so had no LEGAL CLAIM to any of the land. The LoN gave part of the Land to two Hashemite princes who lived in Saudi Arabia as part of the deal struck before WW1 started. The U.N. took over the role of the LoN in 1945, and all of its land ownership.

You really should stop reading that ISLAMONAZI rubbish you have been told is the truth.
Official UN land records for that time, says you are wrong.

Wrong again Tinmore!
The UN vote for future plan when the British Mandate would be over, therefore the vote is completely legitimate - The British agreed as well, Anything else?
The UN also asked Zionists to wait before declaring a nation of Israel and Zionists went ahead anyway and declared the state of Israel a day before the Mandate ended.

Wow, one day, that's about as long as a century. The U.N. vote was very legitimate. Every country on Earth voted either for or against it, and the majority ruled. In any case, instead of arguing ancient history, we should be planning how to make peace in the here and now.
Wow, one day, that's about as long as a century. The U.N. vote was very legitimate. Every country on Earth voted either for or against it, and the majority ruled. In any case, instead of arguing ancient history, we should be planning how to make peace in the here and now.
I just told you what would make peace right now.

BTW, the UN vote had issues they wanted to resolve, that's why they asked Zionists to wait.

But the Zionists didn't do that, did they? Why?

Because those "issues" they wanted to resolve, had to do with the Palestinian problem.
Wow, one day, that's about as long as a century. The U.N. vote was very legitimate. Every country on Earth voted either for or against it, and the majority ruled. In any case, instead of arguing ancient history, we should be planning how to make peace in the here and now.
I just told you what would make peace right now...
The only thing that will make the entire Palestinian collective happy is for Israel to dissolve itself as a state and for most of the Jews to evacuate and for virtually all the land to belong to and to be under the control of Palestinian Muslim-Arabas.

...BTW, the UN vote had issues they wanted to resolve, that's why they asked Zionists to wait...

...But the Zionists didn't do that, did they? Why?...

1. the Jews and Arabs had already been at each others' throats for several decades

2. because the British were the only thing that stood between the Jews and being overrun and slaughtered by the Arabs of the region

3. because the Arabs would have seized political control over all the land of Old Palestine, leaving the Jews with nothing, if they had been stupid enough to wait for the UN

...Because those 'issues' they wanted to resolve, had to do with the Palestinian problem.
4. Indeed - because to 'wait' was the equivalent of 'doing nothing', and because 'doing nothing' would result in the Jews being overrun before the UN could come to the rescue


Timing is half of what is needed at a time like that, especially when the people telling you to wait are not stakeholders, and when you know that in the Real World, waiting was the equivalent of conceding that the promises of Balfour, the League and the UN, would never be realized, because the Arabs would have seized it all in a matter of days, and that the UN would concede the fait accompli without lifting a finger to reverse that fait accompli to an extent sufficient to provide the Jews with their piece of Old Palestine.

Courage is the other half of what is needed at a time like that; the courage to seize their share when it became clear that the promisors were equivocating, the courage to stand and hold against all comers, and the courage to ignore the hypocritical cat-calls from promisors who were on the verge of welching on their promises and who became angry that their true intentions were unmasked and circumvented by such a pipsqueak collection of desperate daredevils.
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The mandate temporarily held Palestine in trust. It was not their land and therefore it was not theirs to give away.

The UN never owned that land.
Neither the Palestinians.

The guy in the video said that the UN was going to give land.

The UN had no land.

That doesn't make any sense.

The UN took over ownership of the land in 1945 when the LoN was assimilated into the U.N. The UN were custodian owners of the land until such time as the indigenous peoples declared their intent to create a nation on the land allocated under UN res 181. The Palestinian arab muslims refused to accept the terms and lost their chance to create a state
Wow, one day, that's about as long as a century. The U.N. vote was very legitimate. Every country on Earth voted either for or against it, and the majority ruled. In any case, instead of arguing ancient history, we should be planning how to make peace in the here and now.
I just told you what would make peace right now.

BTW, the UN vote had issues they wanted to resolve, that's why they asked Zionists to wait.

But the Zionists didn't do that, did they? Why?

Because those "issues" they wanted to resolve, had to do with the Palestinian problem.

Again, going back to the '67 borders is not going to happen.

Also, Abbas has said that right of return needs to be part of the deal.

Even if Israel were to go back to the '67 borders, there needs to be a peace treaty prior to leaving the territories.
Take a look at military occupations in the past...
The land was taken by force by Zionists.

The UN merely blessed that fact, and called it legal.
And that would make it legal. Even under the corrupt process that led up to it.

However it was not moral, and not right. But yes. Legal.

What ISN'T legal is the continued occupation, settlement and blockade.

If Israel will not conform to the UN then they should not benefit from its favourable rulings.
If the occupation continues, then ALL of Israel should be deemed to be forfeit.

Produce the evidence from a non partisan source that shows this. Then show were in the Geneva conventions it says that Israel can not impose a blockade to stop the smuggling of illegal weapons or can not occupy land that it owns legally. Also read the terms of the Oslo accords were the PLO gave Israel the right to build settlements in the west bank.

You are screwed 3 ways to Christmas by the evidence available on the internet.
You Muslims don't get it.
You speak as though Muslims are one entity, with one voice and one mind set.

You are fundamentally mistaken.
Have you considered the possibility that it is YOU who are mistaken?

We sometimes look back at historical characters and wonder if the Nazis, or other obviously REALLY bad guys, actually realized at the time, that they were the bad guys.
And just like now, Israel doesn't consider themselves the bad guys.

You DO understand, don't you, that in this equation Muslims are the bad guys, right?
Do you understand, in this equation, you are wrong?

They are as they all follow the same religion and culture.

Not according to the available evidence from non partisan sources.

Not Israel that is targeting children with illegal chemical and biological weapons, or firing over 200 of said weapons during a ceasefire.

Do you understand that you are letting your hatred of the Jews cloud your judgement
Wrong again Tinmore!
The UN vote for future plan when the British Mandate would be over, therefore the vote is completely legitimate - The British agreed as well, Anything else?
The UN also asked Zionists to wait before declaring a nation of Israel and Zionists went ahead anyway and declared the state of Israel a day before the Mandate ended.

Wrong the Jews declared independence at the same date and time the mandate ended, not before. But you are showing your NAZI ANTI SENITIC JEW HATRED again by using the term Zionists because you believe it is not racist.
The LoN did as they acquired the land as reparations from the Ottoman empire after WW1. The arab muslims had not owned or controlled the land for more than 1,000 years so had no LEGAL CLAIM to any of the land. The LoN gave part of the Land to two Hashemite princes who lived in Saudi Arabia as part of the deal struck before WW1 started. The U.N. took over the role of the LoN in 1945, and all of its land ownership.

You really should stop reading that ISLAMONAZI rubbish you have been told is the truth.
Official UN land records for that time, says you are wrong.

Try again as you are wrong, just as you have been told many times before this is not an official UN document. It is a map for the Sub Committee 2 of the ad hoc committee for the Palestinian question produced in 1950. It is based on ANTI SEMITIC data from the British mandate that was shown to be wrong. The year this map is based on was before the UN even came into existence so it cant be an official UN anything
Wrong the Jews declared independence at the same date and time the mandate ended, not before. But you are showing your NAZI ANTI SENITIC JEW HATRED again by using the term Zionists because you believe it is not racist.
Do those two dates look the same to you?
Great Britain announced that it would terminate the Mandate on 15 May 1948

Israel declared its independence on 14 May 1948.
Do you have some hatred against intelligence?
All 10 myths, are just bullshit Israeli talking points and propaganda.

What is preventing peace, is the occupation and illegal/immoral blockade of Gaza.

End those and peace will occur.

History and evidence show that you are wrong as in 2005 there was no blockqade of occupation of gaza and the ISLAMONAZIS increased the rate and severity of illegal rocket attacks on Israel. The blockade did not come into place for 2 years after the Palestinians got what they demanded, and still kept on attacking Israeli children.

So why didn't peace occur in 2005 and 2006 when there was no blockade or occupation ?
Try again as you are wrong, just as you have been told many times before this is not an official UN document. It is a map for the Sub Committee 2 of the ad hoc committee for the Palestinian question produced in 1950. It is based on ANTI SEMITIC data from the British mandate that was shown to be wrong. The year this map is based on was before the UN even came into existence so it cant be an official UN anything
Oh really?

Here's the link to the map, which you can get from this page.

Which happens to be the official UN website.
Wrong the Jews declared independence at the same date and time the mandate ended, not before. But you are showing your NAZI ANTI SENITIC JEW HATRED again by using the term Zionists because you believe it is not racist.
Do those two dates look the same to you?
Great Britain announced that it would terminate the Mandate on 15 May 1948

Israel declared its independence on 14 May 1948.
Do you have some hatred against intelligence?
British intelligence?
History and evidence show that you are wrong as in 2005 there was no blockqade of occupation of gaza and the ISLAMONAZIS increased the rate and severity of illegal rocket attacks on Israel. The blockade did not come into place for 2 years after the Palestinians got what they demanded, and still kept on attacking Israeli children.

So why didn't peace occur in 2005 and 2006 when there was no blockade or occupation ?
Are you on crack?

In 2006, the occupation had been around for 39 years.

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