the fear of terror



I am all for the war on terror and for protecting anf fighting against the evils designs of wicked men.
However can we do a better job? Without so many people getting killed. I really feel for those young American families whose loved ones are on the line in the name of oil, as opposed to terror.
"I am all for the war on terror and for protecting anf fighting against the evils designs of wicked men.
However can we do a better job? Without so many people getting killed."

Now, if you could figure out how to do that, you'd get the Nobel Peace Prize M'lady. That's why it's called "war" and in war people die. I would surmise that as long as there have been evil people on the earth, there have been those who had to sacrifice their lives to put a stop to the evil that men do. Unfortunately, the folks who thrive on doing evil are not prone to sitting down at the conference table and talking things over; the only way to stop them is by spilling blood and having good men die.
People have been lookin' for answers to this question since doubleya doubleya one (WWI). Unfortunetly, it has no imediate answers. I would be interested if anybody can get something. I myself feel that a speacial team of Operatives that can take down everybody is the main answer. Send em behind the lines to... anyway, tell me if you come up with something. Please.

"I really feel for those young American families whose loved ones are on the line in the name of oil, as opposed to terror."

I'm sure those dying for oil appreciate the sympathy. Now if you could please state a position such as "Bush lies, Americans die", "War for Oil", or simply return to your first self-ignored thread on "Bushwhacked", we could resume reasonable discussion on the Iraqi war, it's orgins, purpose, and ramifications.

Or are you just trolling?
It seems to me that not many soldiers have died in this war. I would say that this war is a good example of "doing a better job"

Fighting wars for oil is not necessarily a bad thing. Oil is central to the continuation of civilization. Until Tesla's lost documents are found, I suspect that we will rely on oil for some time yet. That being said, this war is, of course, not for oil. But it would be ok with me if we got some out of it anyway.
Originally posted by Niko
I am all for the war on terror and for protecting anf fighting against the evils designs of wicked men.
However can we do a better job? Without so many people getting killed. I really feel for those young American families whose loved ones are on the line in the name of oil, as opposed to terror.


530 dead in a year is really a very low number. Having said that, a few of those men were acquaintances and friends of mine, and it really sucks that they are gone. But I am sure - and so were they - that our cause was just, and a lot more than "in the name of oil" like you claim.
I really feel for those young American families whose loved ones are on the line in the name of oil, as opposed to terror

These are reasponsible questions. However you do you're self a great dis-service by brining in this whole "War for Oil" thing. If your question is why are we at war? then don't answer you're own question.. For Oil.

Also another little fact. If this war was for OIL we'd be in Saudi Arabia they have more Oil than Iraq.

You also give great dis-hononr to the men and women who have died in Iraq. They weny over there with the full knowledge that thier actions will make america safer. Not that thier actions will lower the gas price at the pumps.

THis is a war of survival. Not Oil. The teroists have no intrest in oil. Thier only intrest is a Muslim rulled world, all who don't believe in thier view of Islam(even other muslims)must be wipped off the face of the earth. Were fighting a reverse crusade. I don't want to live under Shira and that's why I'm willing to go to whatever country the president desides to go to and stop these wakos in their tracts.
As much as I am not happy that people have died in this war against terror, let's be real. They are all volunteers who've received something in exchange for their service, they knew there was the possibility of combat when they joined and, I gotta believe, they were going to die sometime- might as well die a death that begets a better world for all mankind in the process as opposed to being killed by a drunk driver as SO MANY MORE PEOPLE HAVE DONE IN THE SHORT TIME OF OUR WAR ON TERROR (over 15,000 in the year 2002 alone!).

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