The funniest vax regret article yet. Now its our fault for not warning them

Yet another inquisitive medical professional trying to piece the aftermath together Greg

A year ago this would have been banned from social media sites

He came close to being banned at the time. I've been following for about 18 months. I had more data on which to make my decisions. It is why I knew it wasn't as good as they said it was, but PROBABLY right for ME. Also NOT needed by other cohorts.

Not saying this to be ugly to the vaxxed. you made that decision and so be it. I"m saying that this is human nature and we will see it become more prominent and directed at the wrong targets.
Right you are. And besides human nature already playing a role in this, then there's the added megaphone of the tell-a-vision screen that continuously stokes the flames of anger while manipulating the non-thinking masses who watch that shit into directing their anger towards all of the wrong targets.
He came close to being banned at the time. I've been following for about 18 months. I had more data on which to make my decisions. It is why I knew it wasn't as good as they said it was, but PROBABLY right for ME. Also NOT needed by other cohorts.

We first noticed the brief way in which Dr. Campbell addressed the ventricular contraction issue in the video, so we went to Pubmed to look around. Glad, because the trajectory led to rabbits and Baric's bat lab at UNC:

Post #1,748
And yes I said at the time that I did NOT expect that vaccine to stop me GETTING the virus; just stopping me dying from it.

Many who are less intelligent than you bought the lies, unfortunately...



I'm happy that all the stupid sheeple will soon be gone due to their own hubris. 3 years of bs and now this. No sympathy from me.
That link would have been great if it appeared on April fools day, because it's class
Is death serious to you gfm?
well it's no joke that it's happening
folks deserve an answer when it hits them & theirs

Correct, and that answer is that their government lied to them... their tell-a-vision screens lied to them... their doctors and nurses lied to them... their family members turned rabid if they didn't wholly submit to the various holy rituals... and this was all done for certain people like Fauci, Gates, and numerous politicians to gain power/control and money. It's a very ungodly agenda, even crimes against humanity, that many people will eventually pay for, whether in this life or the next.
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