The Gaslighting Begins After Mark Milley's Treasonous Actions Are Revealed


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Gaslighting Begins After Mark Milley's Treasonous Actions Are Revealed​

14 Sep 2021 ~~ By Bonchie
Earlier today, one of the most consequential stories in a long time broke with the revelation that Gen. Mark Milley, now the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had colluded with the Chinese to possibly commit treason. The discussion that led to the quote in question happened via secret, unsanctioned calls between Milley and a top Chinese general. At one point, Milley is reported to have pledged to the Chinese that he would tip them off about any possible attack coming from the United States.
Later, it was revealed that Milley was working with Nancy Pelosi, both of which were trying to subvert the constitutional system in order to essentially neuter Donald Trump’s ability to function as Commander in Chief.
Now, the clean-up crew has arrived to gaslight everyone and claim that was transpired not only didn’t amount to an intention to commit treason but was “routine.” Here’s Pentagon stenographer Jennifer Griffin relaying the message without a hint of skepticism.

As far as the facts on the ground go, Milley has two choices. He can either claim that the quote attributed to him by The Washington Post (which was quoting Bob Woodward’s new book) is false and that he never said it, or he can admit he told a foreign adversary that he was willing to commit treason. There is no third option where Milley and the Pentagon get to pretend that all of this was routine because it absolutely was not.
Regardless of what “fears” Milley may have had following January 6th, we still have a constitution and a military that is controlled by civilian, elected leaders. There is no possible justification for a military general setting out to not only conduct his own foreign policy but to also offer aid and comfort to our enemies. That is, by the very definition of the word, treasonous.
Further, no one should be taking Milley’s claims of concern as a representation of reality. He is a deeply disturbed, delusional man who went so far as to compare January 6th, an event that resulted in no purposeful deaths except a police officer shooting Ashil Babbitt, to the Russian Revolution. Milley apparently saw himself as saving the country from a coup, but in the end, it was he that did more to execute a coup than anyone on January 6th.
None of this adds up to be routine, and it’s incredibly insulting that the Pentagon thinks they can brush this under the rug with such a whitewashing.

What Milley did in conjunction with Pelosi is the biggest breakdown of the constitutional order in modern history. We had a general essentially declare himself a military dictator, calling up foreign adversaries to let them know he had their back and would sell out his own country to give them information. And for what? There is no evidence Donald Trump was going to order an attack on China. Rather, Milley’s actions were driven by his delusional god complex.
But even if you assume Trump was going to do something dangerous (he wasn’t, but let’s assume), Milley’s obligation would be to refuse the order, resign, and notify Congress. It would not be for him to make secret calls to the Chinese to let them know he’s going to feed them information.
This is the kind of thing Republicans can not let go of. There have to be repercussions here or we cease to be a functioning nation. If that means a Republican-led DOJ taking action in 2025, so be it.

Bonchie couldn't have written it better.
Pelosi and Milley's actions constituted a coup.
Unfortunately we will never see justice served, because the coup wasn't just attempted. It was completed when Biden was sworn-in as the result of the stolen election. Rino's within Republicans allowed it... went along with it... even claimed without even looking at the facts of the election that it was valid. They will never take action because doing-so would undermine their defacto go-along-to-get-along agreement with those who perpetrated the coup. If the traitors get nailed, they will be too. It's just a matter of time. So NOTHING will happen as long as we rely on them to see justice served.
Bob Woodward has uncover not only the Treason of Gen Milley and Nancy Pelosi but also sedition and insurrection.
Something I find fascinating is Milley had no problem pulling up chocks from Afghanistan immediately when ordered to by the drooling Joey Xi Bai Dung, but thought the exact same thing from President Trump justified him committing sedition and insurrection in company with what I assume were the other Joint Chiefs and Nancy Pelosi. Yes, if this is true he and the other Staff Officers in that room who agreed with him and Nancy Pelosi should all be immediately arrested and charged, of course that will never happen.
At this point, I have to wonder who exactly is in charge of the U.S. Military now? The traitor and seditionist Milley and his fellow conspirators have to know the drooling incontinent Joey X Bai Dung the illegitimate CINC is not mentally fit to hold his office.
I miss the days when Generals were patriotic and loyal to their country.

Not wimps like that worm.

So they're openly admitting that Milley deliberately circumvented the chain of command (in blatant violation of the UCMJ), and that it's no big deal.

The rule of law is dead, dead, dead.

Yup. The Republic is gone. Now we get to see what comes next. I just hope the body count isn't too catastrophic.
We didn't know he was a fucking traitor, then.

You didn't know trump was a tyrant either.
Trump has denied ever suggesting a strike against China but he would wouldn't he. Truth was never his strong point.

Perhaps there was a little call from bejing that dared him to strike if he thought he could defeat them. His no see a advised him otherwise and wisely indeed.
That general could have saved many lives for all we know. I'm not sure that is traitorous.

Orchestrating the capitol riots gave the world an insight into how desperate he was to retain power. The true marks of a fascist.
You didn't know trump was a tyrant either.
Trump has denied ever suggesting a strike against China but he would wouldn't he. Truth was never his strong point.

Perhaps there was a little call from bejing that dared him to strike if he thought he could defeat them. His no see a advised him otherwise and wisely indeed.
That general could have saved many lives for all we know. I'm not sure that is traitorous.

Orchestrating the capitol riots gave the world an insight into how desperate he was to retain power. The true marks of a fascist.
Great job defending treason. This proves you idiots can't be trusted with our freedoms.
If this is true it makes needing a real investigation of the stolen election all the more important. If Milley was hyping up fear of a military attack to China BEFORE the election we need to know if there is any evidence of China being involved in hacking, meddling or colluding in the stolen election. And put together with the Afghanistan disaster that we know massively benefits China, one has to wonder who is being blackmailed. China face little backlash on the COVID cover up, so who really thinks they would face backlash in fixing an election. China undoubtably has collect enough dirt on all the G7 countries to keep them in line.

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