The GOP is blowing it on the border issue

England and Spain are definitely not "fifth column," Pismoe, waiting to invade us. lol
I was responding to Original Tree's boogeyman argument that the immigrants are all bearing deadly diseases. The newest which, according to the article he posted, has been identified in England, Spain, India, Venezuela and HERE in the UNITED STATES. Not Mexico or Honduras or Puerto Rico or anywhere else. HERE. Do we kick out the people who have been infected?
That is all I was getting at.
His other link talks about TB, which is a concern, but healthy people in decent housing are not susceptible for the most part. It is our living conditions, good diet and
No one said it was racist to detain immigrants because of health issues. It is just plain fucking stupid, though, to blow this out of proportion like you do every other issue involving immigrants.

Listen here you mutant moron marxist.... there are so many assholes flooding across the border that we cannot even detain them or quarantine them any more. There is a crisis at our border but you won't give a shit until you are sick lying on your death bed dying from Candida or some Drug Resistant Disease wishing you had listened to me.

And....They aren't migrants. They are criminals. How many of these criminals are you personally sponsoring, boarding, feeding, educating, and taking care of their medical needs in your own home out of your own hypocritical lying pocket?

Call me when you funeral is, so I can plant the "migrant" flag on your grave like we have just liberated Iwo Jima.

May you get Candid in your undershorts.
May you get Candid in your undershorts.
I can tell you are truly worried about Americans' health. lol
Your empathy and concern for the sick is awe inspiring.

Why should I care about you getting sick and dying?
You don't care about you getting sick and dying.

You are a damn Socialist-Marxist-Communist and are so blinded by your own ideology that you don't even give a shit about draining the Social Safety Net.

Socialism and Open Borders are Incompatible Dummy, and I as a Conservative should not have to point out how stupid and misguided you are.

Illegal Immigration is at crisis levels. It is a Health and Safety Issue, Crime Issue, Social Safety Net Issue.

Anyone with a brain can see that.... anyone but The Left.
I recognize it is an "issue," Original Tree. I do not take it out on the immigrants, though. They are the symptom. The root cause of the problems need to be addressed. Demonizing the immigrants themselves is not necessary.

But the biggest problem is THE LEFT'S POLITICAL STRATEGY of trading AMERICAN SECURITY AND SAFETY for importation of more "BROWN SLAVES" in the hopes they can OVERWHELM our election systems with newly minted DemNazi voters imported from SOUTH OF THE BORDER.

It is not a DEMONIZATION to state facts. You are the one demonizing the discussion of facts.
Okay. You've said your piece over and over. I've said mine over and over. When someone else with a different idea comes back on, I'll be back, maybe.
England and Spain are definitely not "fifth column," Pismoe, waiting to invade us. lol
I was responding to Original Tree's boogeyman argument that the immigrants are all bearing deadly diseases. The newest which, according to the article he posted, has been identified in England, Spain, India, Venezuela and HERE in the UNITED STATES. Not Mexico or Honduras or Puerto Rico or anywhere else. HERE. Do we kick out the people who have been infected?
That is all I was getting at.
His other link talks about TB, which is a concern, but healthy people in decent housing are not susceptible for the most part. It is our living conditions, good diet and
No one said it was racist to detain immigrants because of health issues. It is just plain fucking stupid, though, to blow this out of proportion like you do every other issue involving immigrants.

Listen here you mutant moron marxist.... there are so many assholes flooding across the border that we cannot even detain them or quarantine them any more. There is a crisis at our border but you won't give a shit until you are sick lying on your death bed dying from Candida or some Drug Resistant Disease wishing you had listened to me.

And....They aren't migrants. They are criminals. How many of these criminals are you personally sponsoring, boarding, feeding, educating, and taking care of their medical needs in your own home out of your own hypocritical lying pocket?

Call me when you funeral is, so I can plant the "migrant" flag on your grave like we have just liberated Iwo Jima.

May you get Candid in your undershorts.
May you get Candid in your undershorts.
I can tell you are truly worried about Americans' health. lol
Your empathy and concern for the sick is awe inspiring.

Why should I care about you getting sick and dying?
You don't care about you getting sick and dying.

You are a damn Socialist-Marxist-Communist and are so blinded by your own ideology that you don't even give a shit about draining the Social Safety Net.

Socialism and Open Borders are Incompatible Dummy, and I as a Conservative should not have to point out how stupid and misguided you are.

Illegal Immigration is at crisis levels. It is a Health and Safety Issue, Crime Issue, Social Safety Net Issue.

Anyone with a brain can see that.... anyone but The Left.
I recognize it is an "issue," Original Tree. I do not take it out on the immigrants, though. They are the symptom. The root cause of the problems need to be addressed. Demonizing the immigrants themselves is not necessary.

But the biggest problem is THE LEFT'S POLITICAL STRATEGY of trading AMERICAN SECURITY AND SAFETY for importation of more "BROWN SLAVES" in the hopes they can OVERWHELM our election systems with newly minted DemNazi voters imported from SOUTH OF THE BORDER.

It is not a DEMONIZATION to state facts. You are the one demonizing the discussion of facts.
Woody is afraid the illegals are taking his free stuff & there won't be enough for him.
This is how the left gets away with crazy statements. They claim that the President "should condemn the people who attack the illegal immigrants" and then they expand their argument on the lie that illegal criminals are being attacked as if it's fact.
You've gotta be kidding me.

Maybe read through this very thread for a few examples of horrific things being said about these people. Maybe read through the hundreds of other threads on this site that say horrific things about these people, characterizing them as barely human.

You're not going to pretend that this happens only on USMB, are you? You don't think Hispanics, including perfectly legal Hispanics, are hearing this shit from coast to coast?

You can't possibly be this blind. No way. You have to be kidding.
In one sentence you say we should be honest about what is happening and in the next you say the truth is "demonizing". It's truth that these asylum seekers and illegal aliens are taking advantage of lax immigration laws and a political crisis. It's truth that the dems are exploiting this situation to label half the country as incorrigible racists who want to put babies in cages.
They're desperate. Their countries are dangerous, worthless, corrupt, jobless shit holes. I never hear that from the Right.
/----/ Yet we point that out every day - especially the Socialist paradise of Venezuela.
Which solves nothing.
Not our zoo, not our monkeys.
Great, keep doing and saying what you're doing and saying.

Maybe you'll get your partial, temporary wall.

That'll fix things, for sure.
Oh good. So you are all in for us going into these countries and just taking over everything. Annex them into the USA and give them our laws.

At gunpoint, if we have too, right?

If the position is we cannot rebuild their country, we cannot take over their country, and we cannot dictate to them how they should behave, then your answer is just to send them ALL of our wealth and then watch as that does not work, we are broke (more broke than we already are) and they DO FUCKING NOTHING DIFFERENT!

But yeah, you go ahead and tell Me that the Democrats fighting for foreign citizens over US citizens and stopping a wall is the right thing to do.

Fuck that.

NOT our Zoo, NOT our monkeys.

Just change the law so that NO ONE gets asylum to the USA, and if you are caught in this country without documentation, you'll be deported to Antarctica.

OR...maybe build the wall, put teeth into punishment for border jumping and tell these fucking shitholes that they clean up their act or we'll depose them for our own interests.
They're desperate. Their countries are dangerous, worthless, corrupt, jobless shit holes. I never hear that from the Right.
/----/ Yet we point that out every day - especially the Socialist paradise of Venezuela.
Which solves nothing.
Not our zoo, not our monkeys.
Great, keep doing and saying what you're doing and saying.

Maybe you'll get your partial, temporary wall.

That'll fix things, for sure.
Oh good. So you are all in for us going into these countries and just taking over everything. Annex them into the USA and give them our laws.

At gunpoint, if we have too, right?

If the position is we cannot rebuild their country, we cannot take over their country, and we cannot dictate to them how they should behave, then your answer is just to send them ALL of our wealth and then watch as that does not work, we are broke (more broke than we already are) and they DO FUCKING NOTHING DIFFERENT!

But yeah, you go ahead and tell Me that the Democrats fighting for foreign citizens over US citizens and stopping a wall is the right thing to do.

Fuck that.

NOT our Zoo, NOT our monkeys.

Just change the law so that NO ONE gets asylum to the USA, and if you are caught in this country without documentation, you'll be deported to Antarctica.

OR...maybe build the wall, put teeth into punishment for border jumping and tell these fucking shitholes that they clean up their act or we'll depose them for our own interests.
Another straw man argument.

This is obviously too complicated.

Never mind.
Listen here you mutant moron marxist.... there are so many assholes flooding across the border that we cannot even detain them or quarantine them any more. There is a crisis at our border but you won't give a shit until you are sick lying on your death bed dying from Candida or some Drug Resistant Disease wishing you had listened to me.

And....They aren't migrants. They are criminals. How many of these criminals are you personally sponsoring, boarding, feeding, educating, and taking care of their medical needs in your own home out of your own hypocritical lying pocket?

Call me when you funeral is, so I can plant the "migrant" flag on your grave like we have just liberated Iwo Jima.

May you get Candid in your undershorts.
May you get Candid in your undershorts.
I can tell you are truly worried about Americans' health. lol
Your empathy and concern for the sick is awe inspiring.

Why should I care about you getting sick and dying?
You don't care about you getting sick and dying.

You are a damn Socialist-Marxist-Communist and are so blinded by your own ideology that you don't even give a shit about draining the Social Safety Net.

Socialism and Open Borders are Incompatible Dummy, and I as a Conservative should not have to point out how stupid and misguided you are.

Illegal Immigration is at crisis levels. It is a Health and Safety Issue, Crime Issue, Social Safety Net Issue.

Anyone with a brain can see that.... anyone but The Left.
I recognize it is an "issue," Original Tree. I do not take it out on the immigrants, though. They are the symptom. The root cause of the problems need to be addressed. Demonizing the immigrants themselves is not necessary.

But the biggest problem is THE LEFT'S POLITICAL STRATEGY of trading AMERICAN SECURITY AND SAFETY for importation of more "BROWN SLAVES" in the hopes they can OVERWHELM our election systems with newly minted DemNazi voters imported from SOUTH OF THE BORDER.

It is not a DEMONIZATION to state facts. You are the one demonizing the discussion of facts.
Woody is afraid the illegals are taking his free stuff & there won't be enough for him.
when was the last time you saw him ask for free stuff?

and why are you touting giving away what belongs to other people? crap like that is why people are rushing over here. give away your own shit and leave me out of it.
/----/ Yet we point that out every day - especially the Socialist paradise of Venezuela.
Which solves nothing.
Not our zoo, not our monkeys.
Great, keep doing and saying what you're doing and saying.

Maybe you'll get your partial, temporary wall.

That'll fix things, for sure.
Oh good. So you are all in for us going into these countries and just taking over everything. Annex them into the USA and give them our laws.

At gunpoint, if we have too, right?

If the position is we cannot rebuild their country, we cannot take over their country, and we cannot dictate to them how they should behave, then your answer is just to send them ALL of our wealth and then watch as that does not work, we are broke (more broke than we already are) and they DO FUCKING NOTHING DIFFERENT!

But yeah, you go ahead and tell Me that the Democrats fighting for foreign citizens over US citizens and stopping a wall is the right thing to do.

Fuck that.

NOT our Zoo, NOT our monkeys.

Just change the law so that NO ONE gets asylum to the USA, and if you are caught in this country without documentation, you'll be deported to Antarctica.

OR...maybe build the wall, put teeth into punishment for border jumping and tell these fucking shitholes that they clean up their act or we'll depose them for our own interests.
Another straw man argument.

This is obviously too complicated.

Never mind.
It is NOT too complicated. Well, maybe for you perhaps.

I'm just tired of the whole argument because the entire argument hinges on the US not APPEARING to look bad rather than on things that ACTUALLY work. Why? Because the left would rather make sure we don't appear racist rather than do the right thing and look out for the USA's interests ahead of any other nations.

The ONLY thing we hear from you and those on the left is 'We can't".

The only thing you are willing to do is to promote programs that HURT the US and give Democrats the advantage.

So, fuck your strawman argument. That is just your way of shutting down discussion.
Which solves nothing.
Not our zoo, not our monkeys.
Great, keep doing and saying what you're doing and saying.

Maybe you'll get your partial, temporary wall.

That'll fix things, for sure.
Oh good. So you are all in for us going into these countries and just taking over everything. Annex them into the USA and give them our laws.

At gunpoint, if we have too, right?

If the position is we cannot rebuild their country, we cannot take over their country, and we cannot dictate to them how they should behave, then your answer is just to send them ALL of our wealth and then watch as that does not work, we are broke (more broke than we already are) and they DO FUCKING NOTHING DIFFERENT!

But yeah, you go ahead and tell Me that the Democrats fighting for foreign citizens over US citizens and stopping a wall is the right thing to do.

Fuck that.

NOT our Zoo, NOT our monkeys.

Just change the law so that NO ONE gets asylum to the USA, and if you are caught in this country without documentation, you'll be deported to Antarctica.

OR...maybe build the wall, put teeth into punishment for border jumping and tell these fucking shitholes that they clean up their act or we'll depose them for our own interests.
Another straw man argument.

This is obviously too complicated.

Never mind.
It is NOT too complicated. Well, maybe for you perhaps.

I'm just tired of the whole argument because the entire argument hinges on the US not APPEARING to look bad rather than on things that ACTUALLY work. Why? Because the left would rather make sure we don't appear racist rather than do the right thing and look out for the USA's interests ahead of any other nations.

The ONLY thing we hear from you and those on the left is 'We can't".

The only thing you are willing to do is to promote programs that HURT the US and give Democrats the advantage.

So, fuck your strawman argument. That is just your way of shutting down discussion.
I offered an independent idea, one that isn't soaked in partisanship, and you don't like it. I'm shocked.

I'll get over it.
Listen here you mutant moron marxist.... there are so many assholes flooding across the border that we cannot even detain them or quarantine them any more. There is a crisis at our border but you won't give a shit until you are sick lying on your death bed dying from Candida or some Drug Resistant Disease wishing you had listened to me.

And....They aren't migrants. They are criminals. How many of these criminals are you personally sponsoring, boarding, feeding, educating, and taking care of their medical needs in your own home out of your own hypocritical lying pocket?

Call me when you funeral is, so I can plant the "migrant" flag on your grave like we have just liberated Iwo Jima.

May you get Candid in your undershorts.
May you get Candid in your undershorts.
I can tell you are truly worried about Americans' health. lol
Your empathy and concern for the sick is awe inspiring.

Why should I care about you getting sick and dying?
You don't care about you getting sick and dying.

You are a damn Socialist-Marxist-Communist and are so blinded by your own ideology that you don't even give a shit about draining the Social Safety Net.

Socialism and Open Borders are Incompatible Dummy, and I as a Conservative should not have to point out how stupid and misguided you are.

Illegal Immigration is at crisis levels. It is a Health and Safety Issue, Crime Issue, Social Safety Net Issue.

Anyone with a brain can see that.... anyone but The Left.
I recognize it is an "issue," Original Tree. I do not take it out on the immigrants, though. They are the symptom. The root cause of the problems need to be addressed. Demonizing the immigrants themselves is not necessary.

But the biggest problem is THE LEFT'S POLITICAL STRATEGY of trading AMERICAN SECURITY AND SAFETY for importation of more "BROWN SLAVES" in the hopes they can OVERWHELM our election systems with newly minted DemNazi voters imported from SOUTH OF THE BORDER.

It is not a DEMONIZATION to state facts. You are the one demonizing the discussion of facts.
Woody is afraid the illegals are taking his free stuff & there won't be enough for him.
I work and pay taxes so slugs like you and your pet illegals can continue to force America to Deficit Spend to support your dead beat couch surfing asses.
TOTALLY DOWN WITH NO ASYLUM. There are hundreds of other countries to send so called Refugees to. Let them deal with it. NO VACANCY!
I put the blame on the people that are breaking our laws. That’s just me

Are you referring to the Trump administration or are we still ignoring that and just focusing on brown people?
/——/ What laws has Trump broken and why are the democRATs letting him get away with it?

His payments to porn stars for starters. And democrats don't have enough power to hold him accountable. What other questions do you have?
I put the blame on the people that are breaking our laws. That’s just me

Are you referring to the Trump administration or are we still ignoring that and just focusing on brown people?
/——/ What laws has Trump broken and why are the democRATs letting him get away with it?

His payments to porn stars for starters. And democrats don't have enough power to hold him accountable. What other questions do you have?
Clinton Settles Jones Lawsuit With a Check for $850,000
If payments to porn stars was against the law the judicial branch would charge him, not the democrats.
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.

Here’s a surprise; you think that if he says what you think he needs to, you’ll like him more.

Is there something there that you think is wrong?

A little, but if you would bother to actually read my post, you'd know I'm not saying that.
I put the blame on the people that are breaking our laws. That’s just me

Are you referring to the Trump administration or are we still ignoring that and just focusing on brown people?
Brown people seem to be breaking the law, so should we ignore it, cuz they're brown, or do something about it?
Once we take care the brown lawbreakers we can try to see if we can find some yellow lawbreakers and white lawbreakers.
I put the blame on the people that are breaking our laws. That’s just me

Are you referring to the Trump administration or are we still ignoring that and just focusing on brown people?
/——/ What laws has Trump broken and why are the democRATs letting him get away with it?

His payments to porn stars for starters. And democrats don't have enough power to hold him accountable. What other questions do you have?
Clinton Settles Jones Lawsuit With a Check for $850,000

And? Does that somehow make my statement not true?

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