The Death of Politics: How to Heal Our Frayed Republic After Trump & Make USMB Rise From The Dead

The data on white working-class Americans are striking: nearly two-thirds of white working-class Americans believe America’s culture and way of life have deteriorated since the 1950s; nearly half say that “things have changed so much that I often feel like a stranger in my own country”; nearly seven in ten believe the American way of life needs to be protected from foreign influence; and nearly seven in ten white working-class Americans believe the US is in danger of losing its culture and identity.
The scale of these shifts is enormous
Maybe politics will become relevant to the angry left if they stop attacking Trump and try to fix what's wrong with the doddering old fool in the W.H.
Politics should be informed by principles and ideals and by a vision of the human good and the nature of society, but it must also answer to real needs and concerns. Many people feel, and with plenty of justification, that that’s not happening right now. They believe politics has become first and foremost an arena for insults, for abuse, for pettiness.

The long-term trends already discussed—ones that predate Trump’s entry into politics but have been amplified by him—have brought us to this moment

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