The Great Error in Obama's Worldview

#1- Exploitation is NOT development, dingbat. Your figures show the colonialists only developed the colonies in order to better strip the poor schmucks' resources and people.

The Brits were responsible for at least 26 million Indians starving to death in the 19th century. Lenin was right about that kind of thing, and the plight of the working poor in Europe. What solved that was the "embourgeoisement if the working class"...UNIONS to a great extent. The colonies are just now overcoming their rape.

The term 'Exploitation' is a catch-all employed by those with limited comprehension, and only the most superficial knowledge. Sowell wrote about it, calling it 'first stage thinking.'

I believe he mentioned you in the book.

1. Geography certainly plays a role in understanding the current condition in the world. The presence or absence of petroleum, uranium, or other minerals. But the value, and concomitant effect on a population differ before and after ways of using these things became known. Western Europe had a heavy soil, difficult to plow, until ways were invented to harness horses.

a. “Around 600, plows appeared which resulted in the increased value of horse, which intern obliged the planting of oats. The two-field system gave way to the three-field rotation (wheat/rye, oats/barley, one fallow) this increased efficiency by 50%. Now livestock could be raised. Surplus food and livestock drew wolves and raiders. Warriors were needed to protect the farmers, and over time, improved offensive and defensive weaponry. The “stirrup and plow” determined the path of modern Europe. Great forest-clearing projects followed the plague years, opening enough land to make possible the European population explosion, not an option in the deserts of Mesopotamia or the built up lands of the Mediterranean. This was Europe’s topographic advantage: the great forests. Power flowed North to the land of Frankish kings.”
From Justinian's Flea: The First Great Plague and the End of the Roman Empire,” by William Rosen.

What happened to the value of land in Europe when yokes, bridles and stirrups came in from the East?

2. Modernization: This was undertaken not by imperialists, for the most part, but by Middle Eastern rulers who had become painfully aware that their societies were undeveloped compared with the advanced Western world. These rulers decided that what they had to do was to modernize or Westernize. Their intentions were good, but the consequences were often disastrous. What they did was to increase the power of the state and the ruler enormously by placing at his disposal the whole modern apparatus of control, repression and indoctrination. In the traditional society there were established orders-the bazaar merchants, the scribes, the guilds, the country gentry, the military establishment, the religious establishment, and so on. These were powerful groups in society, whose heads were not appointed by the ruler but arose from within the groups. And no sultan, however powerful, could do much without maintaining some relationship with these different orders in society. This is not democracy as we currently use that word, but it is certainly limited, responsible government. And the system worked. Modernization ended that.

a. Another important thing that happened—also in the mid-20s—was the discovery of oil. With that, this extremist sect found itself not only in possession of Mecca and Medina, but also of wealth beyond the dreams of avarice. As a result, what would otherwise have been a lunatic fringe in a marginal country became a major force in the world of Islam. Now, its influence spreads far beyond the region.

Now, ask yourself: How were the Saudis using oil prior to the Brits and Americans?

Do you not understand that the oil had zero value to the Saudis until it was developed????

"Exploitation" is a bogus, loaded term.

Which nations had a lower standard of living after "exploitation"?

3. Studies show that international investments went directly opposite the theories of Lenin, the theories taught to the naïve, tabula rasa of college students. The audience was so receptive to academics, intellectuals, activists, community organizers precisely because it validates envy and resentment of those with lower incomes toward those with higher incomes.

As a bonus, it removes the stigma from implications of lesser ability and/or lesser performance on the part of those with lower incomes.

4. the kicker: watch carefully as I shred your ridiculous 'exploitation' argument.
Professional ball players are being 'exploited'....

'Union attorney says owners treat players like “plantation workers”'
Union attorney says owners treat players like

Really? With an average salary over $2 million???

Folks are lined up around the block to be exploited!!!

Wise up.
So anyone going to address a question on whether Obama "hates America" because we were a colony which seemed to be what was stated in the opening post?
How many "colonies" do we still have?

We may call them something different now but....

More "colonies" than any other country on earth I think.
And with that we can safety conclude PC copy and pastes shit she doesn't understand herself and Unkotare is nothing but a thread troll. Two down, several to go.
To answer your question, we weren't a colony like 3rd world ones, unless you want to look at the way Native Americans were treated. We were a part of England that didn't like being taxed and ignored.

Also, our economic "colonies" have broken away- check Latin America and oil producers for example these days...
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To answer your question, we weren't a colony like 3rd world ones, unless you want to look at the Native Americans were treated. We were a part of England that didn't like being taxed and ignored.

Also, our economic "colonies" have broken away- check Latin America and oil producers for example these days...

I was simply making a point that PC's so nicely formatted post was just smoke and mirrors. Unkotare just walked into it.
And with that we can safety conclude PC copy and pastes shit she doesn't understand herself and Unkotare is nothing but a thread troll. Two down, several to go.

How droll coming from one who doesn't know the difference between Michelob and Michelangelo.

Does that neon light flashing IDIOT over your head keep you awake at night?

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