The difference between California and Kansas proves liberal economics work

Obama got elected by a coalition of all the greedy assholes in this country expecting to get something for nothing.

I'm not expecting something for nothing, I simply agree with Obama's policy positions and find him to be an able leader. That's why I, and many like me, voted for him.

How do you explain that phenomenon?

I find it very ironic to see people like the one you replied to, are the ones who want something for nothing while accusing others of what they themselves do. It's called Projection.

They want all the benefits American has to offer yet they don't want to pay for it.

They have screamed for decades that they don't want to pay taxes. They elect politicians who cut taxes and increase spending.

It's totally nuts.

Meanwhile democrats try to bring some fiscal responsibility and actually say how they're going to pay for the spending.

Republicans, not so much. They even went as far as kept 2 wars and a new senior drug benefit off the general budget for the 8 years of the bush boy presidency. While they set out to cut taxes, mostly for the rich, and create the highest deficit in the nation's history. Again.

I'll vote for the people who actually try to pay for the debts our nation incurs.
It wasn't just the wars, he went on a domestic spending orgy too.

Which "conservatives" were silent over.

That was the problem. Funny how you only bring up the parts you don't like.

False, once again. I spoke out over the massive increase in Defense spending, and the creation of the TSA, among other things. I argued at the time that if any money was going to be spend on security, it should be to better protect vulnerable nuclear and toxic facilities and power plants, etc.

And you're a liar there too. What does Syndi want to call someone who voted for the wars? Madam President ...
Amazing how you can lie while calling someone else a liar.

The fact is she didn't vote for a war, she voted to give Bush a badge & a gun. Going to war was his decision: he was the decider, remember?

Now lie again. It's always amusing to watch your credibility plummet.
Didn't you hear about Obama taking $50 billion dollars of taxpayers' money to bail out greedy UAW jobs and pensions? Are you that misinformed?

No I didn't, you have a supporting link for the claim?

You are more confused than I suspected. You Moon Bats are always confused, aren't you?

It is the Chrysler/GM bailout where taxpayer's money was used to save filthy ass bloated UAW jobs and pensions. One of the most despicable acts that our government ever did.

The UAW gave hundreds of millions of dollars to Shit for Brains during the campaign and he bailed out their bloated jobs and pensions with taxpayer's money. That is thievery.

GM and Chrysler paid back some of the money that was given but there ware tens of billions of dollars that haven't been paid and then of course you had the bond owners that lost everything so that Obama's union buddies can live fat and happy.

Chrysler and GM should have gone into bankruptcy and reorganized with more reasonable wages and a decrease in the bloated pensions but Shit for Brains stole our money so that his greedy union buddies would get their big paychecks.
Yeah California has a big surplus and Kansas has a big deficit. That's the difference in tax policy, isn't it? Despite this, California's economy is thriving while Kansas is now in a recession.

Bill Maher really sums it up great with actual facts:

California doesn't have a huge surplus...the supposed surplus is just book keeping fiction.

The state, as well as local and county governments, has huge unfunded pension obligations. Our road are about the worst in the country. A very small group of people pay most of the taxes. Middle class families are fleeing the state. And the Income Inequality that has your panties in a wad is quite extreme.

Plus the cost of living is 10 times what it is in other states and the wages don't compensate for that at all.
Yeah California has a big surplus and Kansas has a big deficit. That's the difference in tax policy, isn't it? Despite this, California's economy is thriving while Kansas is now in a recession.

Bill Maher really sums it up great with actual facts:

California doesn't have a huge surplus...the supposed surplus is just book keeping fiction.

The state, as well as local and county governments, has huge unfunded pension obligations. Our road are about the worst in the country. A very small group of people pay most of the taxes. Middle class families are fleeing the state. And the Income Inequality that has your panties in a wad is quite extreme.

Plus the cost of living is 10 times what it is in other states and the wages don't compensate for that at all.

The cost of living is higher, but not 10X. Yes, housing is crazy, but wages are also quite a bit higher, at lease for college educated professional folks. Those of us who bought before the real estate bubble are doing fine. Plus the weather if fabulous - and all of my family are here, so I'm staying for now.
Yeah California has a big surplus and Kansas has a big deficit. That's the difference in tax policy, isn't it? Despite this, California's economy is thriving while Kansas is now in a recession.

Bill Maher really sums it up great with actual facts:

California doesn't have a huge surplus...the supposed surplus is just book keeping fiction.

The state, as well as local and county governments, has huge unfunded pension obligations. Our road are about the worst in the country. A very small group of people pay most of the taxes. Middle class families are fleeing the state. And the Income Inequality that has your panties in a wad is quite extreme.

Plus the cost of living is 10 times what it is in other states and the wages don't compensate for that at all.

The cost of living is higher, but not 10X. Yes, housing is crazy, but wages are also quite a bit higher, at lease for college educated professional folks. Those of us who bought before the real estate bubble are doing fine. Plus the weather if fabulous - and all of my family are here, so I'm staying for now.

When I lived there in 2000-2003 A small two bedroom townhouse was 1800.00 a month. When I moved to NM I rented a 3 bedroom house for 700.00 a month. Huge difference all the same. Same basic wages in both states.

Plus gas was more expensive by about 2.00 a gallon as was food.
Yeah California has a big surplus and Kansas has a big deficit. That's the difference in tax policy, isn't it? Despite this, California's economy is thriving while Kansas is now in a recession.

Bill Maher really sums it up great with actual facts:

California doesn't have a huge surplus...the supposed surplus is just book keeping fiction.

The state, as well as local and county governments, has huge unfunded pension obligations. Our road are about the worst in the country. A very small group of people pay most of the taxes. Middle class families are fleeing the state. And the Income Inequality that has your panties in a wad is quite extreme.

Plus the cost of living is 10 times what it is in other states and the wages don't compensate for that at all.

The cost of living is higher, but not 10X. Yes, housing is crazy, but wages are also quite a bit higher, at lease for college educated professional folks. Those of us who bought before the real estate bubble are doing fine. Plus the weather if fabulous - and all of my family are here, so I'm staying for now.

When I lived there in 2000-2003 A small two bedroom townhouse was 1800.00 a month. When I moved to NM I rented a 3 bedroom house for 700.00 a month. Huge difference all the same. Same basic wages in both states.

Plus gas was more expensive by about 2.00 a gallon as was food.

It depends upon one's occupation and timing. My mortgage, insurance and tax payments for a rather large house are less than what rent for a 2 bedroom apartment costs now. We timed entering the housing market perfectly, although at the time, had no idea we were in before a bubble. That said, I grew up here and have roots. If I were not already in the Bay Area, I wouldn't move here.
Yeah California has a big surplus and Kansas has a big deficit. That's the difference in tax policy, isn't it? Despite this, California's economy is thriving while Kansas is now in a recession.

Bill Maher really sums it up great with actual facts:

California doesn't have a huge surplus...the supposed surplus is just book keeping fiction.

The state, as well as local and county governments, has huge unfunded pension obligations. Our road are about the worst in the country. A very small group of people pay most of the taxes. Middle class families are fleeing the state. And the Income Inequality that has your panties in a wad is quite extreme.

Plus the cost of living is 10 times what it is in other states and the wages don't compensate for that at all.

The cost of living is higher, but not 10X. Yes, housing is crazy, but wages are also quite a bit higher, at lease for college educated professional folks. Those of us who bought before the real estate bubble are doing fine. Plus the weather if fabulous - and all of my family are here, so I'm staying for now.

When I lived there in 2000-2003 A small two bedroom townhouse was 1800.00 a month. When I moved to NM I rented a 3 bedroom house for 700.00 a month. Huge difference all the same. Same basic wages in both states.

Plus gas was more expensive by about 2.00 a gallon as was food.

It depends upon one's occupation and timing. My mortgage, insurance and tax payments for a rather large house are less than what rent for a 2 bedroom apartment costs now. We timed entering the housing market perfectly, although at the time, had no idea we were in before a bubble. That said, I grew up here and have roots. If I were not already in the Bay Area, I wouldn't move here.

Pretty area for sure. I lived in San Clemente. And would drive to San Juan Capistrano and Dana Point weekly. Kids loved the beach.

Another thing I had shell shock over. Registering your car in CA 1000.00

Registering your car in NM 45.00.

Just wasn't what I was used to.
Yeah California has a big surplus and Kansas has a big deficit. That's the difference in tax policy, isn't it? Despite this, California's economy is thriving while Kansas is now in a recession.

Bill Maher really sums it up great with actual facts:

Conservatives cling to trickledown economics like they've clung to Ben Gassy and 'email'. Yet even when their policies fail, which they do over and over, the refuse to acknowledge reality and try something new.

What was the definition of insanity again...trying the same thing that doesn't work over and over and expecting a different result.
You are more confused than I suspected. You Moon Bats are always confused, aren't you?

It is the Chrysler/GM bailout where taxpayer's money was used to save filthy ass bloated UAW jobs and pensions. One of the most despicable acts that our government ever did.

The UAW gave hundreds of millions of dollars to Shit for Brains during the campaign and he bailed out their bloated jobs and pensions with taxpayer's money. That is thievery.

GM and Chrysler paid back some of the money that was given but there ware tens of billions of dollars that haven't been paid and then of course you had the bond owners that lost everything so that Obama's union buddies can live fat and happy.

Chrysler and GM should have gone into bankruptcy and reorganized with more reasonable wages and a decrease in the bloated pensions but Shit for Brains stole our money so that his greedy union buddies would get their big paychecks.

HA! Hilarious how you post one BS claim after another while accusing someone of being confused.

Now that I understand wtf you are talking about lets set you straight:

1. Your 50 billion claim is BS. Your retreat to "tens of billions remain unpaid" is also BS. Total cost to Feds after repayments and stock sale ended up being ~9 Billion.

2. Bailout was provided first by the Bush administration (~17 billion) who you for some reason do not accuse as being beholden to unions or socialism. Perhaps there really WAS some bi-partisan, reasonable concern for the survival of American auto industry.

3. Contrary to your insinuation the bailed Automakers DID re-organize and today are still alive and turn profits.
California has nearly 400 billion in unfunded liabilities and debt from public pensions, retiree healthcare and bonds. Until that is addressed any "surplus" doesn't mean squat

Oh Christ, I actually have to agree with you on something. That does not change the fact that Kansas is a disaster due solely to Republican overreach and stupidity.
Yeah California has a big surplus and Kansas has a big deficit. That's the difference in tax policy, isn't it? Despite this, California's economy is thriving while Kansas is now in a recession.

Bill Maher really sums it up great with actual facts:

California's "High-Speed" Rail boondoggle: Getting worse all the time
Yeah California has a big surplus and Kansas has a big deficit. That's the difference in tax policy, isn't it? Despite this, California's economy is thriving while Kansas is now in a recession.

Bill Maher really sums it up great with actual facts:

Conservatives cling to trickledown economics like they've clung to Ben Gassy and 'email'. Yet even when their policies fail, which they do over and over, the refuse to acknowledge reality and try something new.

What was the definition of insanity again...trying the same thing that doesn't work over and over and expecting a different result.

If Democratic policies are so wonderful why do they still have the same talking points every election cycle that they have been touting for the last 20/30 years?
California has moved up to the 6th largest economy among NATIONS around the world?

Do tell, how does that square with all the derps who thinks California isn't doing well. CA survived and has had a long clime out of The Bush Great Recession, like many states have, but it has come back in golden style and is running billions of dollars of surpluses now.

Kansas? Well if you have some spare change in the couch Kansas can use it.
Yeah California has a big surplus and Kansas has a big deficit. That's the difference in tax policy, isn't it? Despite this, California's economy is thriving while Kansas is now in a recession.

Bill Maher really sums it up great with actual facts:

Conservatives cling to trickledown economics like they've clung to Ben Gassy and 'email'. Yet even when their policies fail, which they do over and over, the refuse to acknowledge reality and try something new.

What was the definition of insanity again...trying the same thing that doesn't work over and over and expecting a different result.

And Progressives cling to Dribble Down Stupidity.
The biggest industries in Kansas are agriculture, mining and manufacturing. All things libs try to destroy.

And just look at them gloat when they hear the economy in Kansas is struggling.

Shocking. Not .
California has moved up to the 6th largest economy among NATIONS around the world?

Do tell, how does that square with all the derps who thinks California isn't doing well. CA survived and has had a long clime out of The Bush Great Recession, like many states have, but it has come back in golden style and is running billions of dollars of surpluses now.

Kansas? Well if you have some spare change in the couch Kansas can use it.
California also has the highest poverty rate in the nation. Where 4 in 10 Californians live in or at the poverty level.

Yep they are peachy.
The biggest industries in Kansas are agriculture, mining and manufacturing. All things libs try to destroy.

And just look at them gloat when they hear the economy in Kansas is struggling.

Shocking. Not .

California is the largest agriculture state by far. And Democrats have protected manufacturing jobs for the last 100+ years. Mining is going the way of the dodo, as did whale oil and tobacco. Things change.

The gloat is on how disastrous the conservative view of economics is, which was predicted ahead of time. Check back five years and read about the gloat of all on the right how California is 'failed' blah blah. California's economy is nearly 15% of the total US economy. California's agriculture is 10% of the total of US production. California is a powerhouse in every sense of the word. There is no other state that comes close and cons just hate this because it is run by the most progressive progressives. California sets the standard for the rest of the country. Perfect? No state is. But the states where conservatives have put their trickle-down voodoo into practice cannot compete with California on any level.
California's biggest industry is Aerospace. Which is bigger than the movie industry and agriculture combined. Next would be Computer Technology.

So...if California is so well off. Why are people living in poverty at all? Where are the jobs?
California's biggest industry is Aerospace. Which is bigger than the movie industry and agriculture combined. Next would be Computer Technology.

So...if California is so well off. Why are people living in poverty at all? Where are the jobs?

Goes by population size. There is poverty in every state and every country around the world. If you know of any person ever that could end all poverty anywhere please put them forth for consideration for god of the universe. Until then it's just you using a statistic the same way the Ben Gassy panel used their 'authority to investigate'. More as a way to smear pig manure on someone else rather than any legitimate investigations.


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