The greatest football game?


Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2021
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i think the greatest football game was in September of 1992 when the Buffalo Bills beat the SanFrancisco 49ers 34-31 in SanFrancisco. Both teams combined for over 1,000 yards of offense and there were no punts. It was the Bills running back Thurman Thomas who was the difference in the game. This was way before the NFL changed the rules to help offenses score. The Divisional Playoff game between the Bills and Chiefs last season was a great game but not the greatest in my opinion.
The greatest game I have ever watched would probably be Superbowl XXV.

Followed closely by the 1981 NFC Championship game.
i think the greatest football game was in September of 1992 when the Buffalo Bills beat the SanFrancisco 49ers 34-31 in SanFrancisco. Both teams combined for over 1,000 yards of offense and there were no punts. It was the Bills running back Thurman Thomas who was the difference in the game. This was way before the NFL changed the rules to help offenses score. The Divisional Playoff game between the Bills and Chiefs last season was a great game but not the greatest in my opinion.
I was there with my wife and my in-laws. One of the few Bills fans in a sea of Niner fans.
i think the greatest football game was in September of 1992 when the Buffalo Bills beat the SanFrancisco 49ers 34-31 in SanFrancisco. Both teams combined for over 1,000 yards of offense and there were no punts. It was the Bills running back Thurman Thomas who was the difference in the game. This was way before the NFL changed the rules to help offenses score. The Divisional Playoff game between the Bills and Chiefs last season was a great game but not the greatest in my opinion.

Is a game with no Defense a great game?
i think the greatest football game was in September of 1992 when the Buffalo Bills beat the SanFrancisco 49ers 34-31 in SanFrancisco. Both teams combined for over 1,000 yards of offense and there were no punts. It was the Bills running back Thurman Thomas who was the difference in the game. This was way before the NFL changed the rules to help offenses score. The Divisional Playoff game between the Bills and Chiefs last season was a great game but not the greatest in my opinion.

For me it is the same year, but a different game.

The 1993 Sugar Bowl 9for the championship of the 1992 season).

Alabama was #2 and Miami was #1. Miami's QB had just won the Heisman and they were expected to kill Bama.

They just didn't count of one of the best defensive college teams in history. Bama won 34 to 13.
You didn't specify college or pro (or high school for that matter), so here are my 5 favorites:

- Boise State defeats Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl 2006-7 (big play after crazy big play, with the last 2-3 plays being epic)
- San Diego Chargers defeat the Miami Dolphins 1982-3 (almost the greatest comeback ever)
- NY Giants defeat the NE Patriots in SB 42 (the gritty Giants deny the all-star Pats their undefeated season)
- NE Patriots defeat the Atlanta Falcons to win SB 51 (greatest comeback in SB, and IMO, modern NFL playoff history.
- Auburn defeats Alabama to win the Iron Bowl 2013 (craziest ending to a big college game with title implications)
Is a game with no Defense a great game?

Chicks dig the long ball.

The best football game? Well, first you have to be aware of the game. I'm sure Georgia Tech played South Carolina in 1978 or whatever...I wasn't there, I don't know anything about it. It may have been the "best game" ever by some standard. If you don't know about don't know if it was good, better, or best. So you have to be aware of the game so it has to be big-time college or professional or the occasional one-off HS game.


Well, if you go by excitement, you have to really look at the OT games only.

My vote? Chargers v. Dolphins...1981 playoffs.

Saw it from kick off to final gun on my TV. Kellen Winslow (TE for SD) was helped off the field in the 80% humidity of Miami. The next week...the Chargers went to Cincinnati in the coldest game ever. LOL


If you're talking about pure domination, the 1989 Super Bowl (Played in 1990).
It was reported after the game that Joe Montana was asked by one of the owners or team executives, "How many points you think we will score?"...Montana said something along the lines of, "As many as we want." They took the best AFC team--the John Elway lead Denver Broncos and completely curb stomped them. SF could have scored 70 points if they wanted to.

Chicks dig the long ball.

The best football game? Well, first you have to be aware of the game. I'm sure Georgia Tech played South Carolina in 1978 or whatever...I wasn't there, I don't know anything about it. It may have been the "best game" ever by some standard. If you don't know about don't know if it was good, better, or best. So you have to be aware of the game so it has to be big-time college or professional or the occasional one-off HS game.


Well, if you go by excitement, you have to really look at the OT games only.

My vote? Chargers v. Dolphins...1981 playoffs.

Saw it from kick off to final gun on my TV. Kellen Winslow (TE for SD) was helped off the field in the 80% humidity of Miami. The next week...the Chargers went to Cincinnati in the coldest game ever. LOL


If you're talking about pure domination, the 1989 Super Bowl (Played in 1990).
It was reported after the game that Joe Montana was asked by one of the owners or team executives, "How many points you think we will score?"...Montana said something along the lines of, "As many as we want." They took the best AFC team--the John Elway lead Denver Broncos and completely curb stomped them. SF could have scored 70 points if they wanted to.

my parents had a big party the day of that 1980 game Miami chargers. By the end of the game all the men were in the kitchen lol....
i think the greatest football game was in September of 1992 when the Buffalo Bills beat the SanFrancisco 49ers 34-31 in SanFrancisco. Both teams combined for over 1,000 yards of offense and there were no punts. It was the Bills running back Thurman Thomas who was the difference in the game. This was way before the NFL changed the rules to help offenses score. The Divisional Playoff game between the Bills and Chiefs last season was a great game but not the greatest in my opinion.
Yes and as far as I'm concerned the bills were always pissed they had to keep playing the damn NFL East , the most boring arrogant NFL kind of people and teams lol... Of course the 49ers won the Super bowl the year before the bills and the year after the bills (lol not lucky and probably screwed by the Big Market big money owned refs again...). The red white and blue bills are America's team, not the damn corporate America's team lol, the self-proclaimed Dallas **** boys lol... When they win the Super bowl, we will know we're over the post JFK GOP southern California giveaway to the rich mess lol...

You might guess that I am a unreconstructed AFL fan and as far as I am concerned they should go back to the NFL versus the AFL, the boring corrupt Republicans against the forward-looking exciting and caring Democrats lol, and I believe the bills in 1964 would have beaten the Browns, they had the best defense, didn't give up rushing touchdown for 18 straight games and that year they had cookie Gilchrist and Elbert golden wheels Dubenion (27 yds/reception) before everybody got injured lol and Lou Saban left...And Jack Kemp the last good Republican....

The other best game was the bills 33 point playoffcomeback against the Oilers which was just incredible. Frank Reich won that game and also the biggest comeback 40 points in college at the time and what should still be. Lol. Whatever the best game is you can be sure an AFL team and probably the bills will be involved. The 49ers came from the all American conference I believe. When Buffalo got screwed again. They were the second best team and had the second best attendance and were over screwed again...
what about Super Bowl 3 and lesser known the bills winning one game against The Jets that year with five interceptions three returned for touchdowns lol, 37-35? I won 50 $1.00 bets no odds no points betting on the underdog each time just to get people off my back lol.... it was a New York City all boys boarding school that I hated up in the hills of Massachusetts lol.... I was the only bills fan and the only AFL fan in the damn place... Got a standing ovation
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