The democrat party and joe biden plan on using federal power to end single family zoning areas.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The democrat party hates single family homes.......they hate the suburbs........

ut, as Kurtz shows, Biden wants to do even more “furthering.” He has embraced Cory Booker’s strategy for ending single-family zoning in the suburbs and creating what you might call “little downtowns” in the suburbs.

Here’s what would happen under the combined operation of AFFH and the Booker/Biden plan:

Suburbs won’t be able to get the millions of dollars they’re used to in HUD grants unless they eliminate single-family zoning and densify their business districts. AFFH also forces HUD-grant recipients to sign pledges to “affirmatively further fair housing.” Those pledges could get suburbs sued by civil-rights groups, or by the feds, if they don’t get rid of single-family zoning. The only defense suburbs have against this two-pronged attack is to refuse HUD grants. True, that will effectively redistribute huge amounts of suburban money to cities, but if they give up their HUD grants at least the suburbs will be free of federal control.
The Booker approach — now endorsed by Biden — may block even this way out. Booker wants to hold suburban zoning hostage not only to HUD grants, but to the federal transportation grants used by states to build and repair highways. It may be next to impossible for suburbs to opt out of those state-run highway repairs. Otherwise, suburban roads will deteriorate and suburban access to major arteries will be blocked. AFFH plus the Booker plan will leave America’s suburbs with no alternative but to eliminate their single-family zoning and turn over their planning to the feds. Slowly but surely, suburbs will become helpless satellites of the cities they surround, exactly as progressive urbanists intend.
Shouldn’t voters know that this is what’s at stake in the election? Of course they should. Indeed, with the suburban vote (especially the female portion of it) considered the swing constituency in the upcoming election, it’s imperative that voters understand what Biden has in mind for the suburbs — all the more so now that urban dwellers are coming to question the wisdom of living in cities that won’t adequately be policed.

unfounded conspiracy theory.

It is actual policy from the democrat party......

AFFH also forces HUD-grant recipients to sign pledges to “affirmatively further fair housing.” Those pledges could get suburbs sued by civil-rights groups, or by the feds, if they don’t get rid of single-family zoning. The only defense suburbs have against this two-pronged attack is to refuse HUD grants. True, that will effectively redistribute huge amounts of suburban money to cities, but if they give up their HUD grants at least the suburbs will be free of federal control.
unfounded conspiracy theory.

It is actual policy from the democrat party......

AFFH also forces HUD-grant recipients to sign pledges to “affirmatively further fair housing.” Those pledges could get suburbs sued by civil-rights groups, or by the feds, if they don’t get rid of single-family zoning. The only defense suburbs have against this two-pronged attack is to refuse HUD grants. True, that will effectively redistribute huge amounts of suburban money to cities, but if they give up their HUD grants at least the suburbs will be free of federal control.
I read the AFFH and no where did it state anything of the such. Nor does the article you give detail from the actual federal law the policy.
unfounded conspiracy theory.

Not that "unfounded" at all.

President Obama admitted so much, before he became president, that the habitat of the Middle Class, "Suburbia bores me".

When you get rid of a groups habitat, its really opposition to that group. The lib complaint about middle class "flight" out of the War Zone Cities has been repeated for many decades.
unfounded conspiracy theory.

Not that "unfounded" at all.

President Obama admitted so much, before he became president, that the habitat of the Middle Class, "Suburbia bores me".

When you get rid of a groups habitat, its really opposition to that group. The lib complaint about middle class "flight" out of the War Zone Cities has been repeated for many decades.

Yes...... I remember hearing them call people racists because they left the city for the suburbs...taking that tax revenue with them........racist simply because they want to have a home, not a condo or townhome, and want good schools, not democrat party schools that can't teach math or reading.....

The democrat party is evil.......and they need to be driven from office in November.
unfounded conspiracy theory.

It is actual policy from the democrat party......

AFFH also forces HUD-grant recipients to sign pledges to “affirmatively further fair housing.” Those pledges could get suburbs sued by civil-rights groups, or by the feds, if they don’t get rid of single-family zoning. The only defense suburbs have against this two-pronged attack is to refuse HUD grants. True, that will effectively redistribute huge amounts of suburban money to cities, but if they give up their HUD grants at least the suburbs will be free of federal control.
The so called policy has been inactive for several years due to the Trump admnistation.
unfounded conspiracy theory.

Not that "unfounded" at all.

President Obama admitted so much, before he became president, that the habitat of the Middle Class, "Suburbia bores me".

When you get rid of a groups habitat, its really opposition to that group. The lib complaint about middle class "flight" out of the War Zone Cities has been repeated for many decades.
The programs they mention does nothing of the such.
unfounded conspiracy theory.

Not that "unfounded" at all.

President Obama admitted so much, before he became president, that the habitat of the Middle Class, "Suburbia bores me".

When you get rid of a groups habitat, its really opposition to that group. The lib complaint about middle class "flight" out of the War Zone Cities has been repeated for many decades.

Yes...... I remember hearing them call people racists because they left the city for the suburbs...taking that tax revenue with them........racist simply because they want to have a home, not a condo or townhome, and want good schools, not democrat party schools that can't teach math or reading.....

The democrat party is evil.......and they need to be driven from office in November.
There are no such schools that are democrat party schools, there is not even a democrat party. Building zones are made by local community leaders.
The democrat party hates single family homes.......they hate the suburbs........

ut, as Kurtz shows, Biden wants to do even more “furthering.” He has embraced Cory Booker’s strategy for ending single-family zoning in the suburbs and creating what you might call “little downtowns” in the suburbs.

Here’s what would happen under the combined operation of AFFH and the Booker/Biden plan:

Suburbs won’t be able to get the millions of dollars they’re used to in HUD grants unless they eliminate single-family zoning and densify their business districts. AFFH also forces HUD-grant recipients to sign pledges to “affirmatively further fair housing.” Those pledges could get suburbs sued by civil-rights groups, or by the feds, if they don’t get rid of single-family zoning. The only defense suburbs have against this two-pronged attack is to refuse HUD grants. True, that will effectively redistribute huge amounts of suburban money to cities, but if they give up their HUD grants at least the suburbs will be free of federal control.
The Booker approach — now endorsed by Biden — may block even this way out. Booker wants to hold suburban zoning hostage not only to HUD grants, but to the federal transportation grants used by states to build and repair highways. It may be next to impossible for suburbs to opt out of those state-run highway repairs. Otherwise, suburban roads will deteriorate and suburban access to major arteries will be blocked. AFFH plus the Booker plan will leave America’s suburbs with no alternative but to eliminate their single-family zoning and turn over their planning to the feds. Slowly but surely, suburbs will become helpless satellites of the cities they surround, exactly as progressive urbanists intend.
Shouldn’t voters know that this is what’s at stake in the election? Of course they should. Indeed, with the suburban vote (especially the female portion of it) considered the swing constituency in the upcoming election, it’s imperative that voters understand what Biden has in mind for the suburbs — all the more so now that urban dwellers are coming to question the wisdom of living in cities that won’t adequately be policed.

The first step in home invasion by the government.
Textbook communism.

We won't be allowed to own our homes anymore.
We will eventually be forced to share our dwelling with others.

This is the transformation of America Obama spoke of.

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