Well this topic is not out of sheer fantasy. Its based on hardcore facts ( read Humphrey Hawksley's ThirD wORLD War recommended by leaders worldwide ). Its a cracking story of how a global conflict can start from small issues. Just hav a look at the present political relations between the different nations of the world. Iran making nukes ? U.S hates that. U.K ( America's lapdog ) gives full back up. Russia not that ready . China ... well they really need that Iranian oil. Also China can no longer give support to U.S on N. Korea. That pits the U.S against China. And also against the mighty Russians as China and Russians are good pals . Then who can forget ole Bin Laden. He aint gonna be silent for the rest of his life. Then the Palestine - Israel relations. They arent getting any better ( thats my view ) What happened to the Roadmap to Peace ?? Well some of you might scoff at me but you cant ignore it. Maybe in the next 5 years there wont be any conflict. But if you observe carefully all the stuff you read in the papers shows that the the world is headed for a major war !!!