The Hidden Threat of Communism in America

MAGA media?

WTF are you talking about?

There is no MAGA media!

Unless you're talking about Fox News?

The "one" channel that might be considered MAGA? And it's not, it's only half MAGA, there's plenty of Trump haters on there.

But we're not talking about Trump or MAGA, are we?

No, we're not.

Define "communism".

What is the definition?
This is exactly the situation right now. Biden is a communist and Trump is a cryptocommunist. The source of communism is the Eurocentric matriarchal elites, they use it in various forms from democrats to Bolsheviks, the same as the Taliban in the service of Pashtuns and Arab Wahhabis.
Biden is a communist?

I think not.

Define "communism".

What is the definition?
Go look it up on Wikipedia, troll. I'm not here to do your research for you.

You really don't know what communism is? You were born yesterday?

Stupid libtards...
Exactly. Trump is just a man. But the Democrats, are a hive.

If Trump gets mad at you, he'll tweet something.

If the Democrats get mad at you, next thing you know pictures of your kids will be all over the internet, and when you report for work they'll say "job? what job?"

Lefties today are evil, vicious, thoughtless human beings. They weren't always that way, but they are now. I guess Trump made them that way, their heads exploded and now we get what's left.

Collectively they are unable to think for themselves. That's the root of the problem imo.
Most on the Left today have fully embraced the indoctrination and urination on their small brains.
It's why they can only see "Trump" even years after he is no longer in power, and blame him for all their present failures.

In perfect harmony they sing the praises of Communism and it's baby brother, Socialism, never knowing (or caring) of the brutality and suffering
that always results when power is removed from the population and concentrated in the hands of a few or one.

Many are moral Narcissists. Obviously a contagion that has spread through their ranks like wildfire.
Human waste product is the best way I can define them. They serve only to drag humanity down into the pits of poverty and oppression.
Yeah, I didn't think so either.

Do you have any personal experience with communists?

Have you ever been to a communist country?

Or maybe you don't know?
As I said earlier in this thread, the word "communism" is sprayed around here like water. Constantly.

When I ask for an actual definition, those same people can't provide it. So the whole exercise seems pretty silly and paranoid and ignorant.

That's all. Calm down.
Collectively they are unable to think for themselves. That's the root of the problem imo.
Most on the Left today have fully embraced the indoctrination and urination on their small brains.
It's why they can only see "Trump" even years after he is no longer in power, and blame him for all their present failures.

In perfect harmony they sing the praises of Communism and it's baby brother, Socialism, never knowing (or caring) of the brutality and suffering
that always results when power is removed from the population and concentrated in the hands of a few or one.

Many are moral Narcissists. Obviously a contagion that has spread through their ranks like wildfire.
Human waste product is the best way I can define them. They serve only to drag humanity down into the pits of poverty and oppression.
That's ALL we hear out of these fucking idiots.

Because that's ALL that comes out of their DNC masters.

Here we are talking about communism, and some libturd jackass has to bring MAGA into it.

These people are brain dead!

It's not a question of thinking "for themselves", it's more an issue of thinking AT ALL.
Don't argue with the brain-dead.
I stopped LONG ago since it's literally ------ pointless.

Time is much better spent doing things that will actually bridle their destruction.
Yet I see many who call themselves Conservatives falling for their nonsense repeatedly like moths drawn to the flame, and spend countless hours upon hours screaming back and forth at them, while they surreptitiously enjoy the fact that they've kept their enemy distracted.
Don't argue with the brain-dead.
I stopped LONG ago since it's literally ------ pointless.

Time is much better spent doing things that will actually bridle their destruction.
Yet I see many who call themselves Conservatives falling for their nonsense repeatedly like moths drawn to the flame, and spend countless hours upon hours screaming back and forth at them, while they surreptitiously enjoy the fact that they've kept their enemy distracted.
Well, I'm not their enemy.

But I'm sure going to slap them upside the head when they get crazy.

Now, they're crazy. If they get any MORE crazy I might not be so friendly anymore. Scruffy has fangs too

Define "communism".

What is the definition?
Go look it up on Wikipedia, troll. I'm not here to do your research for you.

You really don't know what communism is? You were born yesterday?

Stupid libtards...
See Mac1958 ! What scruffy is doing is relying on the Great Taboo. "Don't you DARE try to talk about socialism or communism or we'll make sure you get intimidated to shut you up and stop the discussion before it starts!"

And here is something really interesting for you to watch for. These anti-lefties and anti-communists are so frigging dumb that they will usually refer to "communism" when meaning communist ideology, and when meaning communist society, as though ideology and society are the same! They will often bounce back and forth between the two and never realize what they're doing, and sometimes in the same damned sentence!!!! (Communism is communism, right?)

Communist ideology strives to follow strategies, analyses, and methods that are derived from Marx's writings. They tend to be ruthless and violent in their efforts to create socialism.

Socialist are a bit more creative and try to avoid violence in creating socialism. So both have the same goal with different methods of getting there.

But what about communist society? "Communism", meaning communist society, cannot be imposed on a nation by force. Communism, as it is intended, means Marx's idea of communism. (BTW, Marx referred to "lower communism" and to "higher communism". His "lower communism" is what we call "socialism" while his "higher communism" is what we call "communism".)

So why can't communism be imposed by force? Simply because Marx's idea was/is that after a few generations of life under a stable, functioning socialist system, people will become accustomed to interacting without exploitation being allowed, with cooperation being reinforced, with natural fellowship being the norm, with the sociopathic impulse of capitalists to exploit and to own a business to exploit workers and accumulate a private profit for themselves being outlawed, laws of the state (the state's purpose is to manage the class struggle for the ruling class) will be needed less and less as time passes under socialism. Thus, the state will "wither away" as Marx termed it. And eventually it can be safely abolished when its job is done and it has withered to a pointless bureaucracy doing little to nothing.

That will, as I said, take generations. And for it to happen it will be necessary for classes to also wither away. So what is "class" which must wither away? It would be class consciousness, class interests, class goals, class intentions, class expectations, class preferences, class objections, and class dreams to name a few. How long do you think it would take for such class characteristics to wither away? And could the end of any of them be ordered, legislated, required, policed, and eliminated by force? OF COURSE NOT. Therefore, communist classless, stateless society cannot be imposed by force.

(Now watch some Prize Dope pop up to tell us this isn't true and that of course communist ideology can be imposed by force. LOL!!!)

The Hidden Threat of Communism in America

Like a small, unnoticed fire in the basement which can destroy your home, Communism is lurking in the shadows of our nation.

17 Sep 2021 ~~ By David Mills
Americans don’t know enough about communism to see it when it starts here. Writing in the Tablet, Mary Mycio notes that we have “a certain herd immunity to Nazism and fascism.” But not to communism.
The Soviet Union fell a long time ago, as people’s memories go. It fell almost 30 years ago. That means that no one under 45 or 50 will have any real memory of communism as a living force in the world. They know about Cuba because it’s close to us and about weird little places like North Korea. They don’t seem to think of China as a communist country. A few people try to say this, pointing to the state’s genocidal wars on its people, like the Uygurs. But few seem to care.
“After a generation of forgetting,” Mycio writes, “we have few cultural T-cells left to recognize coercive unanimity, punitive group think, and other warning signs when they appear in the body politic.” She lived in communist Ukraine and watched the Soviet Union fall after 70 years of tyranny. She wrote a book about the Chernobyl disaster, which exemplified the Soviet system. “Americans and others across the West,” she writes, “have simply forgotten about it all, or never learned about it in the first place.”
As far as I can tell, most people who think about communism at all don’t worry about it. They worry more about other people worrying about it.

Lewis and Acton Knew This​

C.S. Lewis knew this. Writing during World War II, he worried that the “masters’ running things wouldn’t go away when the war was over. “Those who wish for whatever reason to keep their fellow-citizens regimented longer than is necessary will certainly say they are doing so in the interests of security.” Bossy people will always have a good-sounding reason for continuing to boss people around.
So did Lord Acton, author of the famous line, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” And of a just as famous but not as well-known follow-up line: “Great men are almost always bad men.”
It’s a dark view of men in power, but then God Himself through the psalmist tells us not to put our trust in princes. The psalmist says not to do that because they die and their works will pass away, but we take from the whole of Scripture a warning against trusting people in power to serve us and the common good rather than themselves.
This is, as it happens, both a conservative and a leftist insight. Disciple of Edmund Burke or of Karl Marx, you know the modern state can’t be left on its own. It cannot be trusted always to act well nor to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens. It must be watched, closely, and all the time.

My Kudos to Mr. Mills, he's described what has been openly hidden within America and infiltrated and woevn into our politics, media, and education of our young.
I can’t fully agree with the idea that it is hidden. They seem to be pretty much in our face with it.
They now call it “Progressivism” because it sounds nice and positive forward-sounding and doesn’t conjure up images of gulags and commissars. This is directly out of the Saul Alinsky playbook, “Rules for Radicals.”
A Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat, Barack Hussein Obama Jr., aka Barry Soetoro told us that under his administration beginning January 21, 2009, he would seek the "Fundamental Transformation of America" and in doing so destroy the U.S. Constitution and it's Bill of Rights in the process.
Now perhaps I might see it that way because I actually know what Communism is because I grew up when people were taught what communism was.
Oddly, the ideology of Marxist Socialist Communism is no longer hidden and is displayed daily openly within the halls of Congress by dedicated and card-carrying elected members of the Democratic Party.
See: Socialists in Congress with Ties to Communist Party USA
Thank you very much for posting this. What many Americans dont realize is that the globalist puppet pyramid which extends deep into the weak and morally castrated Democratic Party, and essentially is what some refer to the Deep State, is essentially communist by continuing to endorse and support our dependence on China by liberally doing business with them the way they do. Just because China is communist does not mean they can't do business. It doesn't make them capitalists per se because they do business with us. Everything they make out of the deal is being turned right back against us. They turn around invest directly in operations right on our soil which weakens our society and way of life. The distribution of fentanyl. Gender confusion. Devaluing the structure and roles within the natural family via propaganda and toxic media. The dumbing down of our education system....

The globalists among the Democrat leaders, which is essentially all of them, are communist by default by handing our country over to this treachery. It doesn't matter that they are capitalists trying to make money, which on the surface SEEMS American BUT...they are selling their country and it's people to communists. If they are allowed to keep getting their way with that, China will own us. How can anyone in their right mind look at our economic relationship with China and not see what this, above all else really, has done to make a hollow shell of our country...ripe for a takeover by a foreign country who may not even have to fire a shot to do so. That is how communists operate. They erode their adversaries from within and force others to make the first overt move. It is passive aggression on a national level and it is in full stride. If people who support Democrats and Globalists don't start to realize this, their children will be forced to learn Chinese in 30 years if they want any kind of a stab at prosperity. This is already beginning now, creeping in like a slow leak that goes unnoticed in the night. So many people don't see the puddle forming under their feet.

What is most confusing about all of it is trying to figure out whether the people who attack people like me for pointing all this out...are as stupid as they seem and actually think it's not happening...or are actually working toward that end themselves as willing cogs in the machine. That they would actually presume to call anyone speaking out against it a traitor is the ultimate oxymoron.
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Why did it take a Supreme Court Ruling to prove the Baker correct?
Hmmm..., Legislating Left wing Judges ruled against bakers until Supreme Court got it right.

You're not readying the story correctly. The SC has returned the case to the lower court. They haven't overturned the case at all.
See Mac1958 ! What scruffy is doing is relying on the Great Taboo. "Don't you DARE try to talk about socialism or communism or we'll make sure you get intimidated to shut you up and stop the discussion before it starts!"

And here is something really interesting for you to watch for. These anti-lefties and anti-communists are so frigging dumb that they will usually refer to "communism" when meaning communist ideology, and when meaning communist society, as though ideology and society are the same! They will often bounce back and forth between the two and never realize what they're doing, and sometimes in the same damned sentence!!!! (Communism is communism, right?)

Communist ideology strives to follow strategies, analyses, and methods that are derived from Marx's writings. They tend to be ruthless and violent in their efforts to create socialism.

Socialist are a bit more creative and try to avoid violence in creating socialism. So both have the same goal with different methods of getting there.

But what about communist society? "Communism", meaning communist society, cannot be imposed on a nation by force. Communism, as it is intended, means Marx's idea of communism. (BTW, Marx referred to "lower communism" and to "higher communism". His "lower communism" is what we call "socialism" while his "higher communism" is what we call "communism".)

So why can't communism be imposed by force? Simply because Marx's idea was/is that after a few generations of life under a stable, functioning socialist system, people will become accustomed to interacting without exploitation being allowed, with cooperation being reinforced, with natural fellowship being the norm, with the sociopathic impulse of capitalists to exploit and to own a business to exploit workers and accumulate a private profit for themselves being outlawed, laws of the state (the state's purpose is to manage the class struggle for the ruling class) will be needed less and less as time passes under socialism. Thus, the state will "wither away" as Marx termed it. And eventually it can be safely abolished when its job is done and it has withered to a pointless bureaucracy doing little to nothing.

That will, as I said, take generations. And for it to happen it will be necessary for classes to also wither away. So what is "class" which must wither away? It would be class consciousness, class interests, class goals, class intentions, class expectations, class preferences, class objections, and class dreams to name a few. How long do you think it would take for such class characteristics to wither away? And could the end of any of them be ordered, legislated, required, policed, and eliminated by force? OF COURSE NOT. Therefore, communist classless, stateless society cannot be imposed by force.

(Now watch some Prize Dope pop up to tell us this isn't true and that of course communist ideology can be imposed by force. LOL!!!)
They only use terms like "communism" and "commie" because the terms are used on them by MAGA media to scare them. I've asked them dozens of times to provide the specific definition and they can't. Or won't.

So either they know what communism actually is and refuse to provide the definition because it would make them look foolish, or, they really don't know what communism actually is and are so ignorant they look foolish.

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