dave p
Gutter scum? Your opinion. Ruining our country? Your opinion. People do not have the right to harass others in public. your stupidity grows daily.Threats are flying all over the place, with people on both sides of a controversial issue reporting their receipts of threats involving violence/death. This is wrong, as vandalism is wrong, and there is plenty of that going on with properties operated by progressives and "lefts," as well as minority religions.
However, calling somebody a name or interrupting them in public is fair game and has been since at least the Obama administration. I would advise the gutter scum who work for the whore in the Oval Office not to go out in public. These people deserve what they get. They chose what they do. They spend their days ruining our nation and other people's lives and then want to sit down to a nice, relaxing dinner. They make enemies on a daily basis. Deal with it. I suggest carryout and grocery delivery.