Chicks dig the long ball.
The best football game? Well, first you have to be aware of the game. I'm sure Georgia Tech played South Carolina in 1978 or whatever...I wasn't there, I don't know anything about it. It may have been the "best game" ever by some standard. If you don't know about don't know if it was good, better, or best.
So you have to be aware of the game so it has to be big-time college or professional or the occasional one-off HS game.
Well, if you go by excitement, you have to really look at the OT games only.
My vote? Chargers v. Dolphins...1981 playoffs.
San Diego Chargers 41 at Miami Dolphins 38 on January 2nd, 1982 - Full team and player stats and box score
Saw it from kick off to final gun on my TV. Kellen Winslow (TE for SD) was helped off the field in the 80% humidity of Miami. The next week...the Chargers went to Cincinnati in the coldest game ever. LOL
If you're talking about pure domination, the 1989 Super Bowl (Played in 1990).
It was reported after the game that Joe Montana was asked by one of the owners or team executives, "How many points you think we will score?"...Montana said something along the lines of, "As many as we want." They took the best AFC team--the John Elway lead Denver Broncos and completely curb stomped them. SF could have scored 70 points if they wanted to.
San Francisco 49ers 55 vs. Denver Broncos 10 on January 28th, 1990 - Full team and player stats and box score