The first term of Trump is ending, what exactly has he accomplished?


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Judicial appointments: Stacked the courts with mostly unqualified conservative judges and corrupt the Supreme court with a lush
Tax cut: Gave it all to the rich
The economy: still riding the Obama boom, nothing but low wage jobs, ppl need two to make ends meet
Trade: No jobs from China and has made our farmers all welfare kings and queens

Regulatory reform: We've had more food recalls ever in our nations history
Immigration: threw latino's in cages, immigration is down
Budget deficit: Almost at a trilion, so much for pay as you go Ted forced Obama into, LOLOLOLOL
Clearing the swamp: the drain is clogged with so many Trump bodies....., so the swamp lives on LOLOLOLO

NKorea: Kim's ass is itching from the Trump lipstick and he's still building an arsonal
Russia: Putin is just loving the nut
China: Chi is loving the nut
US allies: They hate his guts
Middle East: They're about ready to hang the bastard
Judicial appointments: Stacked the courts with mostly unqualified conservative judges and corrupt the Supreme court with a lush
Tax cut: Gave it all to the rich
The economy: still riding the Obama boom, nothing but low wage jobs, ppl need two to make ends meet
Trade: No jobs from China and has made our farmers all welfare kings and queens

Regulatory reform: We've had more food recalls ever in our nations history
Immigration: threw latino's in cages, immigration is down
Budget deficit: Almost at a trilion, so much for pay as you go Ted forced Obama into, LOLOLOLOL
Clearing the swamp: the drain is clogged with so many Trump bodies....., so the swamp lives on LOLOLOLO

NKorea: Kim's ass is itching from the Trump lipstick and he's still building an arsonal
Russia: Putin is just loving the nut
China: Chi is loving the nut
US allies: They hate his guts
Middle East: They're about ready to hang the bastard

And just think, you caused it all.

Had the Democrats not pushed that flaming ass Obama, followed by a crooked, vile witch Hillary, that terrible orange bastard Trump wouldn't be in office!

Had Nancy impeached the awful orange menace Trump instead of sitting on those papers, none of this would have happened!

So all of 2017, 18 and 19 is ALL on the Democrat's heads! If we go to war with Iran now, you can thank Nancy Pelousi for that.
Judicial appointments: Stacked the courts with mostly unqualified conservative judges and corrupt the Supreme court with a lush
Tax cut: Gave it all to the rich
The economy: still riding the Obama boom, nothing but low wage jobs, ppl need two to make ends meet
Trade: No jobs from China and has made our farmers all welfare kings and queens

Regulatory reform: We've had more food recalls ever in our nations history
Immigration: threw latino's in cages, immigration is down
Budget deficit: Almost at a trilion, so much for pay as you go Ted forced Obama into, LOLOLOLOL
Clearing the swamp: the drain is clogged with so many Trump bodies....., so the swamp lives on LOLOLOLO

NKorea: Kim's ass is itching from the Trump lipstick and he's still building an arsonal
Russia: Putin is just loving the nut
China: Chi is loving the nut
US allies: They hate his guts
Middle East: They're about ready to hang the bastard
FAR too many accomplishments to list here. The #1 accomplishment would have to be defeating the Hildabeast in 2016, thus preventing the evil one from continuing the Kenyan-born miscreant's "legacy" and moving the country closer to a globalist and socialist sh*thole. And by winning, I believe Donald Trump really DID save our country. Thank you.
Judicial appointments: Stacked the courts with mostly unqualified conservative judges and corrupt the Supreme court with a lush
Tax cut: Gave it all to the rich
The economy: still riding the Obama boom, nothing but low wage jobs, ppl need two to make ends meet
Trade: No jobs from China and has made our farmers all welfare kings and queens

Regulatory reform: We've had more food recalls ever in our nations history
Immigration: threw latino's in cages, immigration is down
Budget deficit: Almost at a trilion, so much for pay as you go Ted forced Obama into, LOLOLOLOL
Clearing the swamp: the drain is clogged with so many Trump bodies....., so the swamp lives on LOLOLOLO

NKorea: Kim's ass is itching from the Trump lipstick and he's still building an arsonal
Russia: Putin is just loving the nut
China: Chi is loving the nut
US allies: They hate his guts
Middle East: They're about ready to hang the bastard
I believe TRIGGERED would be a better site name for you, ya knucklehead.
He has accomplished the only thing that matters.....he has retained 100% of his 2016 support. And they are ALL in awe of the economy! Everything else is subjective and largely along party lines so nobody cares.

That the economy is a juggernaut really sucks if you are on the left.:113:. Less than 20% believe the economy is due to Soetero!!
Killed the Clinton crime family.
Getting ready to replace two more Supreme Court Justices.
Did I mention, killed the Clinton crime family?
I just heard this, the Iranians plan to start their attacks in the south, where stupid redneck Trump supporters live....please make sure your squirrel guns are loaded....LOLOLOLOL
Judicial appointments: Stacked the courts with mostly unqualified conservative judges and corrupt the Supreme court with a lush
Tax cut: Gave it all to the rich
The economy: still riding the Obama boom, nothing but low wage jobs, ppl need two to make ends meet
Trade: No jobs from China and has made our farmers all welfare kings and queens

Regulatory reform: We've had more food recalls ever in our nations history
Immigration: threw latino's in cages, immigration is down
Budget deficit: Almost at a trilion, so much for pay as you go Ted forced Obama into, LOLOLOLOL
Clearing the swamp: the drain is clogged with so many Trump bodies....., so the swamp lives on LOLOLOLO

NKorea: Kim's ass is itching from the Trump lipstick and he's still building an arsonal
Russia: Putin is just loving the nut
China: Chi is loving the nut
US allies: They hate his guts
Middle East: They're about ready to hang the bastard
I believe TRIGGERED would be a better site name for you, ya knucklehead.
Sticks and stones you coward, sticks and stones.....Oh, did I mention, the Iranians plan to destroy us by making sure Trump is re elected...LOLOLOL
Killed the Clinton crime family.
Getting ready to replace two more Supreme Court Justices.
Did I mention, killed the Clinton crime family?
I just heard this, the Iranians plan to start their attacks in the south, where stupid redneck Trump supporters live....please make sure your squirrel guns are loaded....LOLOLOLOL

Just heard that you’re a triggered Obozo worshipper with lips firmly planted on his ass. Your beloved Iranians will do exactly what they do every time they threaten this crap. Nothing. Better stock up on your butthurt cream. You’ll need it after November.
Killed the Clinton crime family.
Getting ready to replace two more Supreme Court Justices.
Did I mention, killed the Clinton crime family?
I just heard this, the Iranians plan to start their attacks in the south, where stupid redneck Trump supporters live....please make sure your squirrel guns are loaded....LOLOLOLOL

I just heard this, the Iranians plan to start their attacks in the south,

That would be awful.
Then we'd have to attack targets in Iran.

please make sure your squirrel guns are loaded...

I live in Chicago......'coon guns for me.
Killed the Clinton crime family.
Getting ready to replace two more Supreme Court Justices.
Did I mention, killed the Clinton crime family?
I just heard this, the Iranians plan to start their attacks in the south, where stupid redneck Trump supporters live....please make sure your squirrel guns are loaded....LOLOLOLOL

Where did you hear that?
Judicial appointments: Stacked the courts with mostly unqualified conservative judges and corrupt the Supreme court with a lush
Tax cut: Gave it all to the rich
The economy: still riding the Obama boom, nothing but low wage jobs, ppl need two to make ends meet
Trade: No jobs from China and has made our farmers all welfare kings and queens

Regulatory reform: We've had more food recalls ever in our nations history
Immigration: threw latino's in cages, immigration is down
Budget deficit: Almost at a trilion, so much for pay as you go Ted forced Obama into, LOLOLOLOL
Clearing the swamp: the drain is clogged with so many Trump bodies....., so the swamp lives on LOLOLOLO

NKorea: Kim's ass is itching from the Trump lipstick and he's still building an arsonal
Russia: Putin is just loving the nut
China: Chi is loving the nut
US allies: They hate his guts
Middle East: They're about ready to hang the bastard

One serious thing he’s fucked up is that

He’s made the US a very unstable partner. So when we have to go into a nation in the future to root out, terrorists or some junta we won’t be able to count on local support.

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