The Grifters: Episode One

That is the best attack ad they can come up with.........OMFG........

No wonder they are a bunch of losers.

The OP Believes him.....want to see one of many of Skews holes in his head?
Here's another grifter who just got caught today in a hotel room with bags of crack and a man who overdosed. He was spaced out so bad he couldn't talk to police so they let him go. I wonder why? I haven't seen any of this in the MSN media. The only thing I know about him is he almost became Governor of Florida and is on the short list for 2020 Democrat VP. He must be a friend of Hunter Biden. WHAT A WORLD!

Here's another grifter who just got caught today in a hotel room with bags of crack and a man who overdosed. He was spaced out so bad he couldn't talk to police so they let him go. I wonder why? I haven't seen any of this in the MSN media. The only thing I know about him is he almost became Governor of Florida and is on the short list for 2020 Democrat VP. He must be a friend of Hunter Biden. WHAT A WORLD!

Yeah, I read that. Gillam’s got some explaining to do. His political and pundit career is now on life support.
Here's another grifter who just got caught today in a hotel room with bags of crack and a man who overdosed. He was spaced out so bad he couldn't talk to police so they let him go. I wonder why? I haven't seen any of this in the MSN media. The only thing I know about him is he almost became Governor of Florida and is on the short list for 2020 Democrat VP. He must be a friend of Hunter Biden. WHAT A WORLD!

I got $10 says it was not methamphetamine, it wa da puro yayo, and his jaw was jacking. I have seen people on all kinds of drugs and can pretty much tell what they do and/or are on easy fro some reason.

People really high on Coke's jaw starts jacking and they can't talk. Meth they talk too much, and Heroin they're nodding out and may can or can't talk.

I say he was high on Coke. No possession charge? They got that fire down in South

Uh oh, vomiting..that would be heroin.

Gillum talks smoother than Obama, true story.
Here's another grifter who just got caught today in a hotel room with bags of crack and a man who overdosed. He was spaced out so bad he couldn't talk to police so they let him go. I wonder why? I haven't seen any of this in the MSN media. The only thing I know about him is he almost became Governor of Florida and is on the short list for 2020 Democrat VP. He must be a friend of Hunter Biden. WHAT A WORLD!

I got $10 says it was not methamphetamine, it wa da puro yayo, and his jaw was jacking. I have seen people on all kinds of drugs and can pretty much tell what they do and/or are on easy fro some reason.

People really high on Coke's jaw starts jacking and they can't talk. Meth they talk too much, and Heroin they're nodding out and may can or can't talk.

I say he was high on Coke. No possession charge? They got that fire down in South

As far as I know, there's no criminal charge. Links are from CBS and NYT


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