The Hillary Game


Sep 23, 2010

The Hillary Game is becoming an Internet joke. There are so many teams suiting up there is a league devoted to her, and that’s just for her party’s nomination. Hell, she has yet to announce and they are playing her against Chris Christie who isn’t likely to get off the bench in 2016 —— or should I say get off the bridge!

Jonah Goldberg nails one of the many, many, reasons I hope Hillary Clinton is her party’s candidate:

Imagine you have a saleswoman who everyone says is the best — THE BEST!! (ideally said in a Kenny Banya voice). Whenever you point out that her sales numbers stink, everyone calls you “sexist” or insists that you just “don’t get it.”

You respond, “What has she done?”

The universal answer is, “She clocked more miles on sales calls than anybody in company history! She’s driven a million miles! One. Million. Miles!”

You ask: “Yeah, but has she, you know, sold anything?”

“Sexist! You don’t get it!”

If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m talking about Hillary Clinton. When you ask her diehard supporters what she did as secretary of state they start with, “She travelled a million miles! More than any secretary of state.”

Put aside the fact that the “more than any secretary of state” part isn’t actually true — Condi Rice flew more.

January 18, 2014 12:00 AM
Hillary the Hyped
What difference the Senate Intelligence report on Benghazi makes.
By Jonah Goldberg

Hillary the Hyped | National Review Online

My team is rooting for her because she will be the easiest to beat in the general election no matter who the Republicans field in the championship game.
The only thing she regrets is that Benghazi won’t go away.

[ame=]Hillary Clinton Admits BIGGEST Regret is BENGHAZI Attack - YouTube[/ame]​

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