The definition of insanity


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2011
What does this tell us about the Bern-o-bots?

Sanders' Supporters Ignore the Lessons of Obama

DES MOINES -- The sobering reality of Barack Obama's presidency has been the difficulty of achieving the change that he promised. The surprising development of the 2016 campaign is the degree to which a large segment of Democratic voters, at least in the early voting states, appear to have forgotten or rejected that lesson.

They seem willing to entrust their hopes of retaining the presidency to a candidate envisioning change far more radical than anything Obama ever dangled before them.

Sanders' Supporters Ignore the Lessons of Obama | RealClearPolitics

Don't confuse Sanders' votes with the number (or percentage) of Democrats who support his views. His constituency is comprised of 20% supporters and 80% Anyone-But-Billary voters.
What does this tell us about the Bern-o-bots?

Sanders' Supporters Ignore the Lessons of Obama

DES MOINES -- The sobering reality of Barack Obama's presidency has been the difficulty of achieving the change that he promised. The surprising development of the 2016 campaign is the degree to which a large segment of Democratic voters, at least in the early voting states, appear to have forgotten or rejected that lesson.

They seem willing to entrust their hopes of retaining the presidency to a candidate envisioning change far more radical than anything Obama ever dangled before them.

Sanders' Supporters Ignore the Lessons of Obama | RealClearPolitics


Bernie's changes aren't that radicle. What's so radical about a better educated population who doesn't lose everything every time there is a medical emergency, and who knows that if they work hard, they will get as much benefit from their work as some multi ,millionaire does
I think that people would take a harder look at the things that Bernie promises, if we thought he had a chance in hell of getting them through a Democratic congress (let alone a Republican one)
I think that people would take a harder look at the things that Bernie promises, if we thought he had a chance in hell of getting them through a Democratic congress (let alone a Republican one)

Bernie's biggest problem is not what he stands for, it's what his opponents think he stands for.
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Bernie has a well put together web site. If you click on his "Issues" section, pick an issue and look at his "Key Actions" and "As President, Sen. Sanders Will" bullet points, you can't help but wonder how he's going to deliver given our form of government. You'd have to suspend reality to believe he can do what he promises on his web site. Perhaps people who believe he can deliver on his vision don't fully understand how our Republic works.
I think that people would take a harder look at the things that Bernie promises, if we thought he had a chance in hell of getting them through a Democratic congress (let alone a Republican one)

Bernie's biggest problem is not what he stands for, it's what his opponents think he stands for.

I'm just saying that we realize that Single Payer isn't going to happen in the near future. If his college plan somehow passes it will be watered down. Even with 60 Democratic senators, the ACA was only passed through reconciliation.

People should vote for whomever they feel most comfortable being in charge of DHS, Defense, and State Dept. Those are the areas where the views of a president are of the most consequence. That's why I like Bernie over the neocon lady.
Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different result.

The all time best example is blacks voting Democrat over and over again and expecting different result.
Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different result.

The all time best example is blacks voting Democrat over and over again and expecting different result.
I think you meant to type this in:

Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different result.

The all time best example is poor southern whites voting republican over and over again and expecting different result.

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