The Envirowhackos are Melting!

Published papers confirming global warming
And not one contradicts it. But dumbass here thinks he is presenting an actual challenge to the robust theories by pulling his taffy in an echo chamber. How embarrassing.

I am asking for a single paper in which the supposed warming due to our activities has been empirically measured, and quantified and blamed on so called greenhouse gasses....I can ask for one with perfect confidence that no one will come up with one and embarrass me...because no such paper has ever been is all models, all suppositions, all actual evidence whatsoever...but enough, apparently to fool rubes such as yourself...and rather than wonder why no one steps up and provides the paper you make lame assed excuses for why no paper has been produced...

no critical thinking skills...
The whole world has it and yet, none of you alarmist seem to be able to bring a single piece of it here..
Of course, any child with Google can produce mountains of evidence. It's just that nobody has any desire to argue the truth of robust, accepted scientific theories with uneducated slobs like you.

It really is that simple.
Except you and everyone on here
The whole world has it and yet, none of you alarmist seem to be able to bring a single piece of it here..
Of course, any child with Google can produce mountains of evidence. It's just that nobody has any desire to argue the truth of robust, accepted scientific theories with uneducated slobs like you.

It really is that simple.
Except you and everyone on here
Of course I could, and so could you. So could anyone. What's really funny is watching you denier morons get schooled by reason and evidence, then slithering into a new thread the next day just to claim, "nobody can show me any evidence!"

Good times.
Hundreds have been. I could tattoo them on your ass in red ink and you'd still deny them though

Right...I believe that you believe they have been published...but alas they haven' can't name a single one. I can ask for things like that in perfect confidence that no one, anywhere is going to step up and provide one because there are none.

We've been down this road before, and I linked to document after document and you found some reason to discount them all, often because the papers said things like "probably" and "most likely" and things like that.
You do get that there is a difference between empirically measuring, and quantifying a thing, and making comments like maybe, probably, and most likely don't you" One is actual science, and the other is just an opinion based on some undefined, nebulous "thing".

What fools like you fail to realize is that that is the language of science, there are never any absolutes. It's the same straw you idiots grasp at when the FBI says they have "high confidence" that tRump conspired with Russians.

Really? Science is littered with absolute statements..they are called physical laws...

But you go ahead and cling to your delusions, I'm done with fools like you.

You are the one who is deluded if you believe statements like probably, most likely , etc are sufficient grounds upon which to spend trillions of dollars.
You are irredeemably stupid.

I'm done here.
Once again, holding to a contention that requires magic is not a testimony for YOUR critical thinking skills

You are the one who believes that matter obeying the laws of physics requires magic...not me..
The whole world has it and yet, none of you alarmist seem to be able to bring a single piece of it here..
Of course, any child with Google can produce mountains of evidence. It's just that nobody has any desire to argue the truth of robust, accepted scientific theories with uneducated slobs like you.

It really is that simple.
Except you and everyone on here
Of course I could, and so could you. So could anyone. What's really funny is watching you denier morons get schooled by reason and evidence, then slithering into a new thread the next day just to claim, "nobody can show me any evidence!"

Good times.

What bullshit...there is nothing you guys would like better than to shove the information I am asking for down my throat and shut me the f'ck up...You can't though...because unlike you, I actually do look at the literature and am well aware of what is out there..I can ask for the data I ask for with perfect confidence that no one, anywhere will ever produce it and make me look bad..

I guys make all manner of excuses for not providing...then whine amongst yourselves over how unreasonable I am asking for actual evidence...I get a good guys look like impotent whiners....its all good.
Hundreds have been. I could tattoo them on your ass in red ink and you'd still deny them though

Right...I believe that you believe they have been published...but alas they haven' can't name a single one. I can ask for things like that in perfect confidence that no one, anywhere is going to step up and provide one because there are none.

We've been down this road before, and I linked to document after document and you found some reason to discount them all, often because the papers said things like "probably" and "most likely" and things like that.
You do get that there is a difference between empirically measuring, and quantifying a thing, and making comments like maybe, probably, and most likely don't you" One is actual science, and the other is just an opinion based on some undefined, nebulous "thing".

What fools like you fail to realize is that that is the language of science, there are never any absolutes. It's the same straw you idiots grasp at when the FBI says they have "high confidence" that tRump conspired with Russians.

Really? Science is littered with absolute statements..they are called physical laws...

But you go ahead and cling to your delusions, I'm done with fools like you.

You are the one who is deluded if you believe statements like probably, most likely , etc are sufficient grounds upon which to spend trillions of dollars.
You are irredeemably stupid.

I'm done here.

Of course you are were done before you even got started...I asked for a paper that does not exist...since you have no informed opinion of your own, the end result was were never going to be able to produce the paper..but since you believe it exists based on the opinion you were given, you had to defend what passes for your source of knowledge...of course that defense was nothing more than an impotent, mewling bout of name calling, but hey, if it's all you have...what can you do?
The whole world has it and yet, none of you alarmist seem to be able to bring a single piece of it here..
Of course, any child with Google can produce mountains of evidence. It's just that nobody has any desire to argue the truth of robust, accepted scientific theories with uneducated slobs like you.

It really is that simple.
Except you and everyone on here
Of course I could, and so could you. So could anyone. What's really funny is watching you denier morons get schooled by reason and evidence, then slithering into a new thread the next day just to claim, "nobody can show me any evidence!"

Good times.
So, post it
Published papers confirming global warming
And not one contradicts it. But dumbass here thinks he is presenting an actual challenge to the robust theories by pulling his taffy in an echo chamber. How embarrassing.
He's an idiot.

Alas...I am still waiting for the title of a single paper in which the hypothetical warming due to our activities has been empirically measured, quantified, and blamed on our so called greenhouse to girls are stroking each others poor egos and going on about how unreasonable I am for asking for actual evidence...poor hoo hooo.
The whole world has it and yet, none of you alarmist seem to be able to bring a single piece of it here..
Of course, any child with Google can produce mountains of evidence. It's just that nobody has any desire to argue the truth of robust, accepted scientific theories with uneducated slobs like you.

It really is that simple.
Except you and everyone on here
Of course I could, and so could you. So could anyone. What's really funny is watching you denier morons get schooled by reason and evidence, then slithering into a new thread the next day just to claim, "nobody can show me any evidence!"

Good times.
So, post it

These two have to be among the weakest on the board...they don't even attempt to defend their positions...even with pseudoscience...and fort fun openly admits that he has no informed opinion of his own.....just one given to him by someone with a political agenda...How intellectually bankrupt is that? At least crepitus tried to provide some data....of course it contained nothing like observed measured, empirical evidence....and was chock full of the alarmist buzzwords like might, and maybe, and could, and possibly which serve to fool those who believe the soft science of the climate is out of their intellectual reach...but at least he tried...
● Shot: ‘Climate grief’: The growing emotional toll of climate change — Extreme weather and dire climate reports are intensifying the mental health effects of global warming: depression and resignation about the future.

—Headline and subhead, NBC News, Christmas Eve.

● Chaser: Chuck Todd Bans ‘Climate Deniers’ from Climate Change Special:

Chuck Todd gave a stunning example of the phenomenon this morning in his introduction of a Meet the Press special edition on climate change. Todd quite literally announced that dissent would not be tolerated. Here was Todd:

“Just as important as what we are going to do this hour is what we’re not going to do. We’re not going to debate climate change, the existence of it. The Earth is getting hotter, and human activity is a major cause. Period. We’re not going to give time to climate deniers. The science is settled, even if political opinion is not.”

* * * * * * * *

“The epithet ‘climate denier,’ intended to invoke Holocaust denial, has always been tasteless and inapt . . . But climate activists delighted in defining their opposition this way.”

NewsBusters, today.

‘Denier’ is a political term, not a scientific term.

AGW is the Moon Bat's religion nowadays. The Inquisition for non believers!
● Shot: ‘Climate grief’: The growing emotional toll of climate change — Extreme weather and dire climate reports are intensifying the mental health effects of global warming: depression and resignation about the future.

—Headline and subhead, NBC News, Christmas Eve.

● Chaser: Chuck Todd Bans ‘Climate Deniers’ from Climate Change Special:

Chuck Todd gave a stunning example of the phenomenon this morning in his introduction of a Meet the Press special edition on climate change. Todd quite literally announced that dissent would not be tolerated. Here was Todd:

“Just as important as what we are going to do this hour is what we’re not going to do. We’re not going to debate climate change, the existence of it. The Earth is getting hotter, and human activity is a major cause. Period. We’re not going to give time to climate deniers. The science is settled, even if political opinion is not.”

* * * * * * * *

“The epithet ‘climate denier,’ intended to invoke Holocaust denial, has always been tasteless and inapt . . . But climate activists delighted in defining their opposition this way.”

NewsBusters, today.

‘Denier’ is a political term, not a scientific term.

AGW is the Moon Bat's religion nowadays. The Inquisition for non believers!

Had Hillary won, criticism of their Climate Change religion would have been punished by fine or prison
● Shot: ‘Climate grief’: The growing emotional toll of climate change — Extreme weather and dire climate reports are intensifying the mental health effects of global warming: depression and resignation about the future.

—Headline and subhead, NBC News, Christmas Eve.

● Chaser: Chuck Todd Bans ‘Climate Deniers’ from Climate Change Special:

Chuck Todd gave a stunning example of the phenomenon this morning in his introduction of a Meet the Press special edition on climate change. Todd quite literally announced that dissent would not be tolerated. Here was Todd:

“Just as important as what we are going to do this hour is what we’re not going to do. We’re not going to debate climate change, the existence of it. The Earth is getting hotter, and human activity is a major cause. Period. We’re not going to give time to climate deniers. The science is settled, even if political opinion is not.”

* * * * * * * *

“The epithet ‘climate denier,’ intended to invoke Holocaust denial, has always been tasteless and inapt . . . But climate activists delighted in defining their opposition this way.”

NewsBusters, today.

‘Denier’ is a political term, not a scientific term.

AGW is the Moon Bat's religion nowadays. The Inquisition for non believers!

Had Hillary won, criticism of their Climate Change religion would have been punished by fine or prison

She got a ton of money from that idiot Environmental Wacko Tom Steyer. He would have demanded payback in the form of the punishment for the non believers that you indicated.
The whole world has it and yet, none of you alarmist seem to be able to bring a single piece of it here..
Of course, any child with Google can produce mountains of evidence. It's just that nobody has any desire to argue the truth of robust, accepted scientific theories with uneducated slobs like you.

It really is that simple.
Except you and everyone on here
Of course I could, and so could you. So could anyone. What's really funny is watching you denier morons get schooled by reason and evidence, then slithering into a new thread the next day just to claim, "nobody can show me any evidence!"

Good times.
so produce the evidence. there are many threads in the forum. none of which contain any such evidence. so batman, post it.
QUOTE="SSDD, post: 21525171, member: 40906"]
The whole world has it and yet, none of you alarmist seem to be able to bring a single piece of it here..
Of course, any child with Google can produce mountains of evidence. It's just that nobody has any desire to argue the truth of robust, accepted scientific theories with uneducated slobs like you.

It really is that simple.
Except you and everyone on here
Of course I could, and so could you. So could anyone. What's really funny is watching you denier morons get schooled by reason and evidence, then slithering into a new thread the next day just to claim, "nobody can show me any evidence!"

Good times.

What bullshit...there is nothing you guys would like better than to shove the information I am asking for down my throat and shut me the f'ck up...You can't though...because unlike you, I actually do look at the literature and am well aware of what is out there..I can ask for the data I ask for with perfect confidence that no one, anywhere will ever produce it and make me look bad..

I guys make all manner of excuses for not providing...then whine amongst yourselves over how unreasonable I am asking for actual evidence...I get a good guys look like impotent whiners....its all good.[/QUOTE]

there answer is either, it's already been given out, or just go to google. yet, not one time has any one of them provided the paper they stand and pound their chests that they claim they have. Dude, it's hilarious.

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