The Evolution of Jeff Goldberg: From Prison Guard in the West Bank to Lobby Poster Boy


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2015

Looks like HuffPo spilled the beans on Goldberg...

Jeff Goldberg of the Atlantic is a little young for the “oy, the goyim are coming to kill us” disease. Marty Peretz didn’t contract the disease until his early 50’s, while Ed Koch and Alan Dershowitz didn’t become afflicted until fairly recently.
None of those guys would have dreamed of enlisting in the IDF in their early twenties. Koch was in the American army and came home to reform the Manhattan Democratic party. Peretz was anti-Vietnam war organizer at Brandeis and then Harvard. Dershowitz was hard at work becoming an expert on the US Constitution. In other words, they were fairly typical Jewish liberals who became reactionary and parochial as they aged. Like 99.9% of American Jews, they did not consider joining the Israeli army (Why? Because they are Americans? In fact, until the late 1960’s, joining a foreign army resulted in loss of US citizenship).
But Goldberg is another breed of cat. Not comfortable in this country, Goldberg emigrated from the United States to Israel in his early 20’s, and joined the Israeli army. There he served as a prison guard, inflicting punishment on, in Goldberg’s words, “so-called [Palestinian] administrative detainees. They had been put in jail without charge and without trial, by military order, for a six month term, renewable at the discretion of a military judge, who did what the Shabak [Shin Bet security service] told him to do.”

Unlike other right-wing defenders of the occupation, Jeff Goldberg didn’t just talk the talk. Goldberg walked the walk.
He enforced the occupation which he now defends in his writings.
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Looks like HuffPo spilled the beans on Goldberg...

Jeff Goldberg of the Atlantic is a little young for the “oy, the goyim are coming to kill us” disease. Marty Peretz didn’t contract the disease until his early 50’s, while Ed Koch and Alan Dershowitz didn’t become afflicted until fairly recently.
None of those guys would have dreamed of enlisting in the IDF in their early twenties. Koch was in the American army and came home to reform the Manhattan Democratic party. Peretz was anti-Vietnam war organizer at Brandeis and then Harvard. Dershowitz was hard at work becoming an expert on the US Constitution. In other words, they were fairly typical Jewish liberals who became reactionary and parochial as they aged. Like 99.9% of American Jews, they did not consider joining the Israeli army (Why? Because they are Americans? In fact, until the late 1960’s, joining a foreign army resulted in loss of US citizenship).
But Goldberg is another breed of cat. Not comfortable in this country, Goldberg emigrated from the United States to Israel in his early 20’s, and joined the Israeli army. There he served as a prison guard, inflicting punishment on, in Goldberg’s words, “so-called [Palestinian] administrative detainees. They had been put in jail without charge and without trial, by military order, for a six month term, renewable at the discretion of a military judge, who did what the Shabak [Shin Bet security service] told him to do.”

Unlike other right-wing defenders of the occupation, Jeff Goldberg didn’t just talk the talk. Goldberg walked the walk.
He enforced the occupation which he now defends in his writings.
His writings which includes moronic, totally fabricated, idiot stories about Donald Trump. The Atlantic has sunk into the Atlantic.


Looks like HuffPo spilled the beans on Goldberg...

Jeff Goldberg of the Atlantic is a little young for the “oy, the goyim are coming to kill us” disease. Marty Peretz didn’t contract the disease until his early 50’s, while Ed Koch and Alan Dershowitz didn’t become afflicted until fairly recently.
None of those guys would have dreamed of enlisting in the IDF in their early twenties. Koch was in the American army and came home to reform the Manhattan Democratic party. Peretz was anti-Vietnam war organizer at Brandeis and then Harvard. Dershowitz was hard at work becoming an expert on the US Constitution. In other words, they were fairly typical Jewish liberals who became reactionary and parochial as they aged. Like 99.9% of American Jews, they did not consider joining the Israeli army (Why? Because they are Americans? In fact, until the late 1960’s, joining a foreign army resulted in loss of US citizenship).
But Goldberg is another breed of cat. Not comfortable in this country, Goldberg emigrated from the United States to Israel in his early 20’s, and joined the Israeli army. There he served as a prison guard, inflicting punishment on, in Goldberg’s words, “so-called [Palestinian] administrative detainees. They had been put in jail without charge and without trial, by military order, for a six month term, renewable at the discretion of a military judge, who did what the Shabak [Shin Bet security service] told him to do.”

Unlike other right-wing defenders of the occupation, Jeff Goldberg didn’t just talk the talk. Goldberg walked the walk.
He enforced the occupation which he now defends in his writings.
His writings which includes moronic, totally fabricated, idiot stories about Donald Trump. The Atlantic has sunk into the Atlantic.

View attachment 386761
I'm wondering if there are any "anonymous witnesses" to him beating those poor Palestinian prisoners!!!!! :laughing0301:
I'm wondering if there are any "anonymous witnesses" to him beating those poor Palestinian prisoners!!!!! :laughing0301:
No lack of anonymous witnesses for the Atlantic, New York Times, Washington Post, the Nation, and other such liberal RAGS. Pretty incredible how the media nowadays runs with a "story" based on nothing but a so-called "anonymous witness". Used to be they had to have real sources or they didn't go into print.

Younger generation appears to have set lower standards. especially when it comes to Trump-bashing. For that, seems to be anything goes. Latest I hear is some leftist governor is accusing Trump of murder. Wonder how many airheads will fall for that.

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