The Face of the Democrat Paety


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
a typical voter for democrats

North Carolina man tried to choke girlfriend, then decapitated her dog, police say

Campbell allegedly tied a leash around the dog’s neck and twirled the puppy in the air before tying the animal to the back of his vehicle and dragging the dog several feet, the TV station reported.

He then allegedly placed the dog between two cinderblocks and chopped the puppy’s head off.

Authorities discovered the hatchet, remains of the puppy, the cinderblocks used in decapitating the dog as well as a sawed-off shotgun while raiding Campbell’s house Monday, the newspaper reported.
Wow, that you make this a political thing shows you have a lot of anger.

I thought there was an once of sense in WillowTree, guess I was wrong, 75 thousand posts and still dumb as a post.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative." John Stuart Mill
He is indeed black and we all know blacks vote Democrat so he is indeed your voter base! I am sure white comit terrible crimes but in this case he is black. But have you even mentioned his crime or his victims? No, you have not. Typical Democrat response.
a typical voter for democrats

North Carolina man tried to choke girlfriend, then decapitated her dog, police say

Campbell allegedly tied a leash around the dog’s neck and twirled the puppy in the air before tying the animal to the back of his vehicle and dragging the dog several feet, the TV station reported.

He then allegedly placed the dog between two cinderblocks and chopped the puppy’s head off.

Authorities discovered the hatchet, remains of the puppy, the cinderblocks used in decapitating the dog as well as a sawed-off shotgun while raiding Campbell’s house Monday, the newspaper reported.
There are evil, sick people in both parties. You post made me weak. Wish I hadn't seen it.
You know this kind of reminds me of the era of World War One. The British would board American flagged ships and intercept the cargo claiming it was war material for Germany. The Americans would grumble, and then the Germans would perform an even more outrageous act. The second act would drive the first from the headlines and the discussion.

A disinterested observer would have to conclude that both sides were violating international law. Sadly there were few disinterested observers.

The story of this animal committing these atrocities is bad enough. It could be used to remind people that there are truly barbaric people among us. Instead you buried the story beneath your prejudice and hatred. The barbarities are submerged beneath your insane hatred.

You state that blacks vote democrat. Well 90% of them voted for Hillary. Three percent more voted for Trump than voted for Hillary. But thankfully you are driving them away with your moronic broad brush.

If you really hope to help the Republicans you should destroy your computer and go live under a bridge. Because if given the choice of backing you or a random black man off the street. I’ll choose the random black over a lunatic racist pig.
You know this kind of reminds me of the era of World War One. The British would board American flagged ships and intercept the cargo claiming it was war material for Germany. The Americans would grumble, and then the Germans would perform an even more outrageous act. The second act would drive the first from the headlines and the discussion.

A disinterested observer would have to conclude that both sides were violating international law. Sadly there were few disinterested observers.

The story of this animal committing these atrocities is bad enough. It could be used to remind people that there are truly barbaric people among us. Instead you buried the story beneath your prejudice and hatred. The barbarities are submerged beneath your insane hatred.

You state that blacks vote democrat. Well 90% of them voted for Hillary. Three percent more voted for Trump than voted for Hillary. But thankfully you are driving them away with your moronic broad brush.

If you really hope to help the Republicans you should destroy your computer and go live under a bridge. Because if given the choice of backing you or a random black man off the street. I’ll choose the random black over a lunatic racist pig.
You deserve your choice. I hope you get your wish!
You know this kind of reminds me of the era of World War One. The British would board American flagged ships and intercept the cargo claiming it was war material for Germany. The Americans would grumble, and then the Germans would perform an even more outrageous act. The second act would drive the first from the headlines and the discussion.

A disinterested observer would have to conclude that both sides were violating international law. Sadly there were few disinterested observers.

The story of this animal committing these atrocities is bad enough. It could be used to remind people that there are truly barbaric people among us. Instead you buried the story beneath your prejudice and hatred. The barbarities are submerged beneath your insane hatred.

You state that blacks vote democrat. Well 90% of them voted for Hillary. Three percent more voted for Trump than voted for Hillary. But thankfully you are driving them away with your moronic broad brush.

If you really hope to help the Republicans you should destroy your computer and go live under a bridge. Because if given the choice of backing you or a random black man off the street. I’ll choose the random black over a lunatic racist pig.
You deserve your choice. I hope you get your wish!

I have so far. Oh I run into the odd racist black. But let me tell you about just one friend. One I would trust my life to without a moments hesitation. He used to be a master mechanic. He learned his trade in the Army. He served two tours in Vietnam.

Obviously he is black. We talked about Vietnam a couple weeks ago. He said. “I still don’t know what my black ass was doing there.”

He has been targeted by the police many times. Stopped for driving while black. He was one of the first people I know who went with a dashboard camera. That was so he could prove he wasn’t swerving, crossing the lines, or speeding as the cops said he was as part of the excuse for stopping a black man driving a shiny car.

I detest a racist. When I moved in here, a couple swung by to see how I felt about things like blacks. I told them that I didn’t have any friends over at the moment, but there would be some now and then. They were smart enough not to threaten me. I once started a bar fight with a racist in North Carolina.

I was raised right. Unlike you I suspect. The only second class citizens in our house growing up were the kids. They were the only ones at a segregated table. Black men were called Mr. Black women were called Mrs. or Miss.. Then again, so were Brown, Yellow, Red, or White adults. We used Sir and Ma’am for all adults in the house I grew up in.

I learned to respect people for who they were, not because of the skin color. That lesson served me well when I was in the Army. I didn’t have anything to learn about races there. I had already learned that it did not matter one damned bit. Seeing every soldier as Green was easy.

At work, the best foreman is Black. Not because he is black, but because he is smart, skilled, and experienced. The best heavy equipment operator is black. Not because of the amount of melatonin in his skin, but because he has thirty years driving that equipment, and he started out with a damned fine touch.

So if we ever meet, I’ll pick up on your racist bullshit. I’ll recognize it no problem. I’ll know you are another shallow ass who thinks they can decide who is good and bad based upon skin color. You will spend your life blaming your ills and the tragedies that befall you on race. I usually blame myself, because it is usually my own damn fault something screwed up.
a typical voter for democrats

North Carolina man tried to choke girlfriend, then decapitated her dog, police say

Campbell allegedly tied a leash around the dog’s neck and twirled the puppy in the air before tying the animal to the back of his vehicle and dragging the dog several feet, the TV station reported.

He then allegedly placed the dog between two cinderblocks and chopped the puppy’s head off.

Authorities discovered the hatchet, remains of the puppy, the cinderblocks used in decapitating the dog as well as a sawed-off shotgun while raiding Campbell’s house Monday, the newspaper reported.
The Face of the Republican Party
a typical voter for democrats

North Carolina man tried to choke girlfriend, then decapitated her dog, police say

Campbell allegedly tied a leash around the dog’s neck and twirled the puppy in the air before tying the animal to the back of his vehicle and dragging the dog several feet, the TV station reported.

He then allegedly placed the dog between two cinderblocks and chopped the puppy’s head off.

Authorities discovered the hatchet, remains of the puppy, the cinderblocks used in decapitating the dog as well as a sawed-off shotgun while raiding Campbell’s house Monday, the newspaper reported.
The Face of the Republican Party

On November 8th. They were the Blue Wall that would prevent any Republican from getting to the Presidency ever again. They were the solid Democratic Base that would propel Hillary into a Historic Victory.

On November 9th. They were racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted idiots who were too stupid to know they were voting against their own interests.
a typical voter for democrats

North Carolina man tried to choke girlfriend, then decapitated her dog, police say

Campbell allegedly tied a leash around the dog’s neck and twirled the puppy in the air before tying the animal to the back of his vehicle and dragging the dog several feet, the TV station reported.

He then allegedly placed the dog between two cinderblocks and chopped the puppy’s head off.

Authorities discovered the hatchet, remains of the puppy, the cinderblocks used in decapitating the dog as well as a sawed-off shotgun while raiding Campbell’s house Monday, the newspaper reported.
Politics has nothing to do with this. Criminals, including psychotic violent ones, come in all shapes, sizes, genders, races, political affiliations, ages, socio-economic levels, ethnicities, etc. You just want to spread mindless hate.
a typical voter for democrats

North Carolina man tried to choke girlfriend, then decapitated her dog, police say

Campbell allegedly tied a leash around the dog’s neck and twirled the puppy in the air before tying the animal to the back of his vehicle and dragging the dog several feet, the TV station reported.

He then allegedly placed the dog between two cinderblocks and chopped the puppy’s head off.

Authorities discovered the hatchet, remains of the puppy, the cinderblocks used in decapitating the dog as well as a sawed-off shotgun while raiding Campbell’s house Monday, the newspaper reported.
What a low life peice of shit you are to start thids thread. Not your party you. You are a low life propaganda weildin g peice of dung.
You know this kind of reminds me of the era of World War One. The British would board American flagged ships and intercept the cargo claiming it was war material for Germany. The Americans would grumble, and then the Germans would perform an even more outrageous act. The second act would drive the first from the headlines and the discussion.

A disinterested observer would have to conclude that both sides were violating international law. Sadly there were few disinterested observers.

The story of this animal committing these atrocities is bad enough. It could be used to remind people that there are truly barbaric people among us. Instead you buried the story beneath your prejudice and hatred. The barbarities are submerged beneath your insane hatred.

You state that blacks vote democrat. Well 90% of them voted for Hillary. Three percent more voted for Trump than voted for Hillary. But thankfully you are driving them away with your moronic broad brush.

If you really hope to help the Republicans you should destroy your computer and go live under a bridge. Because if given the choice of backing you or a random black man off the street. I’ll choose the random black over a lunatic racist pig.
You deserve your choice. I hope you get your wish!

I have so far. Oh I run into the odd racist black. But let me tell you about just one friend. One I would trust my life to without a moments hesitation. He used to be a master mechanic. He learned his trade in the Army. He served two tours in Vietnam.

Obviously he is black. We talked about Vietnam a couple weeks ago. He said. “I still don’t know what my black ass was doing there.”

He has been targeted by the police many times. Stopped for driving while black. He was one of the first people I know who went with a dashboard camera. That was so he could prove he wasn’t swerving, crossing the lines, or speeding as the cops said he was as part of the excuse for stopping a black man driving a shiny car.

I detest a racist. When I moved in here, a couple swung by to see how I felt about things like blacks. I told them that I didn’t have any friends over at the moment, but there would be some now and then. They were smart enough not to threaten me. I once started a bar fight with a racist in North Carolina.

I was raised right. Unlike you I suspect. The only second class citizens in our house growing up were the kids. They were the only ones at a segregated table. Black men were called Mr. Black women were called Mrs. or Miss.. Then again, so were Brown, Yellow, Red, or White adults. We used Sir and Ma’am for all adults in the house I grew up in.

I learned to respect people for who they were, not because of the skin color. That lesson served me well when I was in the Army. I didn’t have anything to learn about races there. I had already learned that it did not matter one damned bit. Seeing every soldier as Green was easy.

At work, the best foreman is Black. Not because he is black, but because he is smart, skilled, and experienced. The best heavy equipment operator is black. Not because of the amount of melatonin in his skin, but because he has thirty years driving that equipment, and he started out with a damned fine touch.

So if we ever meet, I’ll pick up on your racist bullshit. I’ll recognize it no problem. I’ll know you are another shallow ass who thinks they can decide who is good and bad based upon skin color. You will spend your life blaming your ills and the tragedies that befall you on race. I usually blame myself, because it is usually my own damn fault something screwed up.
Oh! I get it now, you hate racists and love black stranglers and dog decapitatoers. Kerry on.
a typical voter for democrats

North Carolina man tried to choke girlfriend, then decapitated her dog, police say

Campbell allegedly tied a leash around the dog’s neck and twirled the puppy in the air before tying the animal to the back of his vehicle and dragging the dog several feet, the TV station reported.

He then allegedly placed the dog between two cinderblocks and chopped the puppy’s head off.

Authorities discovered the hatchet, remains of the puppy, the cinderblocks used in decapitating the dog as well as a sawed-off shotgun while raiding Campbell’s house Monday, the newspaper reported.
What a low life peice of shit you are to start thids thread. Not your party you. You are a low life propaganda weildin g peice of dung.
Why is it wrong to start a thread like this?
a typical voter for democrats

North Carolina man tried to choke girlfriend, then decapitated her dog, police say

Campbell allegedly tied a leash around the dog’s neck and twirled the puppy in the air before tying the animal to the back of his vehicle and dragging the dog several feet, the TV station reported.

He then allegedly placed the dog between two cinderblocks and chopped the puppy’s head off.

Authorities discovered the hatchet, remains of the puppy, the cinderblocks used in decapitating the dog as well as a sawed-off shotgun while raiding Campbell’s house Monday, the newspaper reported.
The Face of the Republican Party
But what about the victims?

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