The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

You bed wetters should just move to North Korea. There's no guns allowed in private possession at all.

You might get killed by an anti-aircraft cannon, but what the hell... Is that too big a price to pay for utopia?
You status quo people should really wake up. One day a majority of Americans will be so fed up with gun violence that they will do something like is proposed here. So you should do something now while you still have a say.
Nightly visit to those home of gun grabbers will be inorder.
I think you mean nightly visits to gun owners homes will be required.

First, most sheriffs won't abide. Those depts that do will lose more officers than you can imagine because most cops oppose the anti-2A agenda and will be criminals themselves.

Secondly, yes there will be gunfights at front doors on occasions and the costs will certainly outweigh any practical purpose of attempting to disarm the public.

It's a non-starter. The bed wetters who are all for door to door gun grabbing are limited to the extreme fringes of dumbfuckery, and believe that just because they squeal louder than anyone else they represent much greater numbers than they actually do.

Politically gun control is not popular, no matter what the media's manipulation polls say, when the votes are counted democrooks know they lose their asses by supporting the gun grabber agenda.

In order to Graduate from High School, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

How about THAT?

You bed wetters should just move to North Korea. There's no guns allowed in private possession at all.

You might get killed by an anti-aircraft cannon, but what the hell... Is that too big a price to pay for utopia?
You status quo people should really wake up. One day a majority of Americans will be so fed up with gun violence that they will do something like is proposed here. So you should do something now while you still have a say.

The problem is we are not a Mob rule "Majority" form of Government. You guys hate that part! :5_1_12024:
You status quo people should really wake up. One day a majority of Americans will be so fed up with gun violence that they will do something like is proposed here. So you should do something now while you still have a say.
It is impossible to negotiate with someone who wants everything you have and is willing to take it by force.
Not true, but your clock is ticking...
You status quo people should really wake up. One day a majority of Americans will be so fed up with gun violence that they will do something like is proposed here. So you should do something now while you still have a say.
It is impossible to negotiate with someone who wants everything you have and is willing to take it by force.
Not true....
No. It's absolutely true.
Why would someone willing to kill you to take all your money accept the $10 you offer them?
You bed wetters should just move to North Korea. There's no guns allowed in private possession at all.

You might get killed by an anti-aircraft cannon, but what the hell... Is that too big a price to pay for utopia?
You status quo people should really wake up. One day a majority of Americans will be so fed up with gun violence that they will do something like is proposed here. So you should do something now while you still have a say.
Nightly visit to those home of gun grabbers will be inorder.
I think you mean nightly visits to gun owners homes will be required.

First, most sheriffs won't abide. Those depts that do will lose more officers than you can imagine because most cops oppose the anti-2A agenda and will be criminals themselves.

Secondly, yes there will be gunfights at front doors on occasions and the costs will certainly outweigh any practical purpose of attempting to disarm the public.

It's a non-starter. The bed wetters who are all for door to door gun grabbing are limited to the extreme fringes of dumbfuckery, and believe that just because they squeal louder than anyone else they represent much greater numbers than they actually do.

Politically gun control is not popular, no matter what the media's manipulation polls say, when the votes are counted democrooks know they lose their asses by supporting the gun grabber agenda.

When the US society matures, the 2nd will be toast, and your guns will be considered historical artifacts. Game over.
The problem is we are not a Mob rule "Majority" form of Government. You guys hate that part! :5_1_12024:

They also don't represent the majority, they just have tantrums and believe they're the center of the universe like spoiled children.

Like I said, all bullshit polls aside, when the votes come in, democrooks who push anti-2nd laws go out, the courts overturn their laws, and the bed wetters continue to piss and moan.

Fuck 'em.

You bed wetters should just move to North Korea. There's no guns allowed in private possession at all.

You might get killed by an anti-aircraft cannon, but what the hell... Is that too big a price to pay for utopia?
You status quo people should really wake up. One day a majority of Americans will be so fed up with gun violence that they will do something like is proposed here. So you should do something now while you still have a say.

The problem is we are not a Mob rule "Majority" form of Government. You guys hate that part! :5_1_12024:
Of course we are, fool.
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations

My car wouldn't start. So I replaced the radio, checked the air in the tires, and washed it. I knew it wouldn't fix my car. I knew it wouldn't address the problem.

But I had to do something.
Oh, OP's solution is not window dressing. It would work because it actually DOES address the problem. At least the weapon part. People urging us to also address the motivation of the shooters are also right. It is not just one solution or the other. It is both, and more besides.

The OP's ideas are a pipe dream. Nothing in that list would do anything to prevent criminals, street thugs, drug dealers, and gang-bangers from obtaining firearms.

But nice try.
Yes, it would do something to prevent criminals, etc. from obtaining firearms. Because if they weren't in circulation or available in this country, where would the bad guys get one?
The 2nd amendment allows civilians to own firearms which kill people. Therefor, extra restrictions and test are needed to insure the public is safe from civilians that legally own such weapons. This is not an issue with the other amendments.

4 fatally injured in stabbing spree in Southern California, suspect nabbed

oops....looks like we need restrictions for knives too.
And while we're at know cars and trucks are gonna be used if guns are restricted sooooo

Imagine how many people he could have killed with an AR-15.

Soooooo you don't care if a mother and child get stabbed to death?
You don't care if a "few" people die.....

You ONLY care if the same number of people are shot.....with a gun.......mmmmm......very interesting

Where do you draw the line? If your allowed to own more than a shotgun or Air Rifle, where do you draw the line? Do you think people should own nuclear weapons?

This is what makes sense for civilians to own. For the average Joe on the street to own, if they can pass the tests and background checks. It will save lives. Eventually, such laws will become normal in the United States. The majority of the population will demand it.
What makes sense for civilians to own, for the average Joe on the street to carry, is an M&P Shield, or a Ruger LCR, or in my case a CZ P-01 – the Second Amendment also recognizes a right to self-defense, the right to possess the means by which to lawfully defend oneself from criminal attack – and that’s not going to be accomplished with a shotgun or air rifle, neither of which can be carried concealed; and in the case of a shotgun, not legally.
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations

My car wouldn't start. So I replaced the radio, checked the air in the tires, and washed it. I knew it wouldn't fix my car. I knew it wouldn't address the problem.

But I had to do something.
Oh, OP's solution is not window dressing. It would work because it actually DOES address the problem. At least the weapon part. People urging us to also address the motivation of the shooters are also right. It is not just one solution or the other. It is both, and more besides.

Yeah screw the fact that 99.999% of gun owners will NEVER commit murder.

I wonder what crimes I can hold you accountable for simply because you own an object some piece of shit criminal uses to commit a crime
10,000 people a year do commit murder with guns. Let's stop using meaningless percentages that make those 10,000 people seem irrelevant.
10,000 people are murdered every year with guns. It is not 10,000 people one time in this country. It is every year. From 2009 to 2019, that is 100,000 people murdered with guns.
How many do there have to be before it is important to you?
Well over 100 million people who own guns do not and will not ever commit murder with any weapon. You want to lump everyone in with the fucking murderers

Facts are facts and the fact is you are so afraid that you are seeking a level of safety that is in all reality unattainable.

And I have said we need to enforce the laws we have that actually target the people responsible for crimes.

70% of murders take place in very well defines areas of the country and most of those murders are committed by people who are already legally prohibited from possessing any firearms.

Your answer to that is to tell people who have dome everything in accordance with the law and who are responsible in their ownership of firearms that they ar o better than the fucking criminals who are bared from legally owning guns.

And you seem to forget that humans beings have murdered other human beings since we have been on the planet to the tune of hundreds of millions of people.

You are never going to stop that.

And that humans are the most violent and most murderous animal that has ever existed is proof that you should be prepared to protect yourself from other human beings.

You simply have no right, no authority , no moral position that can justify treating people who will NEVER commit murder as if they are guilty of that most heinous of crimes
The 2nd amendment allows civilians to own firearms which kill people. Therefor, extra restrictions and test are needed to insure the public is safe from civilians that legally own such weapons. This is not an issue with the other amendments.

4 fatally injured in stabbing spree in Southern California, suspect nabbed

oops....looks like we need restrictions for knives too.
And while we're at know cars and trucks are gonna be used if guns are restricted sooooo

Imagine how many people he could have killed with an AR-15.

Soooooo you don't care if a mother and child get stabbed to death?
You don't care if a "few" people die.....

You ONLY care if the same number of people are shot.....with a gun.......mmmmm......very interesting

Where do you draw the line? If your allowed to own more than a shotgun or Air Rifle, where do you draw the line? Do you think people should own nuclear weapons?

This is what makes sense for civilians to own. For the average Joe on the street to own, if they can pass the tests and background checks. It will save lives. Eventually, such laws will become normal in the United States. The majority of the population will demand it.
What makes sense for civilians to own, for the average Joe on the street to carry, is an M&P Shield, or a Ruger LCR, or in my case a CZ P-01 – the Second Amendment also recognizes a right to self-defense, the right to possess the means by which to lawfully defend oneself from criminal attack – and that’s not going to be accomplished with a shotgun or air rifle, neither of which can be carried concealed; and in the case of a shotgun, not legally.
You won't need one because the bad guys won't have them either.
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
Sounds good to me. What's an air rifle? Can you hunt with one?


An air gun (or airgun) is any kind of gun that launches projectiles pneumatically with compressed air or other gases that are pressurized mechanically without involving any chemical reactions, in contrast to a firearm, which pressurizes gases chemically via an exothermic oxidation (deflagration) of combustible propellants which generates propulsive energy by breaking molecular bonds. Both the long gun and handgun forms (air rifle and air pistol) typically propel metallic projectiles, that are either diabolo-shaped pellets, or spherical shots called BBs. Certain types of air guns (usually rifles) may also propel darts or arrows.

So you have to get really close and shoot the Mofo like a thousand times to kill him. I'm sure all the gangstas, and criminals will all be packin' their Daisy air pistols on their next drive by or home invasion. You're stupid and don't even realize it, or you do, now everyone else does too!
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
Sounds good to me. What's an air rifle? Can you hunt with one?

How many hoops do you want to jump through for your First, Fouth and Fifith amendment rights?

How many classes should you have to pay for and take?

How many permits should you get?

No 4th Amendment classes passed with a high enough score? Tough shit. Cops can search your home anytime they want.

No permit for your 8th Amendment rights? Tough shit. While the cops are ransacking your home searching for contraband they can torture you at the same time
We are talking about the Second. I don't see why it was ever put in the Bill of Rights as an "assumed" right. Owning guns? What does that have to do with natural rights or liberty? Guns are a weapon of war, designed specifically and solely to kill. Why did the Founding Fathers set us up as a country perpetually at war by granting a universal "right" to own guns? Now, the FF say it was to keep the militias ready for action. There was no standing army and the FF didn't want one.
The Second Amendment no longer applies because we do now have a gigantic standing army equipped with 100 times more powerful weapons than we civilians can own.

What applies to one right applies to all.

And we are not perpetually at war because civilians own guns.

Our military is not sanctioned to operate on US soil.

And the Constitution clearly states that the people ave the right to keep and bear arms

Don't like it then repeal the second amendment.

And just to remind you; you have a 99.997% chance of not getting murdered by a person with a gun how much closer do you want to get before you feel "safe"?

You can still own a shotgun or Air Rifle if you can pass the tests and pass the background checks. This is not about anyone personally, its about what is best for the country as a whole. We don't want random civilians owning weapons of war so easily. Weapons of war and law enforcement are for the military and police, not civilians.

Never gonna happen Comrade.
4 fatally injured in stabbing spree in Southern California, suspect nabbed

oops....looks like we need restrictions for knives too.
And while we're at know cars and trucks are gonna be used if guns are restricted sooooo

Imagine how many people he could have killed with an AR-15.

Soooooo you don't care if a mother and child get stabbed to death?
You don't care if a "few" people die.....

You ONLY care if the same number of people are shot.....with a gun.......mmmmm......very interesting

Where do you draw the line? If your allowed to own more than a shotgun or Air Rifle, where do you draw the line? Do you think people should own nuclear weapons?

This is what makes sense for civilians to own. For the average Joe on the street to own, if they can pass the tests and background checks. It will save lives. Eventually, such laws will become normal in the United States. The majority of the population will demand it.
What makes sense for civilians to own, for the average Joe on the street to carry, is an M&P Shield, or a Ruger LCR, or in my case a CZ P-01 – the Second Amendment also recognizes a right to self-defense, the right to possess the means by which to lawfully defend oneself from criminal attack – and that’s not going to be accomplished with a shotgun or air rifle, neither of which can be carried concealed; and in the case of a shotgun, not legally.
You won't need one because the bad guys won't have them either.

How naive are you anyway?

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