The Democrat's and Some on the Left's problem w/Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

And why is that? Bad decisions. So you ll throw money at it and they ll still be in poverty. How about people don’t have kids if they can’t afford them Vs relying on the Govt aka the taxpayer to bail them out. Responsibility is on them not on me. Want to Build Back Better, then throw money at finding a solution. I d rather pay people not to have kids than pay them to have them and have the cycle keep repeating itself. This is why you are a failure as a person and as a C Level executive. You just don’t get it.
Your answer is to magically make poor kids disappear. Retarded. You can’t build a reasonable argument.

You can support programs to help lift people out of poverty but you can’t wish them away. In the mean time providing food for poor kids seems like a decent thing to do.

Poor kids should just disappear.
- Azog strategy 101.
Your answer is to magically make poor kids disappear. Retarded. You can’t build a reasonable argument.

You can support programs to help lift people out of poverty but you can’t wish them away. In the mean time providing food for poor kids seems like a decent thing to do.

Poor kids should just disappear.
- Azog strategy 101.
decency be damned. But lets face it, it's bad for markets if investors see children starving in the streets, and probably extermination camps would be bad for market confidence. I mean, sure, it reduces the cost of prostitution, and the little beggers were once useful in sweat shops, but dammit, they lack the basic skills to even work in a bodega. So, there's nothing for it but to feed them.
Your answer is to magically make poor kids disappear. Retarded. You can’t build a reasonable argument.

You can support programs to help lift people out of poverty but you can’t wish them away. In the mean time providing food for poor kids seems like a decent thing to do.

Poor kids should just disappear.
- Azog strategy 101.
For 41 yrs that I've been alive there have been poor people. So maybe we need to try something different vs. throwing more money at the issue. Yes or no? Simple question, that you refuse to answer.
For 41 yrs that I've been alive there have been poor people. So maybe we need to try something different vs. throwing more money at the issue. Yes or no? Simple question, that you refuse to answer.
Yes to different but I’d argue we don’t throw hardly any money at the issue. $8 a day for food isn’t fixing anything.

The build back better bill has many ideas to investing in people getting better jobs and skills for jobs. You don’t like that then what? You dont have different. You have the opinion that children should pull themselves out of poverty. But it’s not your fault. You listen to a party that has no ideas on this group other than wishing children would just not be poor. How about just wishing Russia doesn’t attack us and spend defense money on education, daycare, and skill building?
Yes to different but I’d argue we don’t throw hardly any money at the issue. $8 a day for food isn’t fixing anything.

The build back better bill has many ideas to investing in people getting better jobs and skills for jobs. You don’t like that then what? You dont have different. You have the opinion that children should pull themselves out of poverty. But it’s not your fault. You listen to a party that has no ideas on this group other than wishing children would just not be poor. How about just wishing Russia doesn’t attack us and spend defense money on education, daycare, and skill building?
No it doesn't you sycophant. For 41 yrs the Democrats have been awful as have the Republicans. Maybe we need to create incentives for people not to have more kids so that they receive more payments from the Gov't and play that game? Maybe we build more soup kitchens in poorer neighborhoods? Maybe we build more military centers but instead of recruiting for the military we use them to train kids in trades so they can be productive members of society? That I will gladly support with my tax dollars. Doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results is insane. You're an idiot.
The problem could be minimized, though not eliminated entirely, by making government funded abortion available to all registered Democrats.
One generation and, hey presto, problem solved. How could they rest's FREE!
No it doesn't you sycophant. For 41 yrs the Democrats have been awful as have the Republicans. Maybe we need to create incentives for people not to have more kids so that they receive more payments from the Gov't and play that game? Maybe we build more soup kitchens in poorer neighborhoods? Maybe we build more military centers but instead of recruiting for the military we use them to train kids in trades so they can be productive members of society? That I will gladly support with my tax dollars. Doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results is insane. You're an idiot.
People are having kids for $8 a day in food stamps? You listening to yourself? You’ve thrown out every trope there is. Your answer for poor kids is “don’t be born”. Youre suggesting that people have kids for $8 a day. You’re saying “throw money at it” 4 times already but no specifics. You have no solution just like the entire Republican Party. There is no intellectual attempt to solve problems by them. Biden is proposing the one thing you did seem to like:

The U.S. has chronically underinvested in workforce development, and millions of jobs have been going unfilled in growing sectors such as construction and health care. Through high-quality career and technical education pathways and Registered Apprenticeships, President Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda will invest in training programs that will prepare millions of American workers for high-quality jobs in growing sectors.

Why would you be against that?!?!
People are having kids for $8 a day in food stamps? You listening to yourself? You’ve thrown out every trope there is. Your answer for poor kids is “don’t be born”. Youre suggesting that people have kids for $8 a day. You’re saying “throw money at it” 4 times already but no specifics. You have no solution just like the entire Republican Party. There is no intellectual attempt to solve problems by them. Biden is proposing the one thing you did seem to like:

The U.S. has chronically underinvested in workforce development, and millions of jobs have been going unfilled in growing sectors such as construction and health care. Through high-quality career and technical education pathways and Registered Apprenticeships, President Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda will invest in training programs that will prepare millions of American workers for high-quality jobs in growing sectors.

Why would you be against that?!?!
I gave you a solution. You just chose not to read it. If you cannot afford kids why would you have them? Do you often buy something you cannot afford?
You hear or see any Conservatives calling for higher taxes? How about "free" healthcare? "Free" college?
I see so-called Conservatives constantly calling for higher taxes. They do it in a very sneaky, backhanded way by putting exemptions, deductions, and credits in the tax codes which have to be paid for by higher tax rates on everyone and heavy borrowing.

And I can't help but notice you didn't ask if any "Conservatives" ask for higher SPENDING.
Well, he turned out to be the worst and dumbest President we've ever had. So yes! Absolutely.

In fact, biggest logic fail I've seen in months.

That absolutely sounded like it came out of a sixth grader. Go away and finish growing up and then come back and have conversation with the adults.
Earlier this week I had an exchange w/a fellow USMB poster I believe is generally on the left and they expressed having a problem w/Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

However, when prompted to get to the bottom of their reasons, the response was nothing more than fluff.

Personally, I love everything she stands for and she represents her constituents well, and they support her.

This is to/for those of us on the left, including Democrats, what, if any, are your problems w/Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

Let's get to the bottom of if.
Thanks for proving that you're a nutball.

Here's the problem: socialism has never worked and it never will.
Earlier this week I had an exchange w/a fellow USMB poster I believe is generally on the left and they expressed having a problem w/Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

However, when prompted to get to the bottom of their reasons, the response was nothing more than fluff.

Personally, I love everything she stands for and she represents her constituents well, and they support her.

This is to/for those of us on the left, including Democrats, what, if any, are your problems w/Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

Let's get to the bottom of if.
Marc, the problem is not AOC singularly. It is the collective far left policies and behaviors which are turning the American people away from the Democratic whole, of which AOC is but a small part.

"Defund the police".

Riots. Destruction. A rapidly rising incidence of violence.

Removing the Thomas Jefferson statue in New York City. Ordinary people might be okay with taking out Robert E. Lee, but cancelling Jefferson is just beyond stupid. The funny thing is, AOC is an admirer of Jefferson. She considers him a progressive.

Wokism. Thought police. Cancel culture has become out of control. We see the same thing happening on the Right as well. I know. The country is polarizing and it is turning off middle of the road people, big time.

We can't go a day in this country without a daily outrage. We see this on this forum. Both Right and Left are foaming at the mouth. I have no idea how they are able to maintain that level of energy for months and years on end. We have topics started over the most picayune little things blown up into mountains of acid froth. Our country is going insane.

Remember when Biden said Obama was "clean and articulate"? Think about why you still remember that.

There are people out there who have a vested interest in keeping us all at each others' throats.

It's time for one side to unilaterally disarm and start putting sensible, doable policies on the table. AOC's Green New Deal is far, far from it.

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