The Democrats have made it clear they hate me just because I'm a white male...

...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

The progressive Agenda is to destroy whites, Christians, and capitalism.

Most white "liberals" are too dumb to figure that out, or they are self loathing psychopaths.

I don't know that they are out to destroy us, but without a doubt, working on making whites a minority in this country as soon as possible.

Destroy us politically? Yes, that is the plan, and you are correct by saying the Surrender First whites are totally unaware.
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

The progressive Agenda is to destroy whites, Christians, and capitalism.

Most white "liberals" are too dumb to figure that out, or they are self loathing psychopaths.
Isolationism is not capitalism.

Today's right winger Christians are not traditional Christians. Traditional Christians don't believe in "let him die", "feed the poor and they'll breed" and "cutting off healthcare so you can give billionaires tax cuts".

And the majority of Democrats are whites. But they don't hate minorities.
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

The progressive Agenda is to destroy whites, Christians, and capitalism.

Most white "liberals" are too dumb to figure that out, or they are self loathing psychopaths.

I don't know that they are out to destroy us, but without a doubt, working on making whites a minority in this country as soon as possible.

Destroy us politically? Yes, that is the plan, and you are correct by saying the Surrender First whites are totally unaware.
You populist fools are dangerous.
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

The progressive Agenda is to destroy whites, Christians, and capitalism.

Most white "liberals" are too dumb to figure that out, or they are self loathing psychopaths.

I don't know that they are out to destroy us, but without a doubt, working on making whites a minority in this country as soon as possible.

Destroy us politically? Yes, that is the plan, and you are correct by saying the Surrender First whites are totally unaware.
Don't you think the world would be better off if mankind reverted back to a single race? Then we could go back ti hating each other for more mundane things like religious beliefs.
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

The progressive Agenda is to destroy whites, Christians, and capitalism.

Most white "liberals" are too dumb to figure that out, or they are self loathing psychopaths.

I don't know that they are out to destroy us, but without a doubt, working on making whites a minority in this country as soon as possible.

Destroy us politically? Yes, that is the plan, and you are correct by saying the Surrender First whites are totally unaware.
Don't you think the world would be better off if mankind reverted back to a single race? Then we could go back ti hating each other for more mundane things like religious beliefs.

Reverted back to a single race? When were we ever a single race?

Living with others of a single race worked out perfectly...... at least for whites. Blacks destroyed their areas and then sought to find new white areas to destroy when nothing was left to destroy in their areas. That's why American blacks are the only race in the world outside of territorial or religious conflicts to constantly strive to live away from their own kind.
Of course they hate white males. They can't convince them that they are victims in need of big government to save them.

And Hillary blames those white males for influencing their white women into voting for Trump.

They also hate black conservatives because no one is allowed to think outside of the box that liberals put them in. How dare they succeed in this white man's world as if they are equal. How dare they resist the victimhood mentality and refuse to wait for liberal politicians to elevate them. How dare they think for themselves instead of thinking the way that the left thinks all black people should think.

Liberals believe they know all about a person simply by looking at their skin. If the person doesn't subscribe to the views the left thinks they should, they are attacked. That is racism, folks.

White males get the blame for everything. Somehow they destroyed the black families by encouraging welfare. They formed the inner city gangs and forced young minorities to join. They allowed schools in inner cities to go to shit. They encouraged young minorities to drop out of school. They talked young minorities into having babies. Couldn't have been liberals who have literally run the worst cities for decades. Couldn't be liberals who enticed young women to allow government to replace the baby daddies. Couldn't be welfare that discouraged marriage and having more children out of wedlock.

Liberals are the racists. They look at blacks and see helpless, hapless idiots who can't feed themselves, let alone take care of a family. They see people who need them to pull strings in order to work or go to school.

And the left keeps minorities angry with hateful rhetoric toward those they blame for the results of their own policies.

The only reason they came up with white privilege was to be able to paint all whites with the same brush and declare them all racists by virtue of being born with white skin.

Next, heterosexuals will soon be accused of having privilege.

If you're not an indoctrinated moron who is confused about your gender and unable or unwilling to work, you are the enemy.

The left wants us all divided. Segregation is coming back, thanks to the race baiting assholes.
Reverted back to a single race? When were we ever a single race?
So, do you deny that at one time only black humans lived upon the face of the Earth? Even though the Neanderthals preceeded them, a look at the fossil record shows, modern humans originated in Africa. A logical assumption would be.l to assume White people existed among the black proto humans as lepers and albinos. Yet they were all humans who scientists say developed separately from Homo Neanderthalis. Yet ...
These two supposedly distinct "species" were interfertile. They could mate and produce offspring. So how could that happen if the neanderthals weren't human? White science says the neaderthals were not humans.
But anything non human cannot be interfertile with humans..

So..White people have the most Neanderthal DNA, and, according to science, that makes whites less human than unmixed blacks.
And further ...white skin is common in most animals...but God...making the first human in His image, God used the red soil at the confluence of the Tigris and the Euphrates to mould the red sinews and red muscle of His first man. But He clothed Adam in a black skin to protect him from the radiant energy of His own hands and from the sun. This primordial genetic event stands today as the dominant gene in all mankind. Black skin, brown eyes, and kinky hair are dominant human traits. Blonde and straight hair, blue eyes, and fair skin are recessive traits in humans. So..humans intermixing with Neaderthals...also animals...produced mutants...mutants who rose to prominence in the earth and disrupted the world order.
And humans have found no peace ever since.

Living with others of a single race worked out perfectly...... at least for whites. Blacks destroyed their areas and then sought to find new white areas to destroy when nothing was left to destroy in their areas.

That's why American blacks are the only race in the world outside of territorial or religious conflicts to constantly strive to live away from their own kind.
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

The progressive Agenda is to destroy whites, Christians, and capitalism.

Most white "liberals" are too dumb to figure that out, or they are self loathing psychopaths.

I don't know that they are out to destroy us, but without a doubt, working on making whites a minority in this country as soon as possible.

Destroy us politically? Yes, that is the plan, and you are correct by saying the Surrender First whites are totally unaware.
Don't you think the world would be better off if mankind reverted back to a single race? Then we could go back ti hating each other for more mundane things like religious beliefs.
Republicans already hate people for their religious beliefs. And for race. And for being poor. And educated. And............well............they have a looooot of hate.
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

I have no issues with white males. But unfortunately historically they've been oppressors. Colonizing countries, forcing people to abandon their culture in favor of their culture, mass killings, making laws that take away women's rights, and the list goes on.

Till this day white men are the most privileged people on the planet. Yet they whine the most. They refuse to let any other ethnic or gender groups have the same privilege as them.

Many white males in my generation ( generation Y) recognize that. But many white males over 50 are a lost cause.
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

I have no issues with white males. But unfortunately historically they've been oppressors. Colonizing countries, forcing people to abandon their culture in favor of their culture, mass killings, making laws that take away women's rights, and the list goes on.

Till this day white men are the most privileged people on the planet. Yet they whine the most. They refuse to let any other ethnic or gender groups have the same privilege as them.

Many white males in my generation ( generation Y) recognize that. But many white males over 50 are a lost cause.

So what white privilege is it that whites have that you or others don't?
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

The progressive Agenda is to destroy whites, Christians, and capitalism.

Most white "liberals" are too dumb to figure that out, or they are self loathing psychopaths.

I don't know that they are out to destroy us, but without a doubt, working on making whites a minority in this country as soon as possible.

Destroy us politically? Yes, that is the plan, and you are correct by saying the Surrender First whites are totally unaware.
Don't you think the world would be better off if mankind reverted back to a single race? Then we could go back ti hating each other for more mundane things like religious beliefs.
Republicans already hate people for their religious beliefs. And for race. And for being poor. And educated. And............well............they have a looooot of hate.
The only true Republicans are those with considerable wealth. Many of the poor that they hate and want disenfranchised are poor whites who aspire to be like them. Race has been user as a tool to divide and conquer. LBJ observed the phenomenon and put it this way.

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...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

I have no issues with white males. But unfortunately historically they've been oppressors. Colonizing countries, forcing people to abandon their culture in favor of their culture, mass killings, making laws that take away women's rights, and the list goes on.

Till this day white men are the most privileged people on the planet. Yet they whine the most. They refuse to let any other ethnic or gender groups have the same privilege as them.

Many white males in my generation ( generation Y) recognize that. But many white males over 50 are a lost cause.

So what white privilege is it that whites have that you or others don't?
One big white privilege denied others is vontrol of the media. Another big benefit of Whites is control of race based crime stastics
and the privilege to decide who or what is included in the data. That's just two of many examples of white privilege.
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

I have no issues with white males. But unfortunately historically they've been oppressors. Colonizing countries, forcing people to abandon their culture in favor of their culture, mass killings, making laws that take away women's rights, and the list goes on.

Till this day white men are the most privileged people on the planet. Yet they whine the most. They refuse to let any other ethnic or gender groups have the same privilege as them.

Many white males in my generation ( generation Y) recognize that. But many white males over 50 are a lost cause.

So what white privilege is it that whites have that you or others don't?
One big white privilege denied others is vontrol of the media. Another big benefit of Whites is control of race based crime stastics
and the privilege to decide who or what is included in the data. That's just two of many examples of white privilege.

So how is control over the media white privilege? The media is liberal and blacks are liberal. They don't get any shortages when it comes to their issues. Look at the riots the media started. Yet when an unarmed whites gets shot and perhaps killed by a police officer, the media doesn't even look at it, so if anything, the media is biased towards blacks--not whites.

So what do you want in race based crime statistics? Do you want them to fudge the data so it looks like blacks are not as violent as they are? Statistics are statistics and no black person has yet to challenge them. It's not a white privilege at all.
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

The progressive Agenda is to destroy whites, Christians, and capitalism.

Most white "liberals" are too dumb to figure that out, or they are self loathing psychopaths.

I don't know that they are out to destroy us, but without a doubt, working on making whites a minority in this country as soon as possible.

Destroy us politically? Yes, that is the plan, and you are correct by saying the Surrender First whites are totally unaware.
Don't you think the world would be better off if mankind reverted back to a single race? Then we could go back ti hating each other for more mundane things like religious beliefs.
Republicans already hate people for their religious beliefs. And for race. And for being poor. And educated. And............well............they have a looooot of hate.

So how is control over the media white privilege?
The hate that simmers within you against all Blacks is constantly reinforced by the media.
The universal social conditioning inculcated in all of us, that white is. Superior to BLACK, is media driven.

The media is liberal and blacks are liberal. They don't get any shortages when it comes to their issues
The media is a tool owned by
American oligarchs. They are neither liberal or conservative... Those labels are used by the RW masses mostly to portray themselves as
White knights of tradition escoriate people who disagree with them as "liberals."
Both illusions are pure fantasy.
And you continue in your flawed judgments of Black society. Most Blacks are God fearing conservatives. Black churches dot the American landscapes wherever they live.
And there seems to be no dearth of parishioners judging by all the CADDILACS parked around those churches every Sunday morn. What is it about their conservatism you don't understand? Voting Democrat doesn't make you a liberal...if you are a working man of any race you vote in your own best interests...and the Union backed Democrats fit the bill. Conservatism is alive and well in the Black community.

Yet when an unarmed whites gets shot and perhaps killed by a police officer, the media doesn't even look at it, so if anything, the media is biased towards blacks--not whites.
The media reports White deaths by cops but, generally, white society is not outraged by white cops killing unarmed white suspects.
If Black cops killed unarmed Whites as frequently and in as egregious manner as White cops kill unarmed Blacks the hidden white outrage would become volcanic.

So what do you want in race based crime statistics? Do you want them to fudge the data so it looks like blacks are not as violent as they are? Statistics are statistics and no black person has yet to challenge them. It's not a white privilege at all.

Frankly I want it gone. There's no place for race-based crime statistics or any other race based statistic. Criminals and poor people of any race are separate groups all unto themselves regardless. A person's status should be judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin. That should be the only approach to dealing with social problems...not per capita statistics which have ptoduced nothing positive. . All race based stats do is foment division hostility and Prejudice.. Just look what those stats have done to you. You only see bad Black people. The good ones are invisible.
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.
Republicans hate minorities, which is why the overwhelming vote dem.
Black women voted like 97% against Trump.
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

The progressive Agenda is to destroy whites, Christians, and capitalism.

Most white "liberals" are too dumb to figure that out, or they are self loathing psychopaths.

I don't know that they are out to destroy us, but without a doubt, working on making whites a minority in this country as soon as possible.

Destroy us politically? Yes, that is the plan, and you are correct by saying the Surrender First whites are totally unaware.
Don't you think the world would be better off if mankind reverted back to a single race? Then we could go back ti hating each other for more mundane things like religious beliefs.
Republicans already hate people for their religious beliefs. And for race. And for being poor. And educated. And............well............they have a looooot of hate.

So how is control over the media white privilege?
The hate that simmers within you against all Blacks is constantly reinforced by the media.
The universal social conditioning inculcated in all of us, that white is. Superior to BLACK, is media driven.

The media is liberal and blacks are liberal. They don't get any shortages when it comes to their issues
The media is a tool owned by
American oligarchs. They are neither liberal or conservative... Those labels are used by the RW masses mostly to portray themselves as
White knights of tradition escoriate people who disagree with them as "liberals."
Both illusions are pure fantasy.
And you continue in your flawed judgments of Black society. Most Blacks are God fearing conservatives. Black churches dot the American landscapes wherever they live.
And there seems to be no dearth of parishioners judging by all the CADDILACS parked around those churches every Sunday morn. What is it about their conservatism you don't understand? Voting Democrat doesn't make you a liberal...if you are a working man of any race you vote in your own best interests...and the Union backed Democrats fit the bill. Conservatism is alive and well in the Black community.

Yet when an unarmed whites gets shot and perhaps killed by a police officer, the media doesn't even look at it, so if anything, the media is biased towards blacks--not whites.
The media reports White deaths by cops but, generally, white society is not outraged by white cops killing unarmed white suspects.
If Black cops killed unarmed Whites as frequently and in as egregious manner as White cops kill unarmed Blacks the hidden white outrage would become volcanic.

So what do you want in race based crime statistics? Do you want them to fudge the data so it looks like blacks are not as violent as they are? Statistics are statistics and no black person has yet to challenge them. It's not a white privilege at all.

Frankly I want it gone. There's no place for race-based crime statistics or any other race based statistic. Criminals and poor people of any race are separate groups all unto themselves regardless. A person's status should be judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin. That should be the only approach to dealing with social problems...not per capita statistics which have ptoduced nothing positive. . All race based stats do is foment division hostility and Prejudice.. Just look what those stats have done to you. You only see bad Black people. The good ones are invisible.

The media is heavily Jewish, and always vilifies Whitey more.

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