The Importance of "Private Property."

Indian tribes knew full well what property rights were.The eastern Iroquois tribes beat the crap out of each other over land until they decided to unite.Same for south east and west,some more than others,they knew about property and its value.
I'm sorry, this aspect I do not agree with.

"Indians" brought AIDS here? How?

I seem to recall setters bring smallpox and other devastating illnesses with them to this country.

How about slavery? rampant crime?

Before the settlers, the rivers were full of fishes and air was clean.

Sorry, in my life experiences, the simpler cultures always seemed to share the more "civilized" attitudes.

It was often common bushmen, that "did the right thing" whenever given the chance.

Cabian.....I have a request....

In reconsidering your post, it was flippant to dismiss it with "absurd."

There are a number of errors in same that should be dealt with in more depth.

If you will allow me to use this post to begin a thread, I would appreciate it.

I would use it with attribution....if you would rather I not use your name....please advise.

I'm sorry, this aspect I do not agree with.

"Indians" brought AIDS here? How?

I seem to recall setters bring smallpox and other devastating illnesses with them to this country.

How about slavery? rampant crime?

Before the settlers, the rivers were full of fishes and air was clean.

Sorry, in my life experiences, the simpler cultures always seemed to share the more "civilized" attitudes.

It was often common bushmen, that "did the right thing" whenever given the chance.

Cabian.....I have a request....

In reconsidering your post, it was flippant to dismiss it with "absurd."

There are a number of errors in same that should be dealt with in more depth.

If you will allow me to use this post to begin a thread, I would appreciate it.

I would use it with attribution....if you would rather I not use your name....please advise.


Of course you can use it, good idea.
I'm sorry, this aspect I do not agree with.

"Indians" brought AIDS here? How?

I seem to recall setters bring smallpox and other devastating illnesses with them to this country.

How about slavery? rampant crime?

Before the settlers, the rivers were full of fishes and air was clean.

Sorry, in my life experiences, the simpler cultures always seemed to share the more "civilized" attitudes.

It was often common bushmen, that "did the right thing" whenever given the chance.

""Indians" brought AIDS here? How?"


Who wrote that for you, Moonglow????

The rest of your post is equally absurd.

That was my way of saying that the natives were who they were -- not without flaws, but there is certainly no need to vilify them as "savages."

They were firmly rooted in this country and should have been treated quite a bit better. Who was first? Who cares -- it's 2014, too late to give it back now, who the hell would really want it? not me, this place is cursed.

My great and grandiose idea is that we share this land and quit bickering over it.

All human's are descended from the same female ancestor, whether you are a fundamentalist Christian or a fan of Darwin -

We are all originally from Africa; thus we are ALL Africans by heritage.
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Indian tribes knew full well what property rights were.The eastern Iroquois tribes beat the crap out of each other over land until they decided to unite.Same for south east and west,some more than others,they knew about property and its value.

So, they issued land deeds? Their houses and their camps were temporary. How could they have had the same understanding?

This proclamation about what the natives "believed" is profoundly absurd.
I'm sorry, this aspect I do not agree with.

"Indians" brought AIDS here? How?

I seem to recall setters bring smallpox and other devastating illnesses with them to this country.

How about slavery? rampant crime?

Before the settlers, the rivers were full of fishes and air was clean.

Sorry, in my life experiences, the simpler cultures always seemed to share the more "civilized" attitudes.

It was often common bushmen, that "did the right thing" whenever given the chance.

""Indians" brought AIDS here? How?"


Who wrote that for you, Moonglow????

The rest of your post is equally absurd.

That was my way of saying that the natives were who they were -- not without flaws, but there is certainly no need to vilify them as "savages."

They were firmly rooted in this country and should have been treated quite a bit better. Who was first? Who cares -- it's 2014, too late to give it back now, who the hell would really want it? not me, this place is cursed.

My great and grandiose idea is that we share this land and quit bickering over it.

All human's are descended from the same female ancestor, whether you are a fundamentalist Christian or a fan of Darwin -

We are all, originally from Africa; thus we are ALL Africans by heritage.

I'm going to show that you couldn't be more wrong.
You could try...but you wouldn't succeed.

The term 'savage' could not be more appropriate.
And, they were destroyers of nature.

You will be surprised.
I'm sorry, this aspect I do not agree with.

"Indians" brought AIDS here? How?

I seem to recall setters bring smallpox and other devastating illnesses with them to this country.

How about slavery? rampant crime?

Before the settlers, the rivers were full of fishes and air was clean.

Sorry, in my life experiences, the simpler cultures always seemed to share the more "civilized" attitudes.

It was often common bushmen, that "did the right thing" whenever given the chance.

""Indians" brought AIDS here? How?"


Who wrote that for you, Moonglow????

The rest of your post is equally absurd.

That was my way of saying that the natives were who they were -- not without flaws, but there is certainly no need to vilify them as "savages."

They were firmly rooted in this country and should have been treated quite a bit better. Who was first? Who cares -- it's 2014, too late to give it back now, who the hell would really want it? not me, this place is cursed.

My great and grandiose idea is that we share this land and quit bickering over it.

All human's are descended from the same female ancestor, whether you are a fundamentalist Christian or a fan of Darwin -

We are all, originally from Africa; thus we are ALL Africans by heritage.

I'm going to show that you couldn't be more wrong.
You could try...but you wouldn't succeed.

The term 'savage' could not be more appropriate.
And, they were destroyers of nature.

You will be surprised.

Of course they were -- but to say that the settlers weren't is crazy talk.

Here in Maryland, we have had almost no Atlantic Sturgeon since they were devastated by over harvesting in the late 1800's.

That was on us, not the "savages."

Again, the natives would have eventually followed the same path and avoiding conquest would not have been possible. I will say that I am on your side as far as I am certain that no humans in this country are without crimes against nature -- we all have to share in that, natives as well.
Indian tribes knew full well what property rights were.The eastern Iroquois tribes beat the crap out of each other over land until they decided to unite.Same for south east and west,some more than others,they knew about property and its value.

yes they lived much like animals. They had territory that was theirs and needed for hunting and fishing and farming. They knew outsiders were a threat to the private property they needed for survival and so reacted to any new neighbors accordingly. Whites were not far different at first.
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Indian tribes knew full well what property rights were.The eastern Iroquois tribes beat the crap out of each other over land until they decided to unite.Same for south east and west,some more than others,they knew about property and its value.

yes they lived much like animals. They had territory that was theirs and needed for hunting and fishing and farming. They knew outsiders were a threat to the private property they needed for survival and so reacted to any new neighbors accordingly. Whites were not far different at first.


This is correct: Indians Had Enough of the Mythology US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Indian tribes knew full well what property rights were.The eastern Iroquois tribes beat the crap out of each other over land until they decided to unite.Same for south east and west,some more than others,they knew about property and its value.

yes they lived much like animals. They had territory that was theirs and needed for hunting and fishing and farming. They knew outsiders were a threat to the private property they needed for survival and so reacted to any new neighbors accordingly. Whites were not far different at first.


This is correct: Indians Had Enough of the Mythology US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Indian tribes knew full well what property rights were.The eastern Iroquois tribes beat the crap out of each other over land until they decided to unite.Same for south east and west,some more than others,they knew about property and its value.

yes they lived much like animals. They had territory that was theirs and needed for hunting and fishing and farming. They knew outsiders were a threat to the private property they needed for survival and so reacted to any new neighbors accordingly. Whites were not far different at first.


This is correct: Indians Had Enough of the Mythology US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The Indians for the most part were nomadic.

"They knew outsiders were a threat to the private property..."

No, they didn't.

The concept didn't occur to them until the whites introduced capitalism, and placed a value on the pelts that they provided.

It is a great error to attribute the values and attitudes of civilized cultures to stone age peoples.
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Morally? So it's moral to uproot a civilized agricultural tribes and move them a thousand miles with inadequate supplies?

No one said that, ass-wipe. The question is, can you name any piece of property currently occupied by a white man that any Indian has a more legitimate claim on?

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