The downward spiral of Hillary Rodham Clinton


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
Courtesy of another website:

Her Health

She's not doing well. Fainting spell and concussion that took 6 months to recover from? Inside sources are saying it was a stroke.

Anger management issues? One of her low level campaign volunteers received a thorough verbal abuse tirade from Madame Hillary. The staffer turned to walk away, and Hillary grabbed her arm and twisted it violently.

Hillary suffered a very abusive childhood with her sadistic father, who basically raised a fragmented personality disorder child. When Hillary failed to put the cap on the tube of toothpaste, he would throw the cap out into the snow of the Chicago Illinois suburb of Park Ridge where she was raised, and tell her don't think about coming inside until she found it.

She has a thyroid condition that requires active management, and doesn't help at all with the brain injury and overweight condition she is in.

Feud with the Obama's
Obama and Michelle called Hillary in when they caught word what she was doing with the Clinton Global Initiative, and her email server, and told her to cut that sh*t out. They informed her that this would not reflect well on her and the Presidency.

Her response: "This meeting is over."

Through CGI, she was actively undermining the Obama Administration sanctions against entities that were doing business on behalf of Putin, the Iranians, and other major players who had been targeted. Funny how nobody brings this up in the debates, and she holds her record up as SECSTATE as a banner of experience, as if she is in Obama's corner.

Lack of Support from Bill

When discussing a Hillary win with his inner circle, Bill Clinton is in a catch-22. If she wins, he can no longer cavort around with child-raping billionaires on their private jets.

If she loses, the clout he enjoys from the Clinton Global Initiative dies because everyone knows that the Clinton's are done at that point politically, so no more whoring and dining for free with billionaires.

This is why his support for her has been lackluster, and he is not in good health either. He just doesn't have the physical energy to actively campaign for her, nor does he have the fortitude to do whatever roles she has in mind for him if she were POTUS.

Kid Gloves at DNC Debates
To me, it almost seems like there is a behind-the-scenes rule book where everyone needs to be nice to Hillary, because she can't take a beating in a debate physically. That would explain Sanders' treatment of her with kid gloves debate after debate, although if it comes down to it in the Iowa Primaries, he just might let loose.

Legal Problems
Email classified info scandal and impropriety with CGI has at least 100 sworn-in FBI agents who have had to sign NDA's on the case, and the leaks about that are not being roped in by the Obama WH. Obama told Hillary, "You did this to yourself, there isn't anything I can do for you."

If they indict her, her campaign is done. It makes you wonder if the Obama's are just letting her squirm and suffer in the long run. Notice that Obama has not endorsed Hillary. If Hillary steals the WH, it means she can shut out the Obama's from the Democrat Party, so there is some party-internal strategy going on at the moment with very high stakes in the game, a game of thrones if you will.
Here is a picture of her downward spiral. To me it looks more like a flat spin though.

trump tower.jpg
Hillary is terrified of any candid interviews, she always needs a teleprompter, otherwise she says things that make you wonder if she's competent or even turning into a dog.
Maybe Bill, in a fit of forgetfulness, will rape her into silence.
Interesting that Hillary's mental health focuses on an alleged abusive childhood but does not touch the abusive marital relationship she endured for her entire adult life. Is it too political? There is little doubt that Hillary traded her self respect and mental health for reflected political power by enabling her husband's infidelity and abuse of women.
The October Surprise? "This Just In From NBC" Hillary Clinton has fallen down two flights of steps in the white house, and still unconscience as we speak, but then again, Hillary had been unconscience ever since she began her campaign 15 months ago

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