The enemy among us

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
The enemy among us

Posted on August 20, 2021 by Mike Leave a comment

Make America Mogadishu Again?

So what happens to you now in a country run by the Taliban? It’s hard to think about that. And yet tonight many Americans are thinking about it and they’re feeling distressed as they do. Americans are kind people and generous. They’re quicker and more eager to help strangers than anyone else in the world. We haven’t seen polling on it, but we bet if you asked one hundred people, should we try to help Afghans who are facing persecution for helping us, most Americans would say, of course, we should. And we should be glad that they say that you should be happy you live in a country where your neighbors love children and dogs and want to help refugees. We are generous and empathetic people and we should be proud.

Unfortunately, there are many in our ruling class who are anxious to take advantage of that, anxious, to take advantage of our best qualities. They see our decency and our weakness, and they exploit those things and they do it relentlessly. Let’s try to save our loyal Afghan interpreters, we tell them. Perfect, they think. We’ll open the borders and change the demographic balance of this country. Of course, that’s exactly what they’re doing right now on our southern border, naturally in the name of human rights and compassion. And they would like to do the very same thing with the disaster unfolding in Afghanistan, the disaster that they created. Look at what this kid on MSNBC said yesterday, and remember, as you watch, that he is regarded with total seriousness in Washington as a foreign policy expert and that his fellow foreign policy experts wholeheartedly agree with him.
SPENCER ACKERMAN: We’re talking about an evacuation of people who helped the wars, and that’s an obligation of the United States but it’s sort of a moral floor that’s functioning as a moral ceiling. The Bush administration, I’m sorry the Biden administration, pardon me, isn’t doing things necessary like increasing TPS access and letting in refugees by the millions to escape their certain fate at the hands of the Taliban.

So we must “let in refugees by the millions,” said the mustachioed foreign policy expert. The millions. Millions is not a handful of loyal Afghan interpreters. That’s not even a fleet of cargo planes full of loyal Afghan interpreters. Millions is a good chunk of the entire population of Afghanistan, brought to our country at our expense to live in your neighborhood at the very moment our national fabric is fraying, in case you haven’t noticed, and the United States is becoming unmistakably poorer.

Do we really need millions of Afghan refugees in Phoenix, you ask? Shut up. Racist. OK, go ahead and do it. That’s how the process typically works. I

End big snip
Finish at

Let em all rot there ....leave the lefty ngo employees and volunteers with em

They'll bring in millions of refugees who refuse to stand up and defend their own homeland and who will be treated better than the veterans we went over there to serve.


The idiotic left hasn't learned from the debacle that is the EU. They let in millions of Muslims and the violence that ensued, was tragic indeed. In Britain, which withdrew from the EU...too late, is now facing significant numbers of Muslims out to change their government to an Islamic one. The Muslims in their parliament have been boasting that they've gone from two Muslim Parliamentarians to eighteen and that when they have enough parliamentarians, they will be able to make changes to the laws. Once that's done, it'll be a One-Party government under Shariah Law and the one thing that ALWAYS happens under One-Party governments is, oppression, persecution, tyranny and murder....mass murder.
Spot on about our ruling class. They are the killers of America.


In the new religion of the American ruling elite, there is a similar sort of ritualized hospitality toward strangers. It is primarily expressed in the form of open borders, the admittance of anyone who has a reason to settle in America. The reason does not need to make any sense. It just has to provide the ruling class with the opportunity to tell one another how much they care about these strangers.

In the past week, all corners of the ruling class have demanded that America import as many Afghans as possible. Granted, none of the people demanding the importation of these Neolithic barbarians plans to house them in his home. It is not about actually helping the people they claim to love. You see, the demand to import Afghans into your neighborhood is part of a ritual demonstrating their virtue.

In prior ages, the ruling class might sacrifice a bull and underwrite a great festival as a way to display their piety. In the Middle Ages, the great men would build cathedrals to show their devotion to the Cross. Today, the great and the good import people from around the globe into your neighborhood. This is not about you, as they don’t care about you. It is about piety within the managerial class itself.

National Review provides a handy example. The editors tell us how much they care about these people they do not know and will make sure to never know. “We have a direct moral responsibility to these people—they risked their lives and those of their families to aid our effort, often with the understanding that we’d get them out if the Taliban returned to power.”

Conservatives love throwing around the word “we” when it comes time for you to pay for their failures. National Review was not having any of that “we” stuff back in 2016 when they were coming to terms with Trump. Here is David French telling white people to suck it up and take responsibility for themselves. Here is the corpulent Kevin Williamson calling you a Nazi for thinking that “we” should have a say in things.

In fairness to the mouth breathers of conservatism, theoxeny afflicts the left side of the ruling class as well. The difference is they view themselves as the full expression of the general will, so they take a more subtle approach. Here is The Washington Post telling us that “we” are joyously welcoming these Afghans, but those wreckers out there questioning the wisdom of this must be dealt with lest they sow doubt in the minds of the righteous.

It would take a heart of stone not to laugh at the arrogance. The people in Texas and Wisconsin suddenly having to deal with grooming gangs were never asked, never consulted about this policy of dumping Afghans into their towns. Why would the people fond of using the majestic plural ask the dirt people for their opinion? Why would they question a policy that clearly shows the compassion and virtue of our rulers?


Spot on about our ruling class. They are the killers of America.

In the new religion of the American ruling elite, there is a similar sort of ritualized hospitality toward strangers. It is primarily expressed in the form of open borders, the admittance of anyone who has a reason to settle in America. The reason does not need to make any sense. It just has to provide the ruling class with the opportunity to tell one another how much they care about these strangers.
In the past week, all corners of the ruling class have demanded that America import as many Afghans as possible. Granted, none of the people demanding the importation of these Neolithic barbarians plans to house them in his home. It is not about actually helping the people they claim to love. You see, the demand to import Afghans into your neighborhood is part of a ritual demonstrating their virtue.
In prior ages, the ruling class might sacrifice a bull and underwrite a great festival as a way to display their piety. In the Middle Ages, the great men would build cathedrals to show their devotion to the Cross. Today, the great and the good import people from around the globe into your neighborhood. This is not about you, as they don’t care about you. It is about piety within the managerial class itself.
National Review provides a handy example. The editors tell us how much they care about these people they do not know and will make sure to never know. “We have a direct moral responsibility to these people—they risked their lives and those of their families to aid our effort, often with the understanding that we’d get them out if the Taliban returned to power.”
Conservatives love throwing around the word “we” when it comes time for you to pay for their failures. National Review was not having any of that “we” stuff back in 2016 when they were coming to terms with Trump. Here is David French telling white people to suck it up and take responsibility for themselves. Here is the corpulent Kevin Williamson calling you a Nazi for thinking that “we” should have a say in things.
In fairness to the mouth breathers of conservatism, theoxeny afflicts the left side of the ruling class as well. The difference is they view themselves as the full expression of the general will, so they take a more subtle approach. Here is The Washington Post telling us that “we” are joyously welcoming these Afghans, but those wreckers out there questioning the wisdom of this must be dealt with lest they sow doubt in the minds of the righteous.
It would take a heart of stone not to laugh at the arrogance. The people in Texas and Wisconsin suddenly having to deal with grooming gangs were never asked, never consulted about this policy of dumping Afghans into their towns. Why would the people fond of using the majestic plural ask the dirt people for their opinion? Why would they question a policy that clearly shows the compassion and virtue of our rulers?

Our ruling class demands we obey what they command. They demand we wear masks and stay away from gathering together while they hold massive parties while unmasked.
We see Democrat former Presidents, Governors and Speakers of the House of Congress doing it unfettered and free of guilt and the laws.
It's true the law is for thee, and not for the politicians that have created them to hobble and control the average citizen.
Whatever happened to "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death".
Remember those who made the decision and vowed, “We must all hang together, or most assuredly we will all hang separately.”
It's all about replacing the American population.

"Washington attacks Somalia so America can bring hundreds of thousands of refugees to America.

Washington attacks Iraq so America can bring hundreds of thousands of refugees to America.

Washington attacks Syria with a proxy army so America can bring hundreds of thousands of refugees to America.

Washington attacks Afghanistan so America can bring hundreds of thousands of refugees to America."

Millions of doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize what they have have done....that has been their Globalist plan all along.

The watered down of America......or rather the annihilation of the America that we all knew and loved.:(

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