The Democrat Variant is the Most Dangerous and Threatening Virus We’re Fighting Against


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
Here is a fantastic article about the most dangerous variant:

The Democrat Variant is the Most Dangerous and Threatening Virus We’re Fighting Against​

"Never mind COVID-19. The Democrats certainly aren’t worried about it. If they were, thousands and thousands of COVID-19 infected illegal aliens wouldn’t be swarming into our country.

The Democrat variant is the most invasive, dangerous and threatening virus that our country faces right now.

It’s responsible for the astronomical rising prices of everything, the crime wave, getting rid of police, the loss of our freedoms, racism, an unprecedented illegal alien invasion, the unavailability of products and workers, draconian COVID-19 restrictions, and much more."

More below:

Here is a fantastic article about the most dangerous variant:

The Democrat Variant is the Most Dangerous and Threatening Virus We’re Fighting Against​

"Never mind COVID-19. The Democrats certainly aren’t worried about it. If they were, thousands and thousands of COVID-19 infected illegal aliens wouldn’t be swarming into our country.

The Democrat variant is the most invasive, dangerous and threatening virus that our country faces right now.

It’s responsible for the astronomical rising prices of everything, the crime wave, getting rid of police, the loss of our freedoms, racism, an unprecedented illegal alien invasion, the unavailability of products and workers, draconian COVID-19 restrictions, and much more."

More below:

Then stay in your basement and hide. You'll be safe there.
The rest of us..will go on living.
Your incessant whining is tiring.
Look at this Democrat Pelosi side show this morning....look at the coached rent a cops whine like little wonder they couldn't defend OUR capitol building.....this is a staged political show for weak minded of them that suffered a mild concussion is crying on the stand.....unbelievable....the USA's days are numbered....
Then stay in your basement and hide. You'll be safe there.
The rest of us..will go on living.
Your incessant whining is tiring.
The leader of the most dangerous variant spent campaign season in the basement, so why would I want to go there?
You reap what you sow.
More high level democrats will need to meet this fate to wake their woke asses up to REALITY
When enough of them die at the hands of the savages they coddle,
NowTHIS is SocialJustice.jpg

Democrat politicians spending millions on personal security, while fueling crime and taking your guns away.
Basically, democrats say "My life is omnipotent....Your life is meaningless". Good, Stay in your Democrat Utopia.

If these thugs really want to improve their situation in life, they would seek out those who create the policies that keep them oppressed. Democrats as always.
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Look at this Democrat Pelosi side show this morning....look at the coached rent a cops whine like little wonder they couldn't defend OUR capitol building.....this is a staged political show for weak minded of them that suffered a mild concussion is crying on the stand.....unbelievable....the USA's days are numbered....
Just wait. It's gonna get worse for Republicans. So much for the "law and order" party. Should be the "insurrection because we are unhappy" party. :)
LifeZette? :laughing0301:

  • Overall, we rate Lifezette Right biased based on story selection that always favors the right and denigrates the left. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the promotion of conspiracy theories and a poor fact check record. Lifezette is one failed fact check away from moving to the Questionable source list.
The leader of the most dangerous variant spent campaign season in the basement, so why would I want to go there?
Except he didn't. And even if he did, that makes your savior's defeat look even worse.
Again, stay in your basement or stop whining. It's getting tiresome.
Just wait. It's gonna get worse for Republicans. So much for the "law and order" party. Should be the "insurrection because we are unhappy" party. :)
This is a joke and every sensible adult can see that...these statements by the capitol cops are written for them and their acting skills suck....are you watching?....its a joke....don't you dare call out law and order after what we have been through the last two years due to democrat law breaking....
Then stay in your basement and hide. You'll be safe there.
The rest of us..will go on living.
Your incessant whining is tiring.
Allegiance to the nation is now mostly by party affiliation. Progs dying does not affect me.
This is a joke and every sensible adult can see that...these statements by the capitol cops are written for them and their acting skills suck....are you watching?....its a joke....don't you dare call out law and order after what we have been through the last two years due to democrat law breaking....

Even their fake crying looks more like a sinus problem. :boo_hoo14:
This is a joke and every sensible adult can see that...these statements by the capitol cops are written for them and their acting skills suck....are you watching?....its a joke....don't you dare call out law and order after what we have been through the last two years due to democrat law breaking....
I am. Personally, I would have just straight up released the names of the Republicans who gave the rioters logistical help in the days leading up to January 6th then let the chips fall where they may.

But if this is what you truly believe, then the Republican party can no longer claim moral high ground of the "law and order" party.
That ship, just sailed a short time ago.
I am. Personally, I would have just straight up released the names of the Republicans who gave the rioters logistical help in the days leading up to January 6th then let the chips fall where they may.

But if this is what you truly believe, then the Republican party can no longer claim moral high ground of the "law and order" party.
That ship, just sailed a short time ago.
The undercover FBI agents and informants led the way into the building and amped it all up to a fever pitch....they wanted an over reaction....
It must say sniffle here in their about coached....please tell me you libs aren't this stupid....

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