The Envirowhackos are Melting!

there answer is either, it's already been given out, or just go to google. yet, not one time has any one of them provided the paper they stand and pound their chests that they claim they have. Dude, it's hilarious.
I keep asking.....they keep mewling...I love it.
The mainstream science posters here have likely posted orders of magnitude more evidence than have the deniers. And considering that most denier "evidence" comes from very questionable sources while most mainstream evidence comes from published science journals... well, you get the picture.
The mainstream science posters here have likely posted orders of magnitude more evidence than have the deniers. And considering that most denier "evidence" comes from very questionable sources while most mainstream evidence comes from published science journals... well, you get the picture.
Post this imaginary "evidence"

Post the lab work.
The mainstream science posters here have likely posted orders of magnitude more evidence than have the deniers. And considering that most denier "evidence" comes from very questionable sources while most mainstream evidence comes from published science journals... well, you get the picture.
Places that admit falsifying data? I agree!
Retake the "Remedial Comprehension of Simple English Sentences" that you obviously failed in your last attempt.
So you got nothing to come back with except English lessons! Too funny. As has been stated before, you got nothing
They admitted it is falsified.
No they didn't. The body of data is huge and comes from many sources and relates to many parts of our climate. You have no idea what you are talking about, per usual, and probably should not even comment on this topic at all.
They admitted it is falsified.
No they didn't. The body of data is huge and comes from many sources and relates to many parts of our climate. You have no idea what you are talking about, per usual, and probably should not even comment on this topic at all.
Well actually they did. It’s all in the forum. Do a search. Look under noaa admits, nasa admits. Then climate emails. I get you hate facts
there answer is either, it's already been given out, or just go to google. yet, not one time has any one of them provided the paper they stand and pound their chests that they claim they have. Dude, it's hilarious.
I keep asking.....they keep mewling...I love it.
Westwall hit it on the head in another thread.. They are trained monkeys going oooooh, ooooooh, oooooh and pointing... Nothing more than useful idiots..
They admitted it is falsified.
No they didn't. The body of data is huge and comes from many sources and relates to many parts of our climate. You have no idea what you are talking about, per usual, and probably should not even comment on this topic at all.
Your problem is Obvious...

Liberal Defense Mechanisim.JPG
The mainstream science posters here have likely posted orders of magnitude more evidence than have the deniers. And considering that most denier "evidence" comes from very questionable sources while most mainstream evidence comes from published science journals... well, you get the picture.

You need a dictionary very badly...what you guys tend to post is data...and then you make assumptions about what it means,..

Evidence - that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof.

Data - individual facts, statistics, or items of information

You have data and assumptions....not evidence which is precisely why when I ask for evidence to support claims, you can't produce it...the data is just doesn't support your claims...
So you refuse to reject the insane charge that all the world's climate scientists are involved in a massive and perfectly executed conspiracy to lie to the public in order to profit from research grants. Have you run that past your graduate advisor?
They admitted it is falsified.
No they didn't. The body of data is huge and comes from many sources and relates to many parts of our climate. You have no idea what you are talking about, per usual, and probably should not even comment on this topic at all.

Actually, by your own admission, you have no idea of whether he knows what he is talking about or have admitted complete ignorance on the have no informed opinion of your own with which to make such a only have an opinion someone with a political agenda gave you...and again, by your own admission, you have no idea whether that one is right or wrong are a mouthpiece..a puppet...nothing more.
So you refuse to reject the insane charge that all the world's climate scientists are involved in a massive and perfectly executed conspiracy to lie to the public in order to profit from research grants. Have you run that past your graduate advisor?

When you look back through history at all the consensus positions on practically every scientific topic that have fallen..and the list covers almost all of you really think that they were all conspiracies? They were people who got it wrong....and in most cases, were just too proud to admit how wrong they were...

And I don't guess you realize that that stupid conspiracy argument is just one more logical fallacy in a very long and dismal line of logical fallacies coming from that all you have?

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