The Desperate/Pathetic State of the Democrat Election Campaign


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
I have posted multiple photos of black confederate soldiers. I have even posted photos of current day blacks holding Confederate flags, wearing confederate flag shirts, wearing gray confederate uniforms, all in support of dead Confederate soldiers, and southern heritage.

But all this doesn't fit the NARRATIVE that leftists want of portray. They have an agenda regarding all things associated with the Confederacy. They want to portray it all as connected to, and in support of slavery, and Jim Crow, which is ridiculous. I have informed them that overwhelmingly, southerners who fought in the civil War were civilians just defending their towns from attack. And the military Confederates were draftees, forced to serve. To them, that doesn't matter, because ridiculous or not, they see this scam as a way to arouse millions of blacks to VOTE Democrat in November.

Notice how all this oh-so-offended indignation and resulting riots, always seems to come about in the year just before a presidential election. First it was Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. From that, and the Obama/Sharpton race hustlers, we got riots in Ferguson, Baltimore, and New York, complete with chants of "What do we want ? Dead cops."

Now we have riots all over the country, first in response to George Floyd's death, and then Confederate statues being attacked. Now we have looney Democrat mayors like clown DeBlasio in New York, and what's her name in Washington DC, painting Black Lives Matter on main streets, and defunding their police departments.

Looks like Democrats think all this is going to rev up everyone to vote for Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress in November. It didn't work in 2016, and it's probably even less likely to work now, with the majority of Americans (black & white) disapproving of the extreme tactics. As a whole, we don't approve of the statue removals, don't approve of rioting, looting, arson, and vandalism. Don't approve of defunding police, or painting Black Lives Matter on streets.

Most Black Lives Matter activists probably don't know that they are nothing more than dupes of the Democratic party, doing their dirty work, while big cash donations$$ flow in to BLM from knucklehead corporations, all instantly diverted to the Democratic Party, and Joe Biden's pathetic campaign. (soon to unravel at the seams, when the debates take place).
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The Democrat party has been keeping Blacks poor, pissed off and dependent on government forever. That's how they exploit them. Now they're sending their militant wing, antifa, to do the same thing. They suckered Blacks in by calling all Whites racist and then used those Blacks to further their Marxist ambitions. George Floyd has absolutely nothing to do with the protest any more. It's about destroying our system of government and installing a totalitarian replacement. These young idiots don't have any idea what they're wishing for. And if they do, they're going to be very surprised when they lose everything including their freedom.
Now Democrats are using the Covid-19 pandemic to derail Trump's great economic record. They're commonly blabbering about an 11% unemployment rate (entirely from the virus) when up until this year unemployment was at RECORD lows.

They are constantly blabbering that Trump has put us in a recession, when it fact, it looks like THEY the Democrats are who put us in a recession, by conspiring with China to unleash the coronavirus, and thereby wreck Trump's (and America's) great economy.

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