Trump isn’t presidentGetting into a war of who can shower this state or that state with more borrowed taxpayer money vs Kamala is a losing strategy.
The GOP needs to stand up and re-embrace fiscal conservatism. So far, it is making ZERO NOISES on that score. Only Vivek in the primary made such noises.
Since the W/Faux News crowd packed the GOP voter rolls with Pro Israel SUBs, this is what has happened... we went from under $6 trillion in debt (and a fuctional budget surplus) when W was elected to over $35 now....
U.S. National Debt by Year
The U.S. national debt is the total of what the federal government owes creditors. The U.S. has always carried debt, but the total has expanded rapidly since
SUBs do not care about math. Math involves numbers and that's way beyond the intellect of the SUB.
and Dick Cheney said Reagan "proved" deficits do not matter... which is why the Cheney family is now clearly DEMOCRAT as it ALWAYS WAS....
Faux News doesn't care about the Federal Debt because that is America, and Faux only cares about ISRAEL. So the SUB "never hears" about the Debt from the two and only two things the SUB actually follows, a Jew fraud of a Christian Preacher and Faux.
For those of us who do understand MATH, this is a HUGE PROBLEM that will not go away without a big fight.
This needs dramatic attention right now. Failure to address the National Debt is suicide as a nation.
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How US national debt grew to its $31.4 trillion high - ABC News