The Fall of Yemen and what it means to the U.S.


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Obama's retraction from world leadership will have a cost. And we're starting to see the lines forming now to accommodate his hands off approach to foreign affairs.

Obama's 'don't do anything stupid' comments are indeed 'stupid'


With the Death of the Saudi King, a US Invasion of Yemen is only Weeks Away

by John Galt
January 22, 2015 21:45 ET

Just about one year ago on February 5, 2014, I warned about events on the Arabian peninsula which have now come to fruition:

Obama is about to Lose Another Arab “Ally” to Radical Islamists in Yemen
Within that warning, I stated the following:

Once Yemen falls, there is a proverbial line in the sand challenging Saudi dominance in the area and worse, it creates a hornet’s nest of Islamist radicalism potentially obstructing commercial traffic into the Red Sea and Suez Canal with Islamic pirates in Somalia and via militant Shiite fundamentalists in Yemen. If the nation of Saudi Arabia does not intervene militarily if and when the capital of San’a falls, it would mean another defeat for their regional hegemony and a direct threat to US influence in the region, not to mention creating a short term spike in petroleum prices as panic strikes the markets with the threat of a larger regional war erupting.

The reason this situation is so grave lies in the fact that the Iranians are directly supporting the Houthi in Yemen and should they seize power, immediate recognition followed with direct military support up to and including a basing of naval and possibly Revolutionary Guard forces in that nation would not be out of the question. Stay tuned to this story as a war in this region would spread rapidly should the Saudis wait too late to invade and prevent a massive shift in the balance of power near the Horn of Africa and throughout the Southern Arabian Peninsula.

The following map, accurate for that moment in time:

With Sanaa (or San’a) falling today along with the Presidency of Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadiabdicating as Houthi rebels surrounded the Presidential palace, the United States and Saudi Arabia have their fates, along with that of all of Europe and the Middle East suddenly back into crisis mode with the news that broke tonight:

With the Death of the Saudi King a US Invasion of Yemen is only Weeks Away Shenandoah

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