The Genetics of Race

I didn't register to read the link. But did someone question you about this? I would have tho't that is a given.
The article focuses on the genetic basis of race, and how they can now develop drugs targeted to specific races. "BiDil" is a heart medicine for blacks. They can also use DNA samples to determine the race of a criminal, which helps to narrow the search. It was successful in a New Orleans case a while back --- cops were looking for a white guy based on the FBI profile, but the DNA at the crime scene said, "black guy." They quickly found their man.
Dave said:
Different race?

Don't you mean different species?

Haha give me a break! Take a course on human geography and you'll quickly learn it's not a difference of races.

A 5'11 white man has more in common genetically with a 5'11 black man than he does with a 5'5 white man.
MJDuncan1982 said:
Haha give me a break! Take a course on human geography and you'll quickly learn it's not a difference of races.

A 5'11 white man has more in common genetically with a 5'11 black man than he does with a 5'5 white man.
A race, it should be clear, is what zoologists term a geographic variety or subdivision of a species, characterized by a more or less distinct combination of traits (morphological, behavioral, physiological) that are heritable. Zoologists have identified two or more races in many mammalian species. In humans, the three major races--Mongoloids (commonly "Asians"), Caucasoids (commonly "Whites"), and Negroids (commonly "Blacks")--can be distinguished on the basis of obvious differences in skeletal morphology, hair and facial features, and molecular genetic information. Forensic anthropologists regularly classify skeletons of decomposed bodies by race. For example, narrow nasal passages and a short distance between eye sockets mark a Caucasoid person, distinct cheekbones characterize a Mongoloid person, and nasal openings shaped like an upside down heart typify a Negroid person (Ubelaker & Scammel, 1992). In certain criminal investigations, the race of a perpetrator can be identified from blood, semen, and hair samples. To deny the predictive validity of race at this level is nonsensical.
Most work on racial differences has focused on Blacks and Whites in the United States, where the achievement of Whites is disproportionately higher than that of Blacks. Ever since Jensen's (1969) monograph in the Harvard Educational Review, a controversy has raged over whether the causes of this disparity involve genetic as well as environmental factors (Eysenck & Kamin, 1981; Loehlin, Lindzey, & Spuhler, 1975). Extensive surveys show that a plurality of experts believe that Jensen was correct in attributing a portion of the racial variation to genetic differences (Snyderman & Rothman, 1987). The debate was widened by data available on (a) Black samples in Africa, the Caribbean, and elsewhere (most Black people live in postcolonial Africa); (b) Asian samples in the Pacific Rim (one third of the world's population); and (c) characteristics in addition to mental ability, showing the same worldwide racial ordering in brain size, personality, speed of maturation, crime rates, family structure, and sexual behavior (see Table 1).
Bell Curve said much the same thing. There is simply no denying that inheritance affects intelligence to a large degree. This is scary information for liberals because it throws the value of their government programs into doubt --- i.e., spending billions of tax dollars won't necessarily make blacks smarter.
Correction on my first post..."races" should have been "species".

And Dave it is not very intellectually honest to just post a section of an article that is clearly advocating the position that there are distinct races.

The "races" were developed in the 19th century as an attempt to justify slavery and discrimination.

It was not zoologists in general who coined these terms. It was a zoologist following the lead of Lineaus.

And if you really want to believe this then Caucasoids are in trouble because Mongoloids supposedly have the biggest brains. I guess we should let Asians run everything since they are the smartest...according to this debunked theory.
MJDuncan1982 said:
And if you really want to believe this then Caucasoids are in trouble because Mongoloids supposedly have the biggest brains. I guess we should let Asians run everything since they are the smartest...according to this debunked theory.
I agree with your comment that Asians on the average are the most intelligent people. I don't understand your comment "I guess we should let Asians run everything since they are the smartest". I think you here to be overreacting.
MJDuncan1982 said:
Correction on my first post..."races" should have been "species".

And Dave it is not very intellectually honest to just post a section of an article that is clearly advocating the position that there are distinct races.

The "races" were developed in the 19th century as an attempt to justify slavery and discrimination.

This is false liberal propaganda. Read Race: The Reality of Human Differences, by Sarich and Miele. The concept of race has been around since the races first came into contact. Ancient Egyptians and ancient Greeks recognized race. It is not a recent invention. Nor is it an invention by whites. Arabs saw clear differences between themselves and blacks long before the 19th Century. Finally, it might be noted that slavery predates the 19th Century, and the only ones practicing it today are black Africans.
Dave said:
I agree with your comment that Asians on the average are the most intelligent people.

I don't think the Germans have done too badly in the past either.
William Joyce said:
This is false liberal propaganda. Read Race: The Reality of Human Differences, by Sarich and Miele. The concept of race has been around since the races first came into contact. Ancient Egyptians and ancient Greeks recognized race. It is not a recent invention. Nor is it an invention by whites. Arabs saw clear differences between themselves and blacks long before the 19th Century. Finally, it might be noted that slavery predates the 19th Century, and the only ones practicing it today are black Africans.

Yes an academic attempt to create races was done recently in the 19th century. Of course slavery predates then and many cultures recognized their differences. That does not make race a real thing.

So you believe the Greeks and Egyptians were different "races"? Just how many "races" are there on the Earth?
Dave said:

What? With the fact that they killed a bunch of Jews or that they are successful? I'd say two major ass whippings in the 20th century sort of speaks to their underachievement, wouldn't you Big D? Or do you feel like the Germans are your master and you must be nice to them so they won't smoke you again? What a spineless piece of crap you are.
OCA said:
What? With the fact that they killed a bunch of Jews or that they are successful? I'd say two major ass whippings in the 20th century sort of speaks to their underachievement, wouldn't you Big D? Or do you feel like the Germans are your master and you must be nice to them so they won't smoke you again? What a spineless piece of crap you are.
Say what you want, at least the rules don't have to be changed for Germans (affirmitve action) like they do for blacks and hispanics.
Dave said:
Say what you want, at least the rules don't have to be changed for Germans (affirmitve action) like they do for blacks and hispanics.

OH MY GOD YOU ARE SO SPINELESS BIG D! No self respecting Greek would ever say that about Germans, they tried to starve us out. And you're a Jew! Ah you're just staying loyal to your master. Keep trying to take the focus off the topic by referring back to your baseless hatred of Blacks and Hispanics.

Did you know that a buddy of yours who recently passed away up their in Idaho, Richard Butler, felt that Jews were as much an inferior race to Whites as he thought Blacks were? I mean he did espouse German Aryan supremacy. Your own neighbours there in Idaho despise you, that must suck.
The Ashkenazi Jews have the highest IQs in the world, followed by Asians, followed by whites, followed by Hispanics, and in last place, blacks. Jews have high verbal IQs, and Asians have high spatial IQs. This explains why Jews are successful in areas like law and entertainment, and Asians are more likely to be engineers and such. Reality can suck but those are the facts.
William Joyce said:
The Ashkenazi Jews have the highest IQs in the world, followed by Asians, followed by whites, followed by Hispanics, and in last place, blacks. Jews have high verbal IQs, and Asians have high spatial IQs. This explains why Jews are successful in areas like law and entertainment, and Asians are more likely to be engineers and such. Reality can suck but those are the facts.
Dave said:

Translation: I don't know that is true but because you are the only friend I have here Willie i'll agree with you and "true" was about the extent of my vocabulary.
OCA said:
Translation: I don't know that is true but because you are the only friend I have here Willie i'll agree with you and "true" was about the extent of my vocabulary.
Willie is no friend of mine, I do agree with what he says here.

Stop trying so hard to impress others, it ain't working dumbass.
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