The Experts Lead Us….Sort Of


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.From their inception in academia, mid-19th century, the Progressives put all faith in experts….these folks were imagined to be able to dictate exactly how society and the lives of its citizens should….must….be regulated, for the best outcomes. It is a central view to every collective regime: communism, socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism and Fascism.

The opposite is the view of the free market, based on the myriad voluntary interactions of free individuals. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke). No matter who that individual is.

It should be self-evident that the collectivist varieties, to exist, use force, coercion, violence, and threats of same to enforce that ‘expert’s’ view. And every one of the totalitarian visions does; free choice requires no such coercion.

2. And ‘experts’ can never be wrong.

"It is a great irony of communism that those who did not believe in God believed that godlike knowledge could be concentrated at a central point. It was believed that government could be omnipotent and omniscient. And in order to justify the idea that all lives should be determined by a single plan, the concomitant tendency of communist regimes was to deify the leader- whether Lenin, Stalin, Mao, or Kim Il-sung."
Tom Bethell, "The Noblest Triumph," p. 144

Democrat/Liberals called Obama god, Jesus and the messiah.

3. Even better when the expert is the political leader (have you noticed how every Democrat candidate is claimed to be brilliant, while every Republican is said to be a moron?). Mao’s ‘Great Leap Forward’ was based on that fallacy, that technocrats, bureaucrats, experts are always correct.

In 1957 “Mao gave full vent to his half-baked dream of turning China into a first-class modern power. He called steel the “marshal” of industry, and ordered steel output to be doubled in one year—from 5.35 million tons in 1957 to 10.7 million in 1958. But instead of trying to expand the proper steel industry with skilled workers, he decided to get the whole population to take part. There was a steel quota for every unit, and for months people stopped their normal work in order to meet it.

…nearly 100 million peasants were pulled out of agricultural work and into steel production. They had been the labor force producing much of the country’s food. Mountains were stripped bare of trees for fuel. But the output of this mass production amounted only to what people called “cattle droppings” (niu-shi-ge da), meaning useless turds. This absurd situation reflected not only Mao’s ignorance of how an economy worked, but also an almost metaphysical disregard for reality, which might have been interesting in a poet, but in a political leader with absolute power was quite another matter. One of its main components was a deep-seated contempt for human life.

Mao’s fixation on steel went largely unquestioned, as did his other obsessions.

There were also fantastic economic goals. Mao claimed that China’s industrial output could overtake that of the United States and Britain within fifteen years. For the Chinese, these countries represented the capitalist world…. ignorance triumphed over reason.

...a slogan was put forward, “Capable women can make a meal without food,” a reversal of a pragmatic ancient Chinese saying, “No matter how capable, a woman cannot make a meal without food.” Exaggerated rhetoric had become concrete demands. Impossible fantasies were supposed to become reality.”
Chang, “Wild Swans.”

We should apply the lessons of China under the rule of the Communist ‘experts’ to the choices we have in America…a President who reduced taxes and regulations, and set a tone for individual business decisions...

…. versus the socialist ‘experts’ of the major party, who do quite the opposite.
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Not much to disagree with in the OP?!
As usual, right on point for the "big picture".
Steady as she goes, or radical revolution into failed political and economic systems.
There are improvements needed, that last tax cut w/o spending cuts was bad.
The $23T Debt is bad.
SS & Medicare are going bankrupt and need "fixes"
Healthcare needs to be "unfixed". Those Obamacare "deductibles" up to $10,000 make it extortion, not healthcare.
Not much to disagree with in the OP?!
As usual, right on point for the "big picture".
Steady as she goes, or radical revolution into failed political and economic systems.
There are improvements needed, that last tax cut w/o spending cuts was bad.
The $23T Debt is bad.
SS & Medicare are going bankrupt and need "fixes"
Healthcare needs to be "unfixed". Those Obamacare "deductibles" up to $10,000 make it extortion, not healthcare.

Based on Trump's record on keeping promises,....he does....I'll cut him some slack, and hope this is part of his agenda should he get a second term:

“Trump Budget Cuts Size of Federal Government,
President Donald Trump’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2021 would reduce the size and reach of the federal bureaucracy significantly by shifting government responsibilities back to constitutional priorities and empowering state and local governments. These reforms, contained in the request Trump sent Monday morning to Congress, would put the budget on track to balance and represent a significant first step toward reducing spending and stabilizing the nation’s unsustainable debt.” Trump Budget Cuts Federal Government, but Bolder Reforms Needed
4. When the socialists are in charge, one must believe…and agree….with every lie. least pretend to.
To survive and thrive, it is best to go even beyond the propaganda.

That applies to Mao’s China and to Obama’s America.

“It was a time when telling fantasies to oneself as well as others, and believing them, was practiced to an incredible degree. Peasants moved crops from several plots of land to one plot to show Party officials that they had produced a miracle harvest. Similar “Potemkin fields” were shown off to gullible—or self-blinded— agricultural scientists, reporters, visitors from other regions, and foreigners.

To go along with the frenzy was by far the easiest course. To pause and think and be circumspect meant trouble.

In many places, people who refused to boast of massive increases in output were beaten up until they gave in. In Yibin, some leaders of production units were trussed up with their arms behind their backs in the village square while questions were hurled at them.

…they were safe as long as they followed Mao. The totalitarian system in which they had been immersed had sapped and warped their sense of responsibility. Even doctors would boast about miraculously healing incurable diseases.” Op. Cit.

How many Democrat supporters pretended they believed Trump worked for the Russians?

What happened to Chris Matthews when he questioned some Democrat Candidates…or Jim Cramer when he said Obama sounded like Lenin?
More stupidity. The government regulates commerce, per the constitution. There is no free market.
5. “It was a time when telling fantasies to oneself as well as others, and believing them, was practiced to an incredible degree…. “Self- deception while deceiving others” (zi-qi-qi-ren) gripped the nation. Many people— including agricultural scientists and senior Party leaders—said they saw the miracles themselves. Those who failed to match other people’s fantastic claims began to doubt and blame themselves….Most who saw the absurdity of the situation were too frightened to speak their minds,…

The whole nation slid into doublespeak. Words became divorced from reality, responsibility, and people’s real thoughts. Lies were told with ease because words had lost their meanings—and had ceased to be taken seriously by others.” Chang, “Wild Swans”

It is hard to miss how similar the above reflects both the lies the media provided, and the Democrat camp followers who pretend to believe them out of fear of what could happen if they questioned what are clearly false narratives.

First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ one after another lead balloons. be a good Democrat/ must pretend to believe the lies....exactly as in Mao's China.
More stupidity. The government regulates commerce, per the constitution. There is no free market.

Please get lost, dolt.

Nah, I'm not going to do that.

You scared? I thought you were little miss I am always right. Now you want to run.

Because the constitution says that it is congresses job to regulate commerce. So your long dumb dissertations you get from Alex Jones doesn't stand the scrutiny of fact.

You want to talk shit, but you're no good at the dozens. In fact mentally you're 12 pieces short of a dozen. You're a brainwashed idiot that knows nothing about the topics you talk about. So I am going to teach you upon my discretion. This is what you get for being a racist, Asian.

5. “It was a time when telling fantasies to oneself as well as others, and believing them, was practiced to an incredible degree…. “Self- deception while deceiving others” (zi-qi-qi-ren) gripped the nation. Many people— including agricultural scientists and senior Party leaders—said they saw the miracles themselves. Those who failed to match other people’s fantastic claims began to doubt and blame themselves….Most who saw the absurdity of the situation were too frightened to speak their minds,…

The whole nation slid into doublespeak. Words became divorced from reality, responsibility, and people’s real thoughts. Lies were told with ease because words had lost their meanings—and had ceased to be taken seriously by others.” Chang, “Wild Swans”

It is hard to miss how similar the above reflects both the lies the media provided, and the Democrat camp followers who pretend to believe them out of fear of what could happen if they questioned what are clearly false narratives.

First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ one after another lead balloons. be a good Democrat/ must pretend to believe the lies....exactly as in Mao's China.

None of those things failed. trump got impeached. And he is guilty of the charges but the republicans are now complicit in the cover up. For trump is the type of person that if the witnesses he stopped from testifying would have shown him to be innocent, he would have told them to testify. This ability or inability to see reality is what makes you an idiot.

So enjoy this little time left you get top suck trumps dick, because at this time next year he won't be president.

5. “It was a time when telling fantasies to oneself as well as others, and believing them, was practiced to an incredible degree…. “Self- deception while deceiving others” (zi-qi-qi-ren) gripped the nation. Many people— including agricultural scientists and senior Party leaders—said they saw the miracles themselves. Those who failed to match other people’s fantastic claims began to doubt and blame themselves….Most who saw the absurdity of the situation were too frightened to speak their minds,…

The whole nation slid into doublespeak. Words became divorced from reality, responsibility, and people’s real thoughts. Lies were told with ease because words had lost their meanings—and had ceased to be taken seriously by others.” Chang, “Wild Swans”

It is hard to miss how similar the above reflects both the lies the media provided, and the Democrat camp followers who pretend to believe them out of fear of what could happen if they questioned what are clearly false narratives.

First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ one after another lead balloons. be a good Democrat/ must pretend to believe the lies....exactly as in Mao's China.

None of those things failed. trump got impeached. And he is guilty of the charges but the republicans are now complicit in the cover up. For trump is the type of person that if the witnesses he stopped from testifying would have shown him to be innocent, he would have told them to testify. This ability or inability to see reality is what makes you an idiot.

So enjoy this little time left you get top suck trumps dick, because at this time next year he won't be president.


What informed your view is the same thing that went into the design of this car:


I told you to get follow the instructions of your betters.
6. The glaring misunderstanding of human nature by the ‘experts,’ their view that Leftist governance would turn into what the Bolsheviks called ‘the new Soviet man,’ and the same idea both from the Nazi establishment, and Hillary Rodham in her college thesis.

Chang writes how Chinese workers responded to Mao’s regime:

“… setting up canteens in the communes, was an obsession with Mao at the time. In his airy way, he defined communism as “public canteens with free meals.” The fact that the canteens themselves did not produce food did not concern him. In 1958 the regime effectively banned eating at home. Every peasant had to eat in the commune canteen. Kitchen utensils like woks— and, in some places, money—were outlawed. Everybody was going to be looked after by the commune and the state. The peasants filed into the canteens everyday after work and ate to their heart’s content, which they had never been able to do before, even in the best years and in the most fertile areas. They consumed and wasted the entire food reserve in the countryside.

They filed into the fields, too. But how much work was done did not matter, because the produce now belonged to the state, and was completely unrelated to the peasants’ lives. Mao put forward the prediction that China was reaching a society of communism, which in Chinese means “sharing material goods,” and the peasants took this to mean that they would get a share anyway, regardless of how much work they did. With no incentive to work, they just went to the fields and had a good snooze.”

Pretty much the way welfare works under Democrats.
5. “It was a time when telling fantasies to oneself as well as others, and believing them, was practiced to an incredible degree…. “Self- deception while deceiving others” (zi-qi-qi-ren) gripped the nation. Many people— including agricultural scientists and senior Party leaders—said they saw the miracles themselves. Those who failed to match other people’s fantastic claims began to doubt and blame themselves….Most who saw the absurdity of the situation were too frightened to speak their minds,…

The whole nation slid into doublespeak. Words became divorced from reality, responsibility, and people’s real thoughts. Lies were told with ease because words had lost their meanings—and had ceased to be taken seriously by others.” Chang, “Wild Swans”

It is hard to miss how similar the above reflects both the lies the media provided, and the Democrat camp followers who pretend to believe them out of fear of what could happen if they questioned what are clearly false narratives.

First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ one after another lead balloons. be a good Democrat/ must pretend to believe the lies....exactly as in Mao's China.

None of those things failed. trump got impeached. And he is guilty of the charges but the republicans are now complicit in the cover up. For trump is the type of person that if the witnesses he stopped from testifying would have shown him to be innocent, he would have told them to testify. This ability or inability to see reality is what makes you an idiot.

So enjoy this little time left you get top suck trumps dick, because at this time next year he won't be president.


What informed your view is the same thing that went into the design of this car:


I told you to get follow the instructions of your betters.

I am, that's why I'm in here taking your stupid ass to school. The constitution shuts down your stupidity. There is no free market., The market is regulated by the government. That's the way it is. People are experts for a reason. Tom Nichiols talks about idiots like you.

“At the root of all this is an inability among laypeople to understand that experts being wrong on occasion about certain issues is not the same thing as experts being wrong consistently on everything. The fact of the matter is that experts are more often right than wrong, especially on essential matters of fact. And yet the public constantly searches for the loopholes in expert knowledge that will allow them to disregard all expert advice they don’t like. In”
― Thomas M. Nichols,
The Death of Expertise: The Campaign Against Established Knowledge and Why it Matters

“As it turns out, however, the more specific reason that unskilled or incompetent people overestimate their abilities far more than others is because they lack a key skill called “metacognition.” This is the ability to know when you’re not good at something by stepping back, looking at what you’re doing, and then realizing that you’re doing it wrong.”
― Thomas M. Nichols,
The Death of Expertise: The Campaign Against Established Knowledge and Why it Matters
IM2 proved yesterday he spreads lies and propaganda like mosquitos spread malaria....
6. The glaring misunderstanding of human nature by the ‘experts,’ their view that Leftist governance would turn into what the Bolsheviks called ‘the new Soviet man,’ and the same idea both from the Nazi establishment, and Hillary Rodham in her college thesis.

Chang writes how Chinese workers responded to Mao’s regime:

“… setting up canteens in the communes, was an obsession with Mao at the time. In his airy way, he defined communism as “public canteens with free meals.” The fact that the canteens themselves did not produce food did not concern him. In 1958 the regime effectively banned eating at home. Every peasant had to eat in the commune canteen. Kitchen utensils like woks— and, in some places, money—were outlawed. Everybody was going to be looked after by the commune and the state. The peasants filed into the canteens everyday after work and ate to their heart’s content, which they had never been able to do before, even in the best years and in the most fertile areas. They consumed and wasted the entire food reserve in the countryside.

They filed into the fields, too. But how much work was done did not matter, because the produce now belonged to the state, and was completely unrelated to the peasants’ lives. Mao put forward the prediction that China was reaching a society of communism, which in Chinese means “sharing material goods,” and the peasants took this to mean that they would get a share anyway, regardless of how much work they did. With no incentive to work, they just went to the fields and had a good snooze.”

Pretty much the way welfare works under Democrats.

Is that how givernment assistance for corporations work? Because that's welfare. Oil subsidies, that's welfare. Farm subsidies, that's welfare. You're a mental handicap brainwashed by right wing think.
Not much to disagree with in the OP?!
As usual, right on point for the "big picture".
Steady as she goes, or radical revolution into failed political and economic systems.
There are improvements needed, that last tax cut w/o spending cuts was bad.
The $23T Debt is bad.
SS & Medicare are going bankrupt and need "fixes"
Healthcare needs to be "unfixed". Those Obamacare "deductibles" up to $10,000 make it extortion, not healthcare.
If you cut funding for the War on Poverty which is 1 trillion dollars a year, soon there would be more people working, which means more people paying taxes and less people taking welfare. In 15 years the deficit would be gone, a surplus of income, thus the government could cut taxes again. But alas, too many brain dead liberals dont understand this, but want their handouts till they die...Not soon enough it seems.

$22 trillion
Supported by multiple sources
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
IM2 proved yesterday he spreads lies and propaganda like mosquitos spread malaria....
The truth is painful for the occupants of the right wing fact free universe.
The fundamental problem with Leftist "experts" and with their analysis of reality is their failure to account for Human Nature.

A Leftist will impose a tax on an activity (or a thing), then be shocked when the taxpayers suddenly decide not to do it (or buy the thing).

S/he will kindly and compassionately compensate people with a particular need, then express surprise when - poof! - the number of people with that need suddenly doubles or triples.

S/he will suggest that the rewards of hard work be evenly divided among the workers, then be surprised when nobody is willing to work hard any more.

The current Leftist political strategy is to offer a cornucopia of FREE STUFF to various interest groups, while constantly assuring them that the "free" stuff will be paid for by SOMEBODY ELSE. Maybe it's The Rich, maybe it's Big Corporations, maybe it's billionaires, maybe it's Big Pharma. It doesn't really matter. The important thing is that YOU won't have to pay for it.

A corollary is that it is necessary to get as many people as possible reliant on your Free Stuff, because you can presume that all of those now-dependent people will vote Democrat, in perpetuity. Remember when Obama was thrilled that he got the number of people on "food stamps" over FORTY MILLION? How many tens of millions are salivating at the prospect of having their student loans forgiven? Getting "free" health care? Getting "reparations" for slavery?

Ignoring the election season for a moment, the Leftists greatest initiative today is getting the thirty million illegals legalized, and shortly thereafter, getting them voting cards. And you can be absolutely certain that within minutes after they take over the White House and both houses of Congress, this will be done.
NOTE TO IM2: Consider the following from your previous post: "...they lack a key skill called “metacognition.” This is the ability to know when you’re not good at something by stepping back, looking at what you’re doing, and then realizing that you’re doing it wrong."

Does this apply to Negroes who consistently elect corrupt democrats in cities like Phila, Detroit, Boston, NYC, and Chicago...then wonder why things never get better? Is there a large-scale lack of metacognition?
Not much to disagree with in the OP?!
As usual, right on point for the "big picture".
Steady as she goes, or radical revolution into failed political and economic systems.
There are improvements needed, that last tax cut w/o spending cuts was bad.
The $23T Debt is bad.
SS & Medicare are going bankrupt and need "fixes"
Healthcare needs to be "unfixed". Those Obamacare "deductibles" up to $10,000 make it extortion, not healthcare.
If you cut funding for the War on Poverty which is 1 trillion dollars a year, soon there would be more people working, which means more people paying taxes and less people taking welfare. In 15 years the deficit would be gone, a surplus of income, thus the government could cut taxes again. But alas, too many brain dead liberals dont understand this, but want their handouts till they die...Not soon enough it seems.

$22 trillion
Supported by multiple sources
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Wrong. The war on poverty is not the problem. We would not be concerned about poverty, deficits or any of the things we are now if not for racism. Racism has created the need for government as assistance. Studies show the economic harm racism enacted through pblic policy has caused.


“The Business Case for Racial Equity” by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. Lead author: Ani Turner, Altarum Institute. Contributors: Dolores Acevedo-Garcia, Brandeis University; Darrell Gaskin, Johns Hopkins University; Thomas LaVeist, John Hopkins University; David R. Williams, Harvard University; Laura Segal, Trust for America’s Health; and George Miller, Altarum Institute.

The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede, Lars Dietrich, & Thomas Shapiro institute for assets & social policy, brandeis university, Amy Traub, Catherine Ruetschlin & Tamara Draut demos

The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein

Brentin Mock, “White Americans’ Hold on Wealth Is Old, Deep, and Nearly Unshakeable,” CITILAB, September 3, 2019, The Amazing Resiliency of White Wealth - CityLab


Systematic Inequality in America Archives - Center for American Progress
Systemic Inequality: Displacement, Exclusion, and Segregation - Center for American Progress
Truth and Reconciliation - Center for American Progress
Systematic Inequality and Economic Opportunity - Center for American Progress
Simulating How Progressive Proposals Affect the Racial Wealth Gap - Center for American Progress
Systematic Inequality and American Democracy - Center for American Progress

The economic impact of closing the racial wealth gap | McKinsey




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