we have an election coming up between the left and the rights. the main detmering factor will be the war in iraq. the only probelm in america is we are done fighting iraq people!!!! right now we are over in iraq not to fight iraq but terrorests. in simple words we are training iraq to protect itself. we are fighting terrorsts because we are friends with alot of the middle eastern countries. these countries asked us to be there and help them through their hardship. on 9/11 we were attacked. you people against the war on terror are saying the fathers, mothers, uncles and aunts, fire fighters, police, and soldiers die in vain. you want to let all the people die in vain. i realize that soldiers will die, there is a few things wrong with using that as an defense. the draft is gone the soldiers chose to go to iraq. i do realize there has been corruption in that catogory but still. i am not saying o well they died. i see soilders as angels welling to die for their country those are patriotic people. back to the issue, soldiers who went to iraq by chose or the children and women.