The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
This review on Don Lemon (IN THE PAST) Absolutely NAILS it. Must watch even for those people that cannot stand Trump!

It is not racist to talk about Family, God, and Living Right as keys to success for ANY PERSON.

But suddenly we cannot talk about any of this. That offends everyone, especially leaders in the Black Community that want to see their communities grow and thrive. And you wonder why The Demorat Party is losing black voters?

Sorry DemTards, Blexit is real!

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Here is another excellent video by Body Language Experts that show Joe Biden is a polished liar.

He never talks off the cuff. Everything he says is practiced (over practiced) but his body language still gives him away.

He is deceptive and this is why he rambles, at times when something slightly unexpected is said to him. He is searching his mind for "practiced statements" or he is trying to create a narrative while talking, rather than straight forward answering a question.

We've been over this before. One polls showed Trump is getting about 5% of the black vote now. One showed 9%. That's compared to 7% in 2016. Trump's getting the same tiny share of the black vote he got in 2016.
We've been over this before. One polls showed Trump is getting about 5% of the black vote now. One showed 9%. That's compared to 7% in 2016. Trump's getting the same tiny share of the black vote he got in 2016.
He will get 15-20% or more of the Black vote easily. He will get exponentially more of The Hispanic Vote.
We've been over this before. One polls showed Trump is getting about 5% of the black vote now. One showed 9%. That's compared to 7% in 2016. Trump's getting the same tiny share of the black vote he got in 2016.
You have not been paying attention to what is happening to the black political movement toward the right. There are glaring signs everywhere that Trump may double and possibly triple 2020 black support from 2016.

You have not been paying attention to what is happening to the black political movement toward the right.

You mean the same thing that the right claims will happen in every election, yet never happens?

There are glaring signs everywhere that Trump may double and possibly triple 2020 black support from 2016.

Those were polls of approval rating, not a poll of who someone will vote for. The polls asking who you'll vote for show the same dismal results for Trump.
People this is still trending. Our Black Brothers and sisters ante waking up and realizing that The Democrat Party has been treating them the same way for 160 years

Very serious topic.

I agree that currently only a few people of the ethnicity under discussion will actually vote for Republican candidates on November 3.

In the coming decades, however, as the Euro American population continues its fast decline, the Republican Party (or whatever it calls itself at that time) will be dominated by African Americans, and the Democratic Party will be dominated by Hispanic Americans.
I was at a Don Trump Jr. Rally today at Youngstown, and it was wall to wall packed with fans and supporters of Donald J. Trump. Meanwhile Joe Biden rallies draw 10-15 people. Hilarious that any people can insanely claim to vote for Biden.

We'll remember all the lies you leftist told.

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